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61. Rectangular Arrays The problem dates back at least to eratosthenes of cyrene (280 to 194 BCE), theacclaimed scholar and head of the Library at Alexandria in Egypt who wrote http://www.recoveredscience.com/Primes1ebook01.htm | |
62. Eratosthenes Award The award is name for eratosthenes of cyrene, who lived in the second century BCin Alexandria, Egypt. Eratosthenes determined the size of the Earth from http://www.grad.ucalgary.ca/funding/internal_scholarships/lev_4/eratosthenes.htm | |
63. Great Moments In Science - Cicadas In Their Prime the Greek scientific writer, poet and astronomer, eratosthenes of cyrene, To work the Sieve of Eratosthenes you write down all the numbers, http://www.abc.net.au/science/k2/moments/s421251.htm | |
64. Welcome The Eratosthenes Project is named in honor of eratosthenes of cyrene (now knownas Libya, North Africa). Erastothenes (275195 BC) was a scholar, http://sunship.currentsky.com/ | |
65. Alexandrian Scholarship 18 eratosthenes of cyrene, Stoic geographer and mathematician, succeeded him in235, and compiled his tetagmenos epi teis megaleis bibliothekeis , http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/GreekScience/Students/Ellen/Museum.html | |
66. ERATOSTHENES ERATOSTHENES c.274 c.194 BC Greek Scholar. eratosthenes of cyrene studied inAlexandria and Athens. In Alexandria he was director of the great library. http://www.hyperhistory.com/online_n2/people_n2/persons2_n2/eratosthenes.html | |
67. History Of Mathematics: Greece eratosthenes of cyrene (c. 276c. 195); Chrysippus (280-206); Conon of Samos (c.245); Apollonius of Perga (c. 260-c. 185); Nicomedes (c. 240? http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/greece.html | |
68. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians eratosthenes of cyrene (c. 276c. 195) *SB *MT; Chrysippus (280-206); Conon ofSamos (fl. c. 245) *SB; Apollonius of Perga (c. 260-c. http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
69. The Transit Of Venus And The Quest For The Solar Parallax The Greek astronomer, eratosthenes of cyrene (c276 195 BC), was able to deducethe Earth s radius by means of a strikingly simple set of observations. http://www.dsellers.demon.co.uk/venus/ven_ch1A.htm | |
70. WHKMLA : Era Of Discovery, Flat Earth Versus Round Globe Actually, eratosthenes of cyrene, head of the Great Library of Alexandria hadproven the FILES, eratosthenes of cyrene (276195 BC), from MacTutor; http://www.zum.de/whkmla/period/disc/flatearth.html | |
71. IMSA Astrophysics: Distance Ladder was calculated to good precision by eratosthenes of cyrene (284 192 BC), So, how did Eratosthenes solve for the circumference of the earth from http://staff.imsa.edu/science/astro/astrometry/ground1.html | |
72. Singapore Science Centre ScienceNet Computer Science / IT eratosthenes of cyrene (c275c195 BC) was a Greek philosopher and mathematician.He also was the head of the great library at Alexandria. http://www.science.edu.sg/ssc/detailed.jsp?artid=540&type=6&root=1&parent=1&cat= |
73. Euclidswindow It was first done in 212 BC by eratosthenes of cyrene. He noticed that at noonof the summer solstice a stick stuck perfectly upright in the ground in his http://www.scibooks.org/euclidswindow.html | |
74. Eratosthenes And Archimedes 3) eratosthenes of cyrene (276194 BC). http//www.eranet.gr/eratosthenes/html/eoc.html. 3.What current country did Eratosthenes live? http://dal.lowell.smartedu.net/Giguere/skrekas/eras.html | |
75. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2003.05.14 Klaus Geus, Eratosthenes von Kyrene. Studien zur hellenistischen Kultur und at Alexandria between 246 and c.196 BC, eratosthenes of cyrene, came out. http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2003/2003-05-14.html | |
76. When Is A Triangle Not A Triangle In the third century BCE, the Greek polymath eratosthenes of cyrene calculated the eratosthenes of cyrene (276196 BCE), the sometime Librarian of http://www.cityu.edu.hk/ccs/Newsletter/newsletter5/Triangle.htm | |
77. Linux Cluster Workshop - Finding Prime Numbers The inventor of this algorithm is eratosthenes of cyrene (276 BC 194 BC).Basically, the algorithm begins with an unmarked array of integers from 2 to n. http://www.cs.hku.hk/linux-workshop/workshop01/prime.htm | |
78. A161, Lecture 4 Measurement of Earth s circumference, by eratosthenes of cyrene in 3rd CenturyBC, a major accomplishment of Ancient Greek science. Heard that, in Syene, http://www-astronomy.mps.ohio-state.edu/~dhw/A161/lecture4.html | |
79. Active Skim View Of: 7. The Golden Key, And An Improved Prime Number Theorem The Golden Key is, in fact, just a way that Leonhard Euler found to express thesieve of Eratosthenes in the language of analysis.34 eratosthenes of cyrene http://www.nap.edu/nap-cgi/skimit.cgi?isbn=0309085497&chap=99-117 |
80. Welcome To Turkey In Maps WORLD ACCORDING TO ERATOSTHENES, c. 194 BC. A 19th century reconstruction of theworld view of eratosthenes of cyrene (275194 BC). http://turkeyinmaps.com/Sayfa1.html | |
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