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         Enriques Federigo:     more books (50)
  1. Riposte armonie: Lettere di Federigo Enriques a Guido Castelnuovo (La cultura scientifica) (Italian Edition) by Federigo Enriques, 1996
  2. Per la scienza: Scritti editi e inediti (Saggi di scienze e filosofia naturale) (Italian Edition) by Federigo Enriques, 2000
  3. Federico Enriques, filosofia e storia del pensiero scientifico (Dimensionilibri) (Italian Edition)
  4. Problems of science. by Federigo Enriques; authorized translatio by Enriques. Federigo. 1871-1946., 1914-01-01
  5. Lessons in projective geometry by Federigo Enriques, 1932
  6. Problems of Science (1914) by Federigo Enriques,
  7. Mathématiques et astronomie de la période hellénique, (Histoire de la pensée scientifique) by Federigo Enriques, 1939
  8. Vorlesungen über Projektive Geometrie Zweite Auflage by Federigo Enriques, 1915-01-01
  9. The Historic Development of Logic: The Principles and Structure of Sci by Federigo ENRIQUES, 1929
  10. Vorlesungen über Projektive Geometrie Zweite Auflage by Federigo Enriques, 1915
  11. Il caso Enriques: Tradizione nazionale e cultura scientifica (Dimensionilibri) by Ornella Pompeo Faracovi, 1984
  12. Lezioni sulla teoria geometrica delle equazioni e delle funzioni algebriche (Vols I, II, III) by Federigo Enriques, Oscar Chisini, 1915

41. Bibliography
enriques, federigo, 18711946, Memorie scelte di geometria / pubblicate a curadell Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, Bologna, N. Zanichelli, 1956-1966

42. Academia Belgica - Module D'interrogation De La Correspondance De F.Cumont
Translate this page Correspondant enriques, federigo. Nombre de lettres 1 Wanlin 1912,1912-06-21, enriques, federigo, Bologne, non précisée, Detail, Federigo&_offset=0

43. Biografia De Enriques, Federigo
Translate this page enriques, federigo. (Livorno, 1871-Roma, 1946) Matemático italiano. Profesor enlas universidades de Bolonia y Roma y miembro de la Sociedad Italiana de
Inicio Buscador Las figuras clave de la historia Reportajes Los protagonistas de la actualidad Enriques, Federigo (Livorno, 1871-Roma, 1946) Matemático italiano. Profesor en las universidades de Bolonia y Roma y miembro de la Sociedad Italiana de Matemáticas. Estudió principalmente las superficies algebraicas, aunque también dedicó su atención a las ciencias en general. Escribió Problemas de las ciencias Historia de la lógica y Lecciones sobre la teoría de las superficies algebraicas Inicio Buscador Recomendar sitio

44. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals And Monogr
99, Michigan Lezioni di geometria descrittiva, di federigo enriques. Publicate percura del Dott. (by enriques, federigo), 369, 1920, book
DML: Digital Mathematics Library
Also: WDML: World Digital Mathematics Library Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs
Contains links to 1874 digitized books (> 385236 pages )
and to 145 digitized journals (> 2942143 pages).

(Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.) Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Libary",
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003
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Author: A B C D ... Z Title: A B C D ... Z Nr. Repository: Title, Author: Pages: Year(s): Type: Michigan L'Euclide emendato del p. Gerolamo Saccheri. Tr. e note del prof. G. Boccardini. Con 55 incisioni. (by Saccheri, Girolamo) book Michigan L'hyperspace à (n-1) dimensions.

45. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals And Monogr
enriques, federigo Conferenze sulla geometria non-euclidea 20, Michigan enriques, federigo Vorlesungen über projektive Geometrie,
DML: Digital Mathematics Library
Also: WDML: World Digital Mathematics Library Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs
Contains links to 1874 digitized books (> 385236 pages )
and to 145 digitized journals (> 2942143 pages).

(Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.) Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Libary",
Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003
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A similar list is offered at The database for this table is an ASCII based (ISO Latin 8859-1 extended) list , which may be parsed by this PERL script
If you want items to be added here, please send me the necessary data. Lists ordered by "Journal", "Repository" (Journals only) or by "Author name", "Title" are provided, as well as an
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Author: A B C D ... Z Title: A B C D ... Z Nr. Repository: Author, Title (Books only): Pages: Year(s): Type: Michigan Eagles, T. H. (Thomas Henry) : Constructive geometry of plane curves. With numerous examples, by T. H. Eagles. book Michigan Eberhard, Viktor

46. Sito Web Italiano Per La Filosofia-FEDERIGO ENRIQUES
Translate this page In Einstein niente è relativo. Gli scritti di enriques, matematico, storicodella scienza e filosofo italiano di grande prestigio internazionale

  • Ma il sapere non è un magazzino
    Il Sole 24 Ore 2 DICEMBRE 2001
  • Matematica e libertà
    Il Sole 24 Ore 12 NOVEMBRE 2000
  • La ragione non trascuri la morale e l'arte Il Sole 24 Ore 12 NOVEMBRE 2000
  • In Einstein niente è relativo
    Gli scritti di Enriques, matematico, storico della scienza e filosofo italiano di grande prestigio internazionale di UMBERTO BOTTAZZINI
    Il Sole 24 Ore 29 OTTOBRE 2000
  • La sua vita tendeva all'infinito
    E' morto a 106 anni il matematico che lavorò con Enriques e Wiener di UMBERTO BOTTAZZINI
  • 47. Sito Web Italiano Per La Filosofia-Il Sole 24 Ore-2 DICEMBRE 2001
    federigo enriques è stata oggetto di rinnovati studi, che ne,


    2 DICEMBRE 2001 UMBERTO BOTTAZZINI Matematica e libertà Federigo Enriques , «Matematica e filosofia. Lettere inedite. Bibliografia degli scrit­ti», a cura di Ornella Pompeo Faracovi e Luca M. Sorrentino
    Negli ultimi anni l'opera di Federigo Enriques è stata oggetto di rinnovati studi, che ne, hanno sottolineato la rilevanza nel panorama culturale italiano del primo Novecento. Questo volume, che raccoglie gli atti di un convegno tenuto un paio d'anni fa a Napoli presso l'Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, si apre con il ricordò del grande matematico da parte di Manlio Maz­ziotti , che con Enriques curò il volume Le dottrine di Democrito d'Abdera, testi e com menti apparso nel 1948. Enriques era un amico di famiglia e «l'idea del libro su Democrito nacque durante l'occupazione tedesca» rac­conta Mazziotti.-«Un pomeriggio di quel lugu­bre inverno, 1943-44, improvvisamente suonò il campanello: era Enriques. Perseguitato dal­le leggi razziste e dai tedeschi, aveva lasciato la sua casa di via Sardegna e viveva presso amici in una casa vicina a piazza Fiume. Noi abitavamo non lontano ed egli era venuto a trovarci.

    48. List Of Scientists By Field
    Translate this page enriques, federigo. enriques, federigo. enriques, federigo. Enskog, David.Ent, George. Epicurus. Epstein, Paul Sophus. Erasistratus. Erasistratus
    East, Edward Murray Easton, Cornelis Easton, Cornelis Eaton, Amos Eaton, Amos Eaton, Amos Ebel, Johann Gottfried Ebel, Johann Gottfried Eberth, Carl Joseph Eberth, Carl Joseph Eckart, Carl Henry Eckart, Carl Henry Eckert, Wallace John Eckert, Wallace John Eddington, Arthur Stanley Eddington, Arthur Stanley Edelman, Cornelis Hendrik Edinger, Johanna Gabrielle Otillie Edison, Thomas Alva Edwardes, David Edwards, Austin Burton Egas Moniz, Antonio Caetano de Abreu Freire Egorov, Dimitrii Fedorovich Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried Ehrenfest, Paul Ehrenhaft, Felix Ehresmann, Charles Ehret, Georg Dionysius Ehrlich, Paul Eichenwald, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Eichenwald, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Eichler, August Wilhelm Eichwald, Karl Eduard Ivanovich Eichwald, Karl Eduard Ivanovich Eigenmann, Carl H. Eijkman, Christiaan Eijkman, Christiaan Eimer, Theodor Gustav Heinrich Einstein, Albert Einthoven, Willem Eisenhart, Luther Pfahler Eisenstein, Ferdinand Gotthold Max Ekeberg, Anders Gustaf Ekeberg, Anders Gustaf Ekman, Vagn Walfrid Elhuyar, Fausto d' Elhuyar, Fausto d'

    49. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Geometry
    enriques, federigo L Evolution des Idees Geometriques dans la Pensee GrecquePoint, Ligne, by HS Carslaw, with an Introduction by federigo enriques.
    Re: [HM] geometry
    Antreas P. Hatzipolakis
    Thu, 3 Jun 1999 23:17:35 +0300 (EET DST)
    Jorge Vargas wrote:
    Dear Jorge,
    The books of FE translated into French/English I located so far are::
    Enriques, Federigo: L' Evolution des Idees Geometriques dans la
    Pensee Grecque: Point, Ligne, Surface.
    Paris : Gauthier-Villars, 1927. - VIII+45 pp.
    Enriques, Federigo: Lecons de Geometrie Projective.
    Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1930. 430 pp
    Enriques, Federigo - Chisini, Oscar: Courbes et Fonctions Algebriques
    d'une Variable. Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1926. 592 pp Bonola, Roberto: Non-Euclidean Geometry : a Critical and Historical Study of its Development. Authorised English Translation with Additional Appendices by H.S. Carslaw, with an Introduction by Federigo Enriques. New York : Open Court, 1912. Republ.: Dover 1955. Antreas

    50. Titolo Pagina
    federigo enriques . Castelfiorentino.

    51. Premio F. Enriques
    federigo enriques - federigo enriques PRIZE Le jury de l édition 2004 du Prix federigo enriques est composé comme suit

    Art. 1
    Il Centro Studi Enriques, in accordo con la Provincia di Livorno, e con il contributo della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmi di Livorno, bandisce il premio Federigo Enriques, destinato ad anni alterni alla migliore tesi di laurea o di dottorato su temi connessi al pensiero matematico, e a quello filosofico, di Federigo Enriques.
    Le Centro Studi Enriques de Livourne, en collaboration avec la Provincia di Livorno et avec le soutien de la Fondation Cassa di Risparmi di Livorno, décerne une fois par an le Prix " Federigo Enriques ", destiné à récompenser des thèses inédites consacrées à la pensée de Federigo Enriques. The "Enriques" Study Centre, in accordance with Provincia di Livorno, and with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmi di Livorno, is publicizing the Federigo Enriques Prize, assigned, every other year, to the best graduation thesis or doctoral dissertation on subjects connected to Federigo Enriques's mathematical and philosophical thought. Art 2
    Possono partecipare al concorso, ad anni alterni, tutti coloro che abbiano sostenuto tesi di laurea o di dottorato, in Italia o all'estero, a partire dell'anno accademico 1997/98, in discipline matematiche e filosofiche. 1 testi debbono essere presentati in lingua italiana, inglese o francese.

    52. Editions Jacques Gabay - ENRIQUES : Leçons De Géométrie Projective
    Translate this page federigo enriques. LECONS. DE. GEOMETRIE PROJECTIVE. Traduction de la quatrièmeédition italienne par Paul Labérenne. Paris, Gauthier-Villars

    53. TriploV - Biblos- Alexandria
    Translate this page enriques, federigo (1934) - PHILOSOPHIE ET HISTOIRE DE LA PENSEE SCIENTIFIQUE - I . enriques, federigo (1938) - PHILOSOPHIE ET HISTORIQUE DE LA PENSEE
    Biblos-Alexandria Naturalismo Ciberarte Letras ... - Zoo
    powered by FreeFind
    ELLIOT, D.G. (1871) - Remarks on various species of Felidae, with a description of a species from North-Western Siberia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, Part III: 758-761. Plate LXXVI - Felis euptilura. ELLIOT, D.G. (1877) - Review of the Ibidinae, or subfamily of the Ibises. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London: 477-510. Estampa de Lampribis olivacea ELLIOT, D.G. (1877) - Remarks on various species of Felidae, with a description of a species from North-Western Siberia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, December 5: 758-761. Plate LXXVI - Felis euptilurus . J.Smit del. ELPÍDIO, Comandante José Marques (1956) - Discurso do Presidente da Comissão administrativa da Câmara Municipal de S. Tomé, Comandante José Marques Elpídio. In: Conferência Internacional dos Africanistas Ocidentais. 6ª sessão, S. Tomé. Vol. I: 23-24. Relatório Geral. Comissão de Cooperação Técnica na África ao Sul do Sara. Ática, Portugal. Protecção. Sistema de ensino em Portugal.

    54. TRECCANI
    Translate this page federigo enriques. Matematico, filosofo e storico della scienza (Livorno 1871-Roma 1946). Professore di geometria proiettiva e di geometria superiore
    Cerca nel sito




    Personaggi Federigo Enriques Federigo Enriques Matematico, filosofo e storico della scienza (Livorno 1871- Roma 1946).
    Direttore della sezione Matematica della Enciclopedia Italiana (1925-37).
    Fu rappresentante della corrente razionalistica.
    Le Origini

    Intermezzo di Guerra
    Dal Dopoguerra ad Oggi I Personaggi ... Nicola Zingarelli

    55. > Personaggi > Federigo Enriques
    Castelnuovo e Severi, è considerato il fondatore della scuola italiana di

    56. Matematica - Rubriche - Libri
    scientifique de federigo enriques , analizza da un punto di vista storico e
    Sous la direction de Jean Petitot et Luca M. Scarantino) Vivarium, Napoli, 2001
    pp.188; euro 23,24

    57. Entrez PubMed
    The history of science in the thought of federigo enriques and AugustoMurri Article in Italian BetticaGiovannini R. Universita degli Studi di Torino.

    58. Math Lessons - Federigo Enriques
    Math Lessons federigo enriques. The enriques classification, of complexalgebraic surfaces up to birational equivalence, was into five main classes,
    Mathematics Encyclopedia and Lessons
    Popular Subjects
    algebra arithmetic calculus equations ... more
    applied mathematics mathematical games mathematicians more ... 1946 deaths
    Federigo Enriques
    Federigo Enriques 5 January 14 June ) was an Italian mathematician, now known principally as the first to give a classification of algebraic surfaces in birational geometry , and other contributions in algebraic geometry He was born in Livorno , and brought up in Pisa , in a Jewish family of Portuguese descent. He became a student of Guido Castelnuovo , and became an important member of the Italian school of algebraic geometry . He also worked on differential geometry . He collaborated with Castelnuovo, Corrado Segre and Francesco Severi . He had positions at the University of Bologna , and then the University of Rome , being pushed out the latter professorship in 1938 by anti-Semitic attitudes within the Fascist administration. The Enriques classification, of complex algebraic surfaces up to birational equivalence, was into five main classes, and was background to further work until

    59. Italian School Of Algebraic Geometry: Information From
    federigo enriques and Francesco Severi; who were involved in some of the deepest In the case of surfaces, the enriques classification was into five
    showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Italian school of algebraic geometry Wikipedia @import url(; @import url(; Italian school of algebraic geometry In relation with the history of mathematics , the Italian school of algebraic geometry refers to the work over half a century or more (flourishing roughly 1885-1935) done internationally in birational geometry , particularly on algebraic surfaces . There were in the region of 30 to 40 leading mathematicians who made major contributions; about half of those being in fact Italian. There is no question that the leadership fell to the group in Rome of Guido Castelnuovo Federigo Enriques and Francesco Severi ; who were involved in some of the deepest discoveries, as well as setting the style. The fashion and foundational attitude changed in algebraic geometry from 1950 onwards, leading to an axiomatisation and some acrimony as to the status of some results. For a while it may have seemed that the tradition of the Italian school would possibly be lost, in the sense that the old papers had become hard to read for the new generation of geometers. The essentials were in fact transmitted, in particular through Zariski 's students; and some of the areas opened up, such as

    60. Sinop298
    federigo enriques et le nouveau statut épistémique de la certitude. F.enriques (18711946), scientist, philosopher and historian of the science,
    Francesco Nuzzaci The Human and Historical Dimensions of Certainty The current crisis of certainty seems to us to be further evidence of its intrinsic human and historic dimension, and an implicit defeat of certainty of any absolute and definitive kind. We believe, therefore, that the question must be tackled with greater serenity, and that one must be accept that it is healthy for certainties to change: it is unnecessary to take the road that leads to scepticism, irrationalism or nihilism. The assumption of fallibilism is thus essential for an approach to the problem of certainty, which has its biological and cultural roots in man's own existence. We have distinct forms and different degrees of certainty, from those of the common man, the philosopher and the scientist, to those of the logical-mathematical and natural sciences, and certainties of a moral and human kind; they all, however, appear to have in common a human and historic character. Their acquisition and the consequent overcoming of the various prejudices and obstacles, therefore, we believe depends essentially on a scientific attitude, founded on a careful and unprejudiced critical examination of every issue. We hold, finally, that this attitude, together with a profound sense of humanity, can lead to a substantial improvement of individual and social life.

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