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61. A Mini-History Of Magic Squares henry dudeney. Writing in 1917 dudeney said Of recent years many ingeniousmethods have been devised for the construction of magics (magic squares), http://www.grogono.com/magic/history.php | |
62. The 4x4 Pan-Magic Squares This is reported by henry dudeney in his book which was first published in 1917;he claims that these results have been . . . verified over and over again http://www.grogono.com/magic/4x4.php | |
63. Dudeney S Columns In The Weekly Dispatch [with Occasional Notes Of counting (cf P182) 1897.09.19 S188 P190 The twelve aces magic cross (12vertices, seven groups of four) 1897.09.26 now by henry E dudeney ( Sphinx ); http://sunburn.stanford.edu/~knuth/dudeney-twd.txt | |
64. Dudeney S Puzzles And Perplexities In The Strand Magazine His The Puzzle King An Interview With henry E. dudeney, appeared in 71(26)398404 the Perplexities page no longer carried a byline; henry E. dudeney, http://sunburn.stanford.edu/~knuth/dudeney-strand.txt |
65. Derivation Of The Fibonacci Sequence Another way to look at the Fibonacci sequence was discovered by henry dudeney . dudeney made two major alterations to the rabbit problem http://people.bath.ac.uk/ma2rjhm/Derivation.html | |
66. Biography-center - Letter D Dakin, henry Drysdale www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/446.html; Dal i, Salvador wwwhistory.mcs.st-an d.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/dudeney.html http://www.biography-center.com/d.html | |
67. Sam Loyd figures stand out in recreational mathematics henry dudeney and Sam Loyd.Both were prolific compilers, though dudeney is widely regarded as the http://homepage.ntlworld.com/barry.r.clarke/zsamloyd.htm | |
68. Le Découpage De Dudeney Translate this page henry dudeney (1857-1930) découvrit une ingénieuse transformation de polygonessuspendus. Il en exposa un modèle en acajou devant la Royal Society de http://perso.wanadoo.fr/therese.eveilleau/pages/truc_mat/textes/dudeney_tr.htm | |
69. Puzzle De Pythagore : Celui De Henry Dudeney 1917 Translate this page Puzzle de Pythagore réalisé par henry dudeney. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/therese.eveilleau/pages/jeux_mat/puzzles/puzzle-perigal. | |
70. Problem Of The Week (from dudeney s 536 Puzzles and Curious Problems , published 1967) told afamous mathematical puzzler by the name of henry E. dudeney that he was http://server1.fandm.edu/departments/Mathematics/a.crannell/Cookies/Past_Problem | |
71. BRIEF TITLE AUTHOR CALL NUMBER 175 Science Experiments To Amuse 536 puzzles curious problems, dudeney, henry Ernest, 18571930. QA95 .D83x 1967Curriculum Materials Collection. Agribusiness, an entrepreneurial approach http://www.mannlib.cornell.edu/reference/subjects/CurriculumMaterialsCollection. | |
72. AMOF: Info On Pentomino Puzzles a pentomino puzzle appeared in henry dudeney s The Canterbury Puzzles in 1907.dudeney presented a solution to a puzzle of fitting the twelve pentomino http://theory.cs.uvic.ca/~cos/amof/e_pentI.htm | |
73. Universal Book Of Mathematics: List Of Entries dudeney, henry Ernest (18571930) Dunsany, Lord Edward Plunkett (1878-1957) Dupincyclide duplicating the cube Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528) http://www.daviddarling.info/works/Mathematics/mathematics_entries.html | |
74. Games And Puzzles Journal #30 They are due to henry Perigal (1873) and henry dudeney (1917). They work for anysizes of the squares and use 5 pieces (except when the two squares are the http://www.gpj.connectfree.co.uk/gpjl.htm | |
75. List Of Chess Topics -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article (Click link for more info and facts about henry dudeney) henry dudeney (Clicklink for more info and facts about Durkin Opening) Durkin Opening - http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/l/li/list_of_chess_topics.htm | |
76. What's New - October, 2002 October 17, 2002 One more dudeney gem before we move on. solves a puzzlefrom English recreational mathematician and puzzlist henry Ernest dudeney. http://www.delphiforfun.org/whatsnew/WhatsNew_Oct2002.htm | |
77. MSN Encarta - Search View - Puzzle In 1924 henry dudeney published a popular number puzzle of the type known as acryptarithm, in which letters are replaced with numbers. http://encarta.msn.com/text_761579670__1/Puzzle.html | |
78. Gardner Index dudeney, henry Ernest, England s greatest puzzlist, G2 3 e and pi problem, G4 3e and Stirling s formula, G8 4 e, G1 10; G4 3; G10 18 e, memorizing, G1 11; http://www.ms.uky.edu/~lee/ma502/gardner5/gardner5.html | |
79. Reference [1] Cabri Groups. 1998. AbraCAdaBRI [online]. Available dudeney, henry Ernest. 1958. Amusements in Mathematics. New York Dover edition.3. Frederickson, Greg N. 1997. Dissections Plane Fancy. http://steiner.math.nthu.edu.tw/ne01/tjy/dissections/Reference.htm | |
80. Cabri Java Applet Note that the middle cure of oval seat tops are empty ! Reference dudeney,henry Ernest (1958). Amusements in mathematics, p38, 39, 173~174. http://steiner.math.nthu.edu.tw/ne01/tjy/dissections/disk-2oval(6)_2.htm | |
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