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21. Goettinger Digitalisierungs-Zentrum / Paul Du Bois-Reymond an der SUB Göttingen zum Autor bois-reymond ermittelt. http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/fachinfo/www/math/homo-heid/gdz/du_bois.h | |
22. From David Petry Dpetry@uswest.net Subject Re Largest paul du boisreymond, Ueber die Paradoxen des Infinitär-Calcüls On theparadoxes of the infinitary calculus , Math. Annalen 11 (1877), 150-167. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/01_incoming/slowconvg | |
23. From Dlrenfro@gateway.net (Dave L. Renfro) Subject HISTORICAL 10 paul du boisreymond, Versuch einer classification der willkurlichenfunctionen reeler argumente nach ihren aenderungen in den kleinsten intervallen , http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/00_incoming/deriv_cont | |
24. Articles - Emil Du Bois-Reymond also in terms of the ignorabimus, to which he give common currency.The mathematician paul David Gustav du boisreymond (1831-1889) was his brother. http://www.1-electric.com/articles/Emil_du_Bois-Reymond | |
25. Physiological Foundations Of Psychology Dr. Emil du Bois Reymond Emil du boisreymond Emil du bois-reymond Dr.paul Broca (1824-1880) paul Pierre Broca paul Broca Pierre paul Broca http://faculty.colostate-pueblo.edu/paul.kulkosky/physiological.htm | |
26. Lakatos Collection Authors D-G du boisreymond, paul, 1831-1889. Allgemeine Functionentheorie. 1 T. Metaphysik undTheorie der mathematischen Grundbegriffe Grösse, Grenze, Argument und http://library-2.lse.ac.uk/collections/lakatos/lakatos_d.htm | |
27. Cornell Univeristy Mathematics Library du boisreymond, paul, Beitrage zur Interpretation der Partiellen Differentialgleichungenmit ,1864, 280. du bois-reymond, paul http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/reformatdef.php | |
28. Third Annual Early Analytic Philosophy Conference On the Prehistory of Mathematical Incompleteness paul du boisreymond DC McCartyAbstract paul du bois-reymond was a significant mathematician and http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~cpincock/eap-abstracts.htm | |
29. Selected Twentieth Centory Works: D by Estelle du boisreymond; foreword, notes, and indexes by paul Diepgen; Physiologie des Menschen und der Säugethiere, von René du bois-reymond. http://www.thebakken.org/library/books/20d.htm | |
30. BusDbios43 Beginning of biography for paul H. Schramm can be found on Webpage 42 Therefore we can with justification describe him with the words of du boisreymond http://www.archivaria.com/BusDbios/BusDbios43.html | |
31. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : DUB Translate this page du bois-reymond (paul, Gustav)(1831-1889). Photo 1 (2). duBOSC (Communard).Photo 1 (A). duBOSE (dudley McIver)(1834-1883). Photo 1 (+) http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/dub.htm | |
32. Paul Du Bois-Reymond Université Montpellier II Translate this page paul du bois-reymond (1831-1889). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglaisrésident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=1071 |
33. VL Experiments [exp72] Figures, 1 Daguerreotype paul Gustave du boisreymond, ca. 1850; 2 Testarrangement variations of the muscle current; 3 Wrist container; http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/references?id=exp72 |
34. VL Library: Books Translate this page du bois-reymond, Emil. 1848. Untersuchungen über thierische Elektricität, ErsterBand. Gisevius, paul. 1905. Führer durch das Versuchsfeld des Landw. http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/library/books.html | |
35. Tom Archibald As for the first of the two correspondents, paul du boisreymond (1831-1889) wasborn in Berlin, and studied there. His father was a self-made Prussian http://cis.alma.unibo.it/NewsLetter/111998Nw/archibald.htm |
36. SAGE Publications - Author/Editor - Manuela Du Bois-Reymond Imprints. paul Chapman. Manuela du boisreymond. Affiliations. - Centre forYouth Studies and Youth Policy, Netherlands. Products affiliated with http://www.sagepub.co.uk/author.aspx?aid=229534 |
37. Emil Du Bois-Reymond - Linix Encyclopedia The mathematician paul David Gustav du boisreymond (1831-1889) was his brother.This article incorporates text from the public domain 1911 Encyclop?a http://web.linix.ca/pedia/index.php/Emil_du_Bois-Reymond | |
38. Noisy Girls: New Subjectivities And Old Gender Discourses -- Nielsen 12 (1): 9 - London Routledge Kegan paul . Ravesloot, Janita, du boisreymond, Manuela andte Poel, Yolanda (1999) Courtship and Sexuality of Young People in the http://you.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/12/1/9 | |
39. Planck His colleagues and friends included Emil du boisreymond (the famous physiologistand brother of paul du bois-reymond), Helmholtz, Pringsheim, Wien, http://zyx.org/Planck.html | |
40. DU CHAILLU - LoveToKnow Article On DU CHAILLU du CHAILLU, paul BELLONI (18351903), traveller and anthropologist, was borneither at Paris or at New Orleans EMIL du bois-reymond du CHESNE » http://1.1911encyclopedia.org/D/DU/DU_CHAILLU.htm | |
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