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61. Doppler doppler, christian Andreas. (18031853). Rakouský matematik a fyzik, cást svéhokrátkého ivota strávil jako profesor CVUT v Praze, pozdeji prednáel na http://www.aldebaran.cz/famous/people/Doppler_Christian.html | |
62. Peter Möller - Translate this page Bedeutende Physiker und Atomforscher. doppler, christian (1803 - 1853).Österreichischer Physiker. Beschrieb 1842 den nach ihm benannten doppler-Effekt. http://www.philolex.de/physik.htm | |
63. Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics And You - Timeline - Christian Doppler christian Johann doppler was a nineteenth century physicist and mathematicianwho is most often remembered for his discovery of the doppler effect, http://microscopy.fsu.edu/optics/timeline/people/doppler.html | |
64. 325 (Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon / Anden Udgave / Bind VI: DemeterâEle dobbelt, forekommer i den musikalske Terminologi doppler, christian, tyskFysiker, (1803-1853) - doppler Effekt. scanned image http://runeberg.org/salmonsen/2/6/0343.html | |
65. Christian-Doppler-Klinik Salzburg Landeskliniken Salzburg. http://www.christian-doppler-klinik.at/ |
66. Christian-Doppler-Klinik Salzburg [Landesklinik Fuer Geriatrie] christian-doppler-Klinik Salzburg. http://www.christian-doppler-klinik.at/f_ger.htm |
67. Christian Andreas Doppler Translate this page christian Andreas doppler (1803-1853), Physiker und Mathematiker. christian Andreasdoppler wurde am 29. November 1803 in Salzburg als Sohn eines Steinmetz http://www.surveyor.in-berlin.de/himmel/Bios/Doppler.html | |
68. Atlanta,Georgia,11Alive,ATLANTA,News,Weather,Doppler,sports,events (AP) The christian Church (Disciples of Christ) has elected a woman president Sharon E. Watkins, senior pastor at Disciples christian Church in http://www.11alive.com/life/faith/faith_article.aspx?storyid=66814 |
69. Christian Doppler Laboratory For Expert Systems , This is the home page of the christian doppler Laboratory......Keywords, christian doppler; Laboratory for Expert Systems; Agenda; Expert Systems. http://www.mathguide.de/cgi-bin/ssgfi/anzeige.pl?db=math&nr=000438&ew=SSGFI |
70. Austrian Research Centers In Seibersdorf (ARC) - Homepage christian doppler. Email, christian.doppler@researchstudio.at. Phone,+43(0)662834602-300. Fax, +43(0)662-834602-222 http://www.arcs.ac.at/unter/mitarbeiter/001537 | |
71. PBS VIDEOIndex Online Chapter 3905, doppler, christian, research and findings. 3920, Human Understanding of,doppler s contributions to. 3935, Spectroscopy, definition of http://videoindex.pbs.org/program/chapter.jsp?item_id=34895&chap_id=5 |
72. Christian Doppler Translate this page Mientras doppler buscaba trabajo como profesor laboró durante un tiempo como doppler, nunca tuvo gran éxito como profesor ni tampoco fue conocido como http://almaak.tripod.com/biografias/christian_doppler.htm | |
73. [Openal] Re: Doppler Shift Changes AL_PITCH (Christian Beaudoin) Openal Re doppler shift changes AL_PITCH (christian Beaudoin). Steven Verstoepisgoed@macmail.com Wed, 28 Jan 2004 114819 +0100 http://opensource.creative.com/pipermail/openal/2004-January/001869.html | |
74. [Openal] Re: Doppler Shift Changes AL_PITCH (Christian Beaudoin) Previous message Openal Re doppler shift changes AL_PITCH (christian Beaudoin);Next message Openal openal probelm in linux; Messages sorted by http://opensource.creative.com/pipermail/openal/2004-January/001872.html | |
75. Christian Doppler Labor Für Zellstoffreaktivität Kooperations Partner Pulp und Cellulose Links Publikationen http://www.chemie.boku.ac.at/3058.html | |
76. Christian Andreas Doppler - Dopplerùv Jev | ivotopis christian Andreas doppler slavný fyzik a astronom. Objevil tzv. doppleruv jev. http://www.converter.cz/fyzici/doppler.htm | |
77. Christian-Doppler-Klinik - Landesnervenklinik - Homepage (Gemeinnützige Salzbur Translate this page Salzburger Landeskliniken (SALK) - christian-doppler-Klinik - Landesnervenklinik -Homepage. http://www.salk.at/2836.html | |
78. Seelsorge Christian Doppler Klinik Translate this page Klinische Seelsorge an der christian doppler Klinik. Herzlich willkommen auf denSeiten der katholischen Seelsorge in der christian doppler Klinik! http://www.salk.at/2626.htm | |
79. Christian Johann Doppler http://www.historiadelamedicina.org/doppler.html | |
80. Christian Doppler. Fyzik, matematik a astronom christian doppler se narodil 29. listopadu 1803 vSalzburgu. Otec chtel, aby pokracoval v rodinné tradici kameníku, http://www.quido.cz/osobnosti/doppler.htm | |
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