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21. Euthydemos By Plato But are you quite sure about this, dionysodorus and Euthydemus? the promise is Then I said O Euthydemus and dionysodorus, I earnestly request you to do http://www.4literature.net/Plato/Euthydemos/2.html | |
22. Euthydemos By Plato translated by Benjamin Jowett. EUTHYDEMUS . PERSONS OF THE DIALOGUE SOCRATES,who is the narrator; CRITO; CLEINIAS; EUTHYDEMUS; dionysodorus; CTESIPPUS. http://www.4literature.net/Plato/Euthydemos/ | |
23. SOCRATES: The Sophists By Sanderson Beck The others who have been following Euthydemus and dionysodorus also come forwardand indicate Socrates turns and speaks to dionysodorus and Euthydemus. http://www.san.beck.org/SOC2-Sophists.html | |
24. Attitudes Of Socrates By Sanderson Beck 47 Euthydemus and dionysodorus are attempting to show that there are no falsestatements. Socrates shows that this means there are no mistakes. http://www.san.beck.org/SOCRATES2-Attitude.html | |
25. Polleichtner: "Trialogical" Duals In Plato's Euthydemus And The Illusion Of The Socrates employs the second person when he addresses dionysodorus and Euthydemus . He does so by talking about Euthydemus and dionysodorus in the third http://www.camws.org/meeting/2005/abstracts2005/polleichtner.html | |
26. Euthydemus - Part I Crito, Cleinias, Euthydemus, dionysodorus, Ctesippus. b SCENE /b The Lyceum. b CRITO /b Who was the person, Socrates, with whom you were talking http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/socialcommentary/Euthydemus/cha | |
27. Euthydemus - Part II I was pleased at hearing this; and I turned to dionysodorus and And thereforedionysodorus, if he says that which is, says the truth of you and no lie. http://www.worldwideschool.org/library/books/lit/socialcommentary/Euthydemus/cha | |
28. Virtue As Knowledge There dionysodorus, asked by Socrates whether he is making a certain argumentfor the sake of dionysodorus rightly answers, ``Just indeed (287c78). http://home.uchicago.edu/~abestone/papers/short_meno/node3.html | |
29. Dionysodorus EUTHYDEMUSFirst, he praises the indifference of dionysodorus and Euthydemus to public opinion; The description of dionysodorus and Euthydemus suggests to him the http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Dionysodorus.html | |
30. Euthydemus By Plato: Introduction. Then dionysodorus takes up the ball Who are they who learn dictation of the And here dionysodorus is caught napping, and is induced by Socrates to http://www.online-literature.com/plato/euthydemus/1/ | |
31. Plato : Euthydemus : Introduction. But, retorts dionysodorus, is not learning acquiring knowledge? Yes. But, says dionysodorus, there is no such thing as contradiction. http://www.classicreader.com/read.php/sid.8/bookid.1797/sec.1/ | |
32. Plato : Euthydemus : Euthydemus Crito, Cleinias, Euthydemus, dionysodorus, Ctesippus. SCENE The Lyceum. Certainly, Socrates, said dionysodorus; our art will do both. http://www.classicreader.com/read.php/sid.8/bookid.1797/sec.2/ | |
33. Euthydemus, By Plato (introduction) Then dionysodorus takes up the ball Who are they who learn dictation of the And here dionysodorus is caught napping, and is induced by Socrates to http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/p/p71eud/introduction.html | |
34. Lives Of The Noble Grecians And Romans, By Plutarch (chapter65) But dionysodorus the Troezenian proves him to be wrong, and restores the truereading, which is this, . Who praise their fathers but degenerate sons? http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/p/plutarch/lives/chapter65.html | |
35. Law And Economy In Classical Athens Part II studies the speech Against dionysodorus found in the Demosthenic As Dareius says in the speech Against dionysodorus, lenders trusted in the http://www.chs.harvard.edu/online_disc/athenian_law/lect_harris.html |
36. Center For Hellenic Studies - Athenian Law: Lecture, Harris Part II studies the speech Against dionysodorus found in the Demosthenic corpus and About a year before, in the month of Metageitnion, dionysodorus and http://www.chs.harvard.edu/discussion_series.sec/athenian_law.ssp/athenian_law_l | |
37. Table Of Contents And Excerpt, Bers, Demosthenes, Speeches 50-59 Against dionysodorus (56) remains controversial the authors of one book The speech Against dionysodorus (56) was written for a commercial case in which http://www.utexas.edu/utpress/excerpts/exberdem.html | |
38. History Of Mathematics: Greece dionysodorus of Amisus (c. 200?) Diocles of Carystus (c. 180); Hypsicles ofAlexandria (c. 150?) Hipparchus of Nicaea (c. 180c. 125); Zenodorus (c. 100? http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/greece.html | |
39. History Of Mathematics: Chronology Of Mathematicians dionysodorus of Amisus (c. 200?) *SB; Diocles of Carystus (fl. c. 180) *SB *MT;Hypsicles of Alexandria (fl. c. 175) *SB *MT; Hipparchus of Nicaea (c. http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html | |
40. Euthydemus brothers Euthydemus and dionysodorus came in, and several others me, as youdescribe; and dionysodorus and Euthydemus, when they saw http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/8740/Euthydemus.htm | |
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