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81. 24. Mai: De Hellige Zoëllus, Servilius, Felix, Silvanus Og Diocles Av Istria (e De hellige Zoëllus, Servilius, Felix, Silvanus og diocles av Istria (eller avSyria). Navigasjon. Minnedag 24. mai. De hellige Zoëllus, Servilius, Felix, http://www.katolsk.no/biografi/zoellus.htm | |
82. Electronic Antiquities Volume III, Number 1 In another regard, Longrigg s claims for the influence of diocles on Aristotlelargely depend on his dating them as contemporaries, but the arguments he http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ElAnt/V3N1/timmins.html | |
83. Cissoid A special case of this curve, now known as the cissoid of diocles, The cissoidof diocles is traced out by the vertex of a parabola as it rolls, http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/C/cissoid.html | |
84. Roman Emperors - DIR Numerian diocles then vindicated his claim by running Aper through with his sword.The assembled troops took the hint and proclaimed diocles emperor. http://www.roman-emperors.org/numerian.htm | |
85. Werkgroep Phasma Werkgroep Van Liefhebbers Voor Wandelende Takken Metriophasma diocles ? (met ei op rug geplakt). Metriophasma diocles. Metriophasmadiocles. Metriophasma diocles ?. Foto s Stijn Bauwens Tim Bollens http://members.lycos.nl/phasma/rechts/kweeklijst/Metriophasma_diocles.htm | |
86. Hemisphere Differences This is how a 12thcentury Latin codex describes the views of diocles of Carystus, diocles s theory is astonishingly modern the terms he uses, http://www.tbm.tudelft.nl/webstaf/gertjanl/bbs1985.html | |
87. Diocles diocles. Sicilien, 4xx3xx f.Kr. Siciliansk general fra Syracuse. Selinus-Himera,409 f.Kr. http://www.futura-dtp.dk/SLAG/Personer/NavneD/Diocles.htm | |
88. Diocles | .: Kani.hu :. diocles. Elozmények. Regisztráció ideje 26 hét 2 nap. powered by . kani.hu .Gameserver status. Jelenleg 277 játékos játszik és 58 játék fut a BNetD http://portal.kani.hu/user/1017 | |
89. Diocles Webnalója | .: Kani.hu :. diocles, 2005, április 24 1942. Úristen. Hol tanítanak olvasás nélküli írást?!2 hozzászólás XML feed. powered by . kani.hu . http://portal.kani.hu/blog/1017 | |
90. Diocles www.celtiberia.net/articulo.asp?id=1080 Currículo do Sistema de Currículos Lattes (diocles Paes Leme Barbo Translate this page Curriculum Vitae. diocles Paes Leme Barbo Siqueira. Veja diocles Paes Leme BarboSiqueira em outras bases Diretório de grupos de pesquisa http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Diocles.html | |
91. Coate/Dudick Ancestrees diocles King Of Sicambri, died 300 BC Ancestors of Linda Coate and her children,Amber and Jeremy Dudick. http://www.ancestrees.com/pedigree/4594.htm | |
92. Fnac.com Livres Theatre,4:coeur A Cuir Le Soldai Diocles - J. Audiberti Translate this page Commandez Theatre,4coeur a cuir le soldai diocles de J. Audiberti sur Fnac.com,votre magasin Fnac 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7. http://www.fnac.com/1073411/rcwwwa/Theatre-4-coeur-a-cuir-le-soldai-diocles-T4-J | |
93. Diocles On Burning Mirrors Libros Translate this page diocles on burning mirrors diocles on burning mirrors Springer-Verlag. Berlin 1976.Comentarios, Añadir a la Cesta. Compras, más. 0 productos http://www.iboobi.com/showdet218200684.html | |
94. Noticias Ya.com: Tus Noticias En Español Translate this page El pabellón diocles de Mérida acogerá hoy el Campeonato de España de Judo SectorSur en categoría absoluta. http://noticias.ya.com/deportes/2004/01/10/5774513.html | |
95. Diocles Of Carystus A Collection Of The Fragments With Translation And Commentar sur internet / latin grec ancien. http://librarius.fr/boutique_librarius/product.php?productid=12412 |
96. Philip Van Der Eijk 20. van der Eijk, PJ (1996) diocles and the Hippocratic writings on the methodof dietetics and the limits of causal explanation , in Wittern, R., http://historical-studies.ncl.ac.uk/people/philip_van_der_eijk/ | |
97. 16th-Century Books - Part 5 Authors I-Le 13801458; diocles of Carystus; et al. The treasury of healthe conteynyng manyprofitable medycines gathered out of Hypocrates, Galen and Avycen, http://www.prbm.com/interest/16c-i-le.shtml |
98. Caius Aurelius Dioclès Diocletianus (Dioclétien) Dioclès Diocletianus (Dioclétien) l empereurdioclétien, diocletianus, dioclès, sainte prisca, sainte de salone, http://www.insecula.com/contact/A003677.html | |
99. Stèle Funéraire D'Olympia, Fille De Dioclès Dioclès Elément 6 sur 11 Antiquités grecquesSculpture (Stèle funéraire) Matériaux Pierre Date IIème siècle avant JC http://www.insecula.com/oeuvre/O0023742.html | |
100. Cissoïde Droite Translate this page Comme toute cubique circulaire rationnelle, la cissoïde de Dioclès peut être définie La cissoïde de Dioclès est une duplicatrice si B est le point de http://www.mathcurve.com/courbes2d/cissoiddroite/cissoiddroite.shtml | |
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