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         Dinostratus:     more detail
  1. 320 Bc: 320 Bc Births, 320 Bc Deaths, Perdiccas, Timon of Phlius, Menaechmus, Timocharis, Gongsun Long, Dinostratus, Alcetas, Zoilus
  2. Dinostratus: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  3. 390 Bc: 390 Bc Births, 390 Bc Deaths, Tollund Man, Andocides, Heraclides Ponticus, Mozi, Battle of the Allia, Dinostratus, Attalus, Amadocus I

81. Kalendarium Matematyczne
360 pne Grek dinostratus za pomoca kwadratrysy (krzywej Hippiasza) rozwiazalzadanie kwadratury kola. 320 pne Arystarch z Samos i Euklides opisali krzywe
Kalendarium historii matematyki
Okres antyczny
od 500 r. p.n.e. do 400 r. n.e.
420 p.n.e. Grek Hippiasz z Elidy odkry³ kwadratrysê - now¹ krzyw¹ oprócz znanych ju¿ wczeœniej okrêgu i linii prostej. 420 p.n.e. Grecy odkrywaj¹ odcinki niewspó³mierne (liczby niewymierne). 414 p.n.e. Urodzi³ siê grecki matematyk Teataesz (zmar³ w 369 p.n.e.). Bada³ wieloœciany foremne i stwierdzi³, ¿e istnieje piêæ i tylko piêæ wieloœcianów foremnych. 408 p.n.e. Urodzi³ siê grecki filozof Eudoksos z Knidos (zmar³ w 355 p.n.e.). Opracowa³ model ruchu cia³ niebieskich ze skomplikowan¹ kombinacj¹ obracaj¹cych siê sfer. Stworzy³ teoriê proporcji, zajmowa³ siê (ok. 360 p.n.e.) z³otym podzia³em. Poda³ sposoby obliczania objêtoœci pewnych bry³ metod¹ wyczerpywania. 400 p.n.e. Grecy sformu³owali trzy s³ynne zadania, które przez wieki bêd¹ stanowi³y zagadkê dla matematyków: kwadratura ko³a, podwojenie szeœcianu i trysekcja kata. Dopiero w XIX wieku udowodniono, ¿e ¿adne z tych zadañ nie jest wykonalne za pomoc¹ cyrkla i linijki (bez podzia³ki). 360 p.n.e. Grecki matematyk Menechemus odkry³ krzywe sto¿kowe, nazwane póŸniej elips¹, parabol¹, hiperbol¹. Rozwi¹za³ zadanie podwojenia szeœcianu.

82. The Quadratrix
It s named after Hippias of Elis and was used by dinostratus and Nicomedes.The curve is defined in a dynamical way. Consider the square ABDC.
Trisecting an angle - Squaring the circle Introduction
Three famous geometrical construction problems, originating from ancient Greek mathematics occupied many mathematicians until modern times. These problems are
  • the duplication of the cube:
    construct (the edge of) a cube whose volume is double the volume of a given cube,
  • angle trisection:
    construct an angle that equals one third of a given angle,
  • the squaring of a circle:
    given (the radius of) a circle, construct (the side of) a square whose area equals the area of the circle.
In the ancient Greek tradition the only tools that are available for these constructions are a ruler and a compass . During the 19th century the French mathematician Pierre Wantzel proved that under these circumstances the first two of those constructions are impossible and for the squaring of the circle it lasted until 1882 before a proof had been given by Ferdinand von Lindemann
If we extend the range of tools the problems can be solved. New tools can be material tools (ex. a "marked ruler", that's a ruler with two marks on it, a "double ruler", that's a ruler with two parallel sides,...), or

83. The Most Complete Listing Of Library Reference Recources, Including Books, Dicti
Dihigo, Martin. Diller, Phyllis. DiMaggio, Joe. Dinghas, Alexander. Dini, Ulisse.dinostratus. Diocles. Diogenes. Dion, Céline. Dion, Celine. Dione. Dionis du Séjour

84. Dinostratus
PDF A List of Mathematicians
Born: about 390 BC in Greece
Died: about 320 BC
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Dinostratus is mentioned by Proclus who says (see for example [1] or [3]):- Amyclas of Heraclea, one of the associates of Plato , and Menaechmus , a pupil of Eudoxus who had studied with Plato , and his brother Dinostratus made the whole of geometry still more perfect. It is usually claimed that Dinostratus used the quadratrix, discovered by Hippias , to solve the problem of squaring the circle Pappus tells us (see for example [1] or [3]):- For the squaring of the circle there was used by Dinostratus, Nicomedes and certain other later persons a certain curve which took its name from this property, for it is called by them square-forming in other words the quadratrix It appears from this quote that Hippias discovered the curve but that it was Dinostratus who was the first to use it to find a square equal in area to a given circle. Proclus , who claims to be quoting from Eudemus , writes (see [1]):- Nicomedes trisected any rectilinear angle by means of the conchoidal curves, of which he had handed down the origin, order, and properties, being himself the discoverer of their special characteristic. Others have done the same thing by means of the quadratrices of

Definition QUADRATRIX. QUADRATRIX. Noun. 1. A curve made use of in the quadratureof other curves; as the quadratrix, of dinostratus, or of Tschirnhausen.
Philip M. Parker, INSEAD.
Definition: QUADRATRIX
. A curve made use of in the quadrature of other curves; as the quadratrix, of Dinostratus, or of Tschirnhausen. Source:
Etymology: Websters 1913
Crosswords: QUADRATRIX
English words defined with "QUADRATRIX" -trices -trixes references Top
Rhyming with "QUADRATRIX"
Words rhyming with "QUADRATRIX" (pronounced 'Quad*ra"trix'): Adjutrix, Administratrix, Bisectrix, Cicatrix, Conservatrix, Creatrix, Curatrix, Generatrix, matrix, Negotiatrix, Osculatrix, Rectrix, Rixatrix, separatrix, testatrix, tortrix, Tutrix, Victrix. ( additional references Top
Words within the letters "a-a-d-i-q-r-r-t-u-x" -3 letters : quadrat. -4 letters : datura, diquat, ritard. -5 letters : atria, audit, aurar, durra, quart, quirt, radar, radix, riata, tiara, triad, urari. Source: compiled by the editor from various references ; see credits.
Alternative Orthography: QUADRATRIX
Hexadecimal (or equivalents, 770AD-1900s) references
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519; backwards)

86. Dinostratus - Definition Of Dinostratus By Webster's Online Dictionary
dinostratus explanation. Definition of dinostratus California Dinumeration.dinostratus not found in the Dictionary. Advertisement. Close. Real
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87. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern
Translate this page dinostratus (um 390 - um 320 v. Chr.) Diokles (um 240 - um 180 v. Chr.) Dionis duSejour, Achille Pierre (11.1.1734 - 22.8.1794)
Diese Seite ist dem Andenken meines Vaters Otto Hebisch (1917 - 1998) gewidmet. By our fathers and their fathers
in some old and distant town
from places no one here remembers
come the things we've handed down.
Marc Cohn Dies ist eine Sammlung, die aus verschiedenen Quellen stammt, u. a. aus Jean Dieudonne, Geschichte der Mathematik, 1700 - 1900, VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, Berlin 1985. Helmut Gericke, Mathematik in Antike und Orient - Mathematik im Abendland, Fourier Verlag, Wiesbaden 1992. Otto Toeplitz, Die Entwicklung der Infinitesimalrechnung, Springer, Berlin 1949. MacTutor History of Mathematics archive A B C ... Z Abbe, Ernst (1840 - 1909)
Abel, Niels Henrik (5.8.1802 - 6.4.1829)
Abraham bar Hiyya (1070 - 1130)
Abraham, Max (1875 - 1922)
Abu Kamil, Shuja (um 850 - um 930)
Abu'l-Wafa al'Buzjani (940 - 998)
Ackermann, Wilhelm (1896 - 1962) Adams, John Couch (5.6.1819 - 21.1.1892) Adams, John Frank (5.11.1930 - 7.1.1989) Adelard von Bath (1075 - 1160) Adler, August (1863 - 1923) Adrain, Robert (1775 - 1843)

of this class are those of dinostratus and EW Tschirnhausen, which are both The quadratrix of dinostratus was well known to the ancient jreek geometers,
QUADRATRIX (from Lat. quadrator, squarer), in mathe matics, a curve having ordinates which are a measure of the area (or quadrature) of another curve. The two most famous curves FIG. i. ;/ i / FIG. 2. of this class are those of Dinostratus and E. W. Tschirnhausen, which are both related to the circle. The cartesian equation to the curve is y = x cot . which shows that the curve is symmetrical about the axis of y, and that it consists of a central portion flanked by infinite branches (fig. 2). The asymptotes are *= *=2na, n being an integer. The intercept on the axis of y is 2a/x; therefore, if it were possible to accurately construct the curve, the quadrature of the circle would be effected. The curve also permits the solution of the problems of duplicating a cube (q.v.) and trisecting an angle. The quadratrix of Tschirnhausen is constructed by dividing the arc and radius of a quadrant in the same number of equal parts as before. The mutual intersections of the lines drawn from the points of division of the arc parallel to AB, and the lines drawn parallel to BC through the points of division of AB, are points on the quadratrix (fig. 3). The cartesian equation is y a cos Trx/2a. The curve is periodic, and cuts the axis of x at the points #= =*=(2n-i)a, n being an integer; the maximum values of y are =*=a. Its properties are similar to those of the quadratrix of Dinostratus. QUACK QUADRATURE To properly cite this QUADRATRIX article in your work, copy the complete reference below:

89. References For Dinostratus
Anciens D Translate this page dinostratus, math.. - Frère de Ménechme, il serait né vers 375 av. J.-C. Cf. F.Lasserre, De Léodamas de Thasos , référencé dans ce répertoire, p. 561
References for Dinostratus
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  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Books:
  • G J Allman, Greek geometry from Thales to Euclid (Dublin, 1889).
  • T L Heath, A History of Greek Mathematics I (Oxford, 1921).
  • B L van der Waerden, Science awakening (Groningen, 1954). Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
    History Topics
    ... Anniversaries for the year
    JOC/EFR April 1999 School of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of St Andrews, Scotland
    The URL of this page is:
  • 90. Categorized Entries
    Abantiades A patronymic applied to Perseus (qv), Acrisius, and other descendantsof Abas (qv). Abderites. ( *)abdhri/ths ) and Abder imacr;ta.


    92. ”ŠwŽj
    Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
    [ƒtƒBƒƒ‰ƒIƒX] [ƒGƒŠƒX‚̃qƒbƒsƒAƒX] [ƒƒgƒ“Aƒtƒ@ƒGƒCƒmƒXAƒGƒEƒNƒeƒ‚ƒ“] [Exhaustion‚Ì•û–@] ... [ƒAƒeƒl‚̃eƒAƒCƒeƒgƒX] ƒtƒBƒƒ‰ƒIƒX A”ނ̊֐S‚͐”Šw‚Æ‚¢‚¤‚æ‚è“NŠw‚É‚ ‚Á‚½BƒOƒmƒ‚ƒ“‚ð•`ŽÊ‚µ‚Đ”Šw‚Ì•ª–ì‚ɐG‚ê‚Ä‚Í‚¢‚邪B ƒGƒŠƒX‚̃qƒbƒsƒAƒX ƒƒgƒ“Aƒtƒ@ƒGƒCƒmƒXAƒGƒEƒNƒeƒ‚ƒ“ @ƒsƒ^ƒSƒ‰ƒX‚ƃvƒ‰ƒgƒ“‚ÌŠÔ‚ÌŽž‘ãAƒAƒeƒl‚ł͐”Šw“I“V•¶Šw‚É”ñí‚Ȋ֐S‚ª‚ ‚Á‚½‚±‚Æ‚ªAŽOl‚Ì“V•¶ŠwŽÒAƒƒgƒ“Aƒtƒ@ƒGƒCƒmƒXAƒGƒEƒNƒeƒ‚ƒ“ ‚Ì’˜ì‚Ì’†‚ÉŒ©o‚¹‚éB‚µ‚©‚µA”Þ‚ç‚̍vŒ£‚ð‹æ•Ê‚·‚邱‚Æ‚Í‚Å‚«‚È‚¢B“NŠwŽÒ‚̃eƒIƒtƒ‰ƒXƒgƒX‚Í ƒGƒOƒ][ƒXƒ`ƒ‡ƒ“‚Ì•û–@ ƒAƒ“ƒeƒBƒtƒHƒ“‚ƃGƒOƒ][ƒXƒ`ƒ‡ƒ“‚Ì•û–@ @ƒAƒŠƒXƒgƒeƒŒƒX‚́AƒAƒ“ƒeƒBƒtƒHƒ“ ƒAƒ‹ƒLƒ…ƒ^ƒX @ƒvƒ‰ƒgƒ“‚ÌŽž‘ãA’˜–¼‚ȃsƒ^ƒSƒ‰ƒX”h‚Ì“NŠwŽÒAƒAƒ‹ƒLƒ…ƒ^ƒX ‚́A”ŠwŽÒA«ŒRA­Ž¡‰ÆA”Žˆ¤Žå‹`ŽÒA‹³ˆçŽÒ‚Æ‚µ‚Ä–¼º‚ðŸ‚¿“¾‚Ä‚¢‚½BƒLƒPƒ(BC106-43)‚́A”Þ‚Ì‚±‚Æ‚ðˆÌ‘å‚ÈŽt‚Ì—F‚Æ‚µ‚ÄŒê‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚éBƒzƒ‰ƒeƒBƒEƒX(BC65-8)‚́AƒAƒhƒŠƒAŠC‚Å“ï”j‚µÀ‚Á‚½”Þ‚ÉŒ¾‹y‚µ‚āAŽŸ‚̂悤‚ÈŒ¾—t‚ðŽc‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚éB
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    93. Textes D
    témoignages. Dio Chrysostomus Fragments et témoignages
    Auteurs anciens Auteurs modernes Accueil
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    Auteurs Datation Domaine Genre Damippus Damon Atheniensis Damon Syracusanus Dardanus Atheniensis ... Demetrius Lacon Philosophie Demetrius Lacon Demetrius Lacon Philosophie Biographie Demetrius Lacon [Ouvrage au titre incertain] Philosophie Demetrius Phalereus Demetrius Phalereus ps. Du style [ou De l'expression] Demetrius Troezenius ... Demophilus Sentences des Pythagoriciens Sentences Diagoras Melius, Atheus Dicaearchus Messanius Didymus Alexandrinus Chalcenterus Dinostratus ... Diogenes Apolloniates Philosophie+Sciences Diogenes Babylonius Diogenes Laertius Diogenes Laertius Vies des philosophes Philosophie Biographie, Doxographie Diogenes Laertius [Index] Diogenes Oenoandensis Philosophie Autre Diogenes Sinopensis Diogenes Sinopensis (pseudo) Lettres Lettre Diogenes Smyrnaeus Diogenianus Dionysius Chalcidensis, Bythinius, Atheniensis Dionysius Cyrenaeus ... Z

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