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         Dickstein Samuel:     more detail
  1. Prace Matematyczno-Fizyczne [Electronic Resource]., Volume 17 (Polish Edition) by Samuel Dickstein, 2010-03-04
  2. Odczyty O Matematyce Miane W Evanston Od 28 Sierpnis Do 9 Wrzesnia 1893 R.Dla Czlonków Kongresu Matematycznego: Odbytego W Czasie Wystawy Wszechswiatowej W Chicago (Polish Edition) by Alexander Ziwet, Felix Klein, et all 2010-05-12
  3. American Defender : The Biography of Honorable Samuel Dickstein by Dorothy Waring, 1935
  4. The immigration crew on the new deal railroad: Frances Perkins -- engineer, Daniel MacCormack -- fireman, Samuel Dickstein -- conductor by James H Patten, 1935
  5. American defender, by Dorothy Waring, 1935

61. Berkeley Repertory Theatre
Waring may have been the same Dorothy Waring who wrote American Defender (1935),a book about samuel dickstein, the New York Congressman and Supreme Court




Polk County contains a potpourri of early blues songs and religious hymns from the heartland of the South. When we first heard the score, we were immediately struck by its authenticity. By turns joyous and mournful, celebratory and passionate, the music is memorable not only for its beautiful melodies but for its ability to speak to real human experience. As re-arranged by music master Chic Street Man, the Polk County score is not designed to bend to some formulaic concept about how a musical should work but instead invents its rules according to the dramatic needs of the text.
And those needs are indeed unique. Hurston, a controversial figure among many of her African-American colleagues, was unafraid to explore the psychology of survival. Her characters are neither driven nor liberated by ideology, but remain rooted in a time and place governed by racism. Whatever freedoms they earn come from the suffering and banality of everyday life rather than by easy rhetoric or mock-heroic actions. Time in Polk County
Director Kyle Donnelly and her cast of actors and designers have thrown themselves into this project with a collective energy that matches the raucous demands of the play. Following

62. Weiner: Soviet Spies: Did They Make A Difference? - World Policy Journal - World
The KGB even had a man in Congress samuel dickstein, who represented Manhattan sLower East Side and sold snippets of political information to Moscow.
Spring '05 Winter '04/'05 Fall '04 Summer '04 ...
Did They Make a Difference?

Tim Weiner It was all for nothing...nothing had been gained except the misery of others," was the way Whittaker Chambers summed up his testimony against Alger Hiss. Might the same be said for the Great Fear of the 1950s? All that fury, all that noise, all for nothing but emptiness and pain? Before the Cold War, the primary function of Soviet espionage in the United States was to serve as a listening post on the wider world, with the greatest attention given to gathering intelligence on the war aims of Japan and Germany. But in the long tradition of Russian espionage services, whose roots go back to Peter the Great, the Soviet spies in the United States did what they could to buy or steal American secretsscientific, technical, military, and political informationwith the help of American agents. The ground was certainly fertile. There was no American counterintelligence to speak of before Pearl Harbor, and the romance of American communism was strong in the few years between Hitler's rise and Stalin's purges. Underground networks proliferated like hothouse plants, but agents quickly became ensnarled, with three separate strands of intelligence gatheringthe KGB, the GRU (military intelligence), and the Communist Party of the United Statesintermingling to ill effect.

63. Jewish Politicians Pre 1934
6 dickstein, samuel (1885), NY 1923-35 7 Einstein, Edwin (1842-1905), NY1923-31 8 Fischer, Israel Frederick (1858-), NY,1895-99 9 Goldfogle,
enter name and hit return Find in Page JEWISH POLITICIANS OF NEW YORK Return to VOTE Main Return to BROOKLYN Main

64. Lexikon Samuel Dickstein
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Sie sind hier: Startseite Lexikon Samuel Dickstein
Samuel Dickstein
Samuel Dickstein 12. Mai in Warschau 29. September in Warschau ) war ein polnischer Mathematiker Im Jahr geht er auf die Russian University in Warschau . Die n¤chsten sieben Jahre (bis ) studiert er an der Russian University bis er zwei Jahre sp¤ter ( ) seine eigene Privatschule gr¼ndet. Die Privatschule existiert bis 1888. gr¼ndet er seine Mathematik- und Physiklehrbuch Reihe; geschrieben in polnischer Sprache. Im Jahr produziert er zwei wissenschaftliche Magazine ( Mathematical und Physical Papers erschien ein weiteres Magazin von ihm ( Mathematical News Im Jahr wurde er Professor in Mathematik an der Universit¤t in Warschau . Samuel Dickstein stirbt an einer deutschen Bombe am Anfang des zweiten Weltkriegs ( Bearbeiten
  • Biografie

65. 4562 Trees In The Silent Key Forest Donated By In Memory Of Call
1, Chaverim International, samuel dickstein, N2AKR. 1, Chaverim International,Walter Rees, WA6BAX. 1, Chaverim International, Leonard Steinberg, WB3DBJ
Trees in the "Silent Key Forest" Donated by In Memory of Call Sign Chaverim International Lawrence P. Benjamin Chaverim International Edith Rosenberg Chaverim International Milton H. Meinwald Chaverim International Arnold Gorevitz Chaverim International Jimmy Jacobs Chaverim International Ernie Cheslow Chaverim International Emanuel Radoff Chaverim International Robert Rudeman Chaverim International Nathan Capon Chaverim International David Levine Chaverim International Harry Kessler Chaverim International Meyer Delnich Chaverim International Meyer Hoffman Chaverim International Max Wilensky Chaverim International Stanley M. Hoffman Chaverim International Harold Held Chaverim International Irwin Geller Chaverim International Arnold Hartman Chaverim International Jack Kutchens Chaverim International Howard Halpern Chaverim International Janice A Rand Chaverim International Harvey Hanson Chaverim International Frank Weinstein Chaverim International Rhoda Nadel Chaverim International Jack J. Babkes Chaverim International Harold Schnabolk Chaverim International David Green Chaverim International Sol Pearlman Chaverim International Saul Slonim Chaverim International Howard Greenwald Chaverim International Ben Wolfe Chaverim International Milton Goldman Chaverim International Joe Bonnet Chaverim International Julian Jablin Chaverim International Bob Goldberg Chaverim International Herman Garber Chaverim International Gerald Silverman Chaverim International Rudolph Steiner Chaverim International Irving Pfefer Chaverim International Myron Kohlamn Chaverim International

66. The International Jewish Conspiracy Quiz
A. samuel Untermeyer. B. Michael Friebourg. C. Jacob Schiff. D. Mel Karmazan B. Leo Pfeffer. C. samuel dickstein. D. Arie Scher. E. Adolph Sabath
The International Jewish Conspiracy Quiz
Test Your Knowledge! How much do you really know about the International Jewish Conspiracy? Take this brief quiz and see how high you score! Even if you know all of the right answers, it would be very educational to look up the other names, either on the Internet or in a reliable reference book (good luck in finding one). So just how well do you know the Jews? This is not the original, functional IJC Quiz. The questions are reposted here to provide Aryan people with starting points for research. For more, see Jerry's Aryan Battle Page
Name: E-mail:
1. Which Jew subverted Winston Churchill with a loan of money in 1938?
A. Julius Rosenberg
B. Henry Strakosch
C. Anselm Rothschild
D. Michael Eisner
E. Ehud Barak
2. Which Jew declared war on Germany in 1933 on behalf of all the Jews in the world?
A. Samuel Untermeyer B. Michael Friebourg C. Jacob Schiff D. Mel Karmazan E. Michael Gavron 3. Which Jew became the CEO of America Online in 2000, infecting it with content from Time Warner? A. Abraham Foxman

67. Ed Lee Gossett Finding Aid
dickstein, samuel. Chinese Exclusion Act 7/35. Dilling, Elizabeth (Stokes) 10/48.Disney, Wesley E. Consumers of gasoline should welcome 23/127

Search BearCat Contact ... BCPM Home
Index to the Ed Lee Gossett Finding Aid This is an alphabetical list of personal names, organizations and periodicals mentioned in the Gossett Papers. See the list of box contents for specific information. B C D E ... Z Alert America America United. Council News American Forum of the Air American Zionist Emergency Council. see Palestine Affairs Haganah speaks Haganah speaks, Answer, The Arab News Bulletin. Deir Yassin Argonaut Army Talk B TOP B'nai B'rith Messenger. see also Fry's Waters flowing eastward, TOP Catholic World. Common Sense Council News. Cross and the Flag TOP United States v. Texas : Defender magazine. TOP Economic Council Letter. Egyptian Information Bureau. Egypt News TOP Farm Journal Finger, Inc. Foreign Policy Bulletin Waters flowing eastward TOP Memorandum re H.R. 52 Guardian at the Gate TOP Haganah speaks TOP Ickes, Harold L. Petition...U.S.A. vs State of California Industrial Bulletin International Teamster TOP Jewish Publications. see also B'nai B'rith Messenger TOP TOP TOP Middle East Bulletin. Trans Jordan Arab Legion Middle Eastern Affairs Monthly Review TOP Nenoff, Stephen. Southern Patriotic Breeze

68. Indian PM's Daughter Works For The ACLU - Sepia Mutiny
The first head of what eventually became the House Committee on UnAmericanActivities was New York Democrat samuel dickstein. As the recently declassified
« Former Miss India committed suicide in July
Main Asian-American poll numbers »
September 16, 2004
Indian PM's daughter works for the ACLU News
Amardeep Singh reports that Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh is visiting the UN in New York this weekend, followed by meetings with Bush and Musharraf and some quality time with his youngest daughter, Amrit. Abu Ghraib and airlines on anti-brown discrimination while flying.
  • Mary Could Amitabh Bachchan beat up eight Indian bodyguards, like in the movies? Or do they have some gatka moves up their sleeves?
  • Maybe they need to hire this woman manish on September 16, 2004 07:22 PM in News Direct link
    Ennis Direct link That is *so* hot! Be still my beating dhol ... Nitin Direct link Reminds me of Humphrey Hawksley's Third World War. gc Direct link I doubt Manmohan is proud of the fact that his daughter is an angry leftist. I also doubt that he thinks fundamentalist Muslims are as cuddly as his daughter evidently does. Ennis Direct link GC: is the ACLU full only of angry leftists? Anybody who opposed Senator McCarthy was an agent of Communism? It's impossible to be against terrorism and for civil liberties at the same time? gc Direct link GC: is the ACLU full only of angry leftists?... It's impossible to be against terrorism and for civil liberties at the same time?

    69. Stock Maven - Business And The Holocaust - The Transfer Agreement - Edwin Black
    was New York Representative samuel dickstein, a close friend of Rabbi Wise.dickstein responded to Wise s testimony by introducing a House resolution to
    Business and the Holocaust - Books Business and the Holocaust Government Resources Historical Media Reports ... Chapter Three The Transfer Agreement:
    The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine
    by Edwin Black
    Excerpts from Three Chapters ~ Chapter Two ~ The Ideological Struggle REACTIONS to Nazi anti-Semitism were immediate, especially in America, reflecting the cross-sectional anger of ordinary people. Naturally, Jewish Americans were at the vanguard. That was a problem for many in Jewish leadership who considered Jewish protest their private province. On February 22, 1933, B'nai B'rith president Alfred Cohen convened a special conference of fifteen Jewish leaders, five from each of the Big Three. Meeting in New York, the leaders reviewed the situation. Thus far, Hitler was nothing more than an interim chancellor appointed until the next general elections scheduled for March 5. By March 5, Hitler might be gone. But if the election increased Hitler's voter support from a minority 33 percent to an actual majority, he would control the entire German government. The conference was divided. Two of the American Jewish Congress representatives had discussed a series of public protests, here and abroad, to show the German people that the world was indeed watching and that Brownshirt violence against Jews must stop. The men of B'nai B'rith didn't want to endanger its 13,000-member German organization or its 103 fraternal lodges in Germany by publicly antagonizing Hitler and the Nazis. The Committee leadership had close friends and relatives in Germany who had advised that public protest would surely provoke a far stronger Nazi counteraction. Finally, the leaders agreed to establish a "Joint Conference Committee" merely to "watch developments in Germany very carefully" and hope for the best.

    70. Strangers Among Us
    The only known US Congressman to have spied (beginning in 1937) for the Russianswas also Jewish, samuel dickstein, for fifteen years a Democratic
    Strangers Among Us
    David Ben-Gurion, the widely revered first prime minister of modern Israel, once stated that "the basis of Zionism is neither friendship nor sympathy but the love of Israel, of the state of Israel ... It must be unconditional love. There must be complete solidarity with the state and people of Israel." Such sentiments underscore a huge but unspoken problem in America widespread Jewish American sympathy for and loyalty to Israel, the Jewish State. A Zionist, as Ben-Gurion defined the term, clearly cannot be fully American. His primary loyalties will always lie elsewhere. "No other ethnic group in American history has so extensive an involvement with a foreign nation [Israel]," wrote Melvyn Urofsky in 1975. "No other nation relies upon a body of private individuals who are neither residents nor citizens of their land to underwrite a major portion of their budget. American Jews buy Israeli bonds, give generously to the United Jewish Appeal, lobby government representatives to pursue pro-Israel policy, travel to Israel (where they are greeted with 'Welcome Home' signs), respond to every crisis in that part of the world, and yet maintain passionately that they are Americans first and Jews afterward" (Urofsky, 1). In 1987, nearly a million adult American Jews (of a total man, woman, and child U.S. population of approximately six million) felt their transnational Jewish identity sufficiently important to actually register to vote in that year's World Zionist Congress elections (Goldberg, JJ). In the 1940s, 955,000 American Jews (of a total man, woman, and child population of 5 million) "formally belonged to one of dozens of Zionist organizations" (Urofsky, 126). Yet these striking figures actually underestimate the extent of American Jewry's tribal loyalties, for even those American Jews who are not formal members of such organizations often have strong Zionist attachments. As Kevin Avruch notes of American Jews who immigrated to Israel in the late 1960s and early 1970s: "Anywhere from 40 to 65 percent of all American

    71. - Review Of Samuel Beckett's Waiting For Godot reviews samuel Beckett s Waiting for Godot Grade F. By Anthony Cronin (Morris dickstein, NY Times Book Review)
    @import url("css/iereview.css"); Search WWW Search
    Home Reviews Links Blog ...
    Waiting for Godot
    Nobel Prize Winners (1969)
    Author Info: Samuel Beckett
    VLADIMIR: To every man his little cross. Till he dies. And is forgotten.
    Waiting for Godot The American director Alan Schneider first met the Irish playwright Samuel Beckett in 1955, after
    being hired to direct the United States premiere of ''Waiting for Godot'' in Miami. Schneider had
    come to Beckett's Paris apartment bursting with preproduction questions, especially regarding the
    identity of the title character. To Schneider's initial query, ''Who is Godot?,'' the laconic playwright
    famously replied, ''If I knew, I would have said so in the play.'' Henceforth, Schneider was to devote most of his career to realizing Beckett's stated intentions in his
    plays. But despite his fidelity to every letter of Beckett's text, and despite the participation of such
    popular clowns as Bert Lahr and Tom Ewell, the Miami production of ''Waiting for Godot'' was a
    resounding flop. Baffled by the metaphysical reverberations of a work that had been billed as ''the

    72. Guide To The Papers Of Louis Marshall (1856-1929)undated, 1905-1933*P-24
    Folder 5); Davis, James J.(Box 2/Folder 7); dickstein, samuel (Box 2, Folder8, 2/10, 3/1, 3/2); Dillingham, William P. (Box 1, Folder 1, 1/3, 1/8, 2/2)
    finding aid navigation
    Descriptive Summary Biographical Note Scope and Content Note Arrangement ... Index to the Louis Marshall Papers
    container list
    Collection Box List , undated, 1905-1933 Oversized Materials, undated
    Guide to the Papers of Louis Marshall (1856-1929)
    undated, 1905-1933
    Processed by Irene Korenfield
    American Jewish Historical Society
    Center for Jewish History
    15 West 16th Street
    New York, NY 10011
    Phone: (212) 294-6160
    Fax: (212) 294-6161
    Center for Jewish History, Publisher. Machine-readable finding aid created by Irene Korenfield as an MS Word document. July 2003. Electronic finding aid converted to EAD 2002 by Tanya Elder. Sept. 2003. Description is in English.
    Descriptive Summary
    Creator: Marshall, Louis (1856-1929) Title: Louis Marshall Papers Dates: undated, 1905-1933

    73. Jewish Movies [Jewish Movie History Pg 3]
    of New York named samuel dickstein, an EasternEuropean Jew. In order todeter the controversy, dickstein stepped down from his position as chairman
    Notorious anti-Semite Representative John Rankin wearing
    a shawl of petitions protesting the motion picture industry. As the war came to a close, the HUAC was basically no longer needed because it had been instigated as a committee to ferret out Nazis. But a Mississippi congressman by the name of John Rankin moved that the HUAC become a standing committee against communism and by a narrow victory, he won. Rankin was not only a well-known anti-Semite, he also had a history of linking Jews with Communism as far back as the 1920s, and he was never remiss in openly using words like "kike" and "Christ killers". His agenda was clearly one of anti-Semitism but he was able to conceal it (to at least those who had no common sense or intelligence) as anti-Communism. He proposed this speech to the committee which was re-read often, not just to the committee but in churches all across the nation: "I am talking about the communism of Leon Trotsky that is based upon hatred of Christianity. Remember that communism and Christianity can never live in the same atmosphere. Communism is older than Christianity. It is the curse of the ages. It hounded and persecuted the Savior during his earthly ministry, inspired his crucifixion, derided him in dying agony, and then gambled for his garments at the foot of the cross; and has spent more than 1,900 years trying to destroy Christianity and everything based on Christian principles." He was never even corrected by anyone that the founder of communism, Karl Marx, was born in 1818. It was virtually unnecessary since it was obvious who these "persecutors of Christ" really were in the eyes of the committee.

    74. [Excerpt, Regarding Jewish Communist Spies In America And Other Countries, From
    (beginning in 1937) for the Russians was also Jewish, samuel dickstein, one a US Congressman the aforementioned samuel dickstein and the other a
    Excerpt, regarding Jewish communist spies in America and other countries, from Chapter 20
    In recent years, with the collapse of the Soviet Union's communist regime, KGB and FBI archives have been increasingly accessible for scholarly examination and it is has become starkly clear that a large proportion of American spies for communist Russia were Jewish. They were instrumental in helping the Soviet Union secure American nuclear bomb secrets, as well as other espionage. In the 1950s, notes Ronald Radosh and Joyce Milton, "fear that the Jewishness of so many of the atom-bomb spy suspects would provoke an anti-Semitic reaction led to a defensive attempt [by Jewish organizations] to prove the patriotism of America's Jewish community and 'scare off' Jews who might be attracted to the Left." [RADOSH/MILTON, p. 353] "What has proven most disturbing," noted the Jewish Exponent in 1999, "is the picture we have of the extent of the betrayal truly overwhelming in sheer bulk. The fact that many Jewish [American] radicals participated

    75. Untitled Document
    20th Century America/ House UnAmerican Activities Committee/ Anti-Semitism inAmerica/ samuel dickstein/ Martin Dies/ Laura Kalman.
    Department of History
    University of California, Santa Barbara
    Department of History
    University of California
    Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9410
    voice: 805-893-2991
    fax: 805-893-8795
    Site Navigation
    UCSB History Home Page Faculty Office Hours TA Office Hours Peer Advisor Hours ... Links Adams, Christine, 1990. The Professor and the Commoner: Woodrow Wilson, William Jennings Bryan, and World War I. Kalman. UCSB.
    2oth Century America/ World War I/ Woodrow Wilson/ William Jennings Bryan Armstrong, Aaron, 1990. Drugs and the Evolution of an American Public Policy Crisis. Bergstrom. UCSB.
    20th Century United States Public Policy/ United States Government Drug Policy/ Bergstrom. Aron, Wendy, 1992. Public Interest Law in the 1960s. Kalman. UCSB.
    Note: Table of Contents.
    20th Century America/ Public Interest Law/ Office of Economic Opportunity/ American Social Reform/ Laura Kalman. Aston, Rosalie, 1994. All-American or Un-American: Anti-Semitism and the House Un-American Activities Committee, 1938-1945. Kalman. UCSB.
    Note: Table of Contents, 2 copies.

    76. A Washington Suicide? - The Washington Times: Non-Fiction Review
    samuel dickstein, a New York Democrat, worked assiduously to have immigrationauthorities deport Krivitsky. The reason for dickstein s interest is nasty.
    August 10, 2003 DisplayAds('Top,Position1,Position2,Position3,Position4', 'Top', 468, 60 ); Advertise Subscription
    Site Map
    Front Page ... 'D' is for decrepit A Washington suicide?
    Just after publication of his damning account of the sins of the Soviet regime in 1939, "In Stalin's Secret Service," defected Soviet intelligence officer Walter G. Krivitsky told the New York Times, "If they ever try to prove that I took my own life, don't believe it." The Times used that quotation in a story when Krivitsky was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head in a locked hotel room near Washington's Union Station on Feb. 10, 1941. Washington police, after a cursory walk through, dismissed the death as a suicide. (OGPU is one of the many names for the agency that became KGB.)
    By all accounts, Krivitsky was one of the best officers Soviet intelligence produced in its early years, and recounting his career occupies the first third of the book. Much of his story was related in his 1939 book, written by Isaac Don Levine., which for the most part has proved credible. Mr. Kern adds fresh details, confirming parts of the account, questioning others. But he does not contest that Krivitsky was a very important figure in the espionage world.
    The size of the nascent Soviet intelligence services being what they were, a seemingly natural bent for the covert gave Krivitsky a fast rise; in short order he was the recognized expert on Poland, Germany, and other countries to a lesser extent.

    77. Book Review The Journal Of American History, 86.4 The History
    New York congressman samuel dickstein s heretoforeuntold role is a shocker.Flamboyant champion of the immigrant, elected eleven times, dickstein
    You have not been recognized as a subscriber to JAH online. About 214 words from this article are provided below; about 338 words remain.
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    Book Review
    By Allen Weinstein and Alexander Vassiliev. (New York: Random House, 1999. xxviii, 402 pp. $30.00, isbn 0-679-45724-0.)

    78. The Bund
    In October 1933, Congressmen samuel dickstein, chairman of the House Committeeon Immigration and Naturalization discovered that Spanknoebel had failed to
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    The Bund
    Home History and geography History of North America United States Author: Earl Rickard Published on: March 1, 2005

    79. Weinstein And Vassiliev, Book On Spies For Soviets
    The files document Soviet spying by Representative samuel dickstein of New York,so greedy that his handlers gave him the code name Crook.
    The Kremlin Connection
    A new study of Soviet espionage in America before the cold war makes some surprising revelations. New York Times Book Review
    January 3, 1999 By JOSEPH E. PERSICO In December 1948, the legendary broadcast journalist Edward R. Murrow went on the air to deplore the death of Laurence Duggan, a former State Department official seemingly hounded to suicide by the Communist-hunting House Un-American Activities Committee, whose members included Representative Richard M. Nixon. Murrow's outrage might have been tempered if he had possessed the information about Duggan that is revealed in ''The Haunted Wood,'' by Allen Weinstein, the founder of the Center for Democracy in Washington and Moscow, and Aleksandr Vassiliev, a journalist and a K.G.B. alumnus. While once-unimaginable collaborations among writers from opposing trenches in the cold war are not all that uncommon today, this work has a special power. During a two-year window of opportunity (or of lowered guard), Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service, the successor to the Soviet Union's K.G.B., allowed the authors access to thousands of secret documents from the Stalin era. Much of what they found is not new and yet it is. The experience of reading ''The Haunted Wood'' is rather like looking into the new edition of a book from which half the pages had previously been torn out. What emerges most sharply is proof of the guilt of certain Americans whose spying for the Soviet Union has been the subject of debate for over half a century. Laurence Duggan, for example, may have been driven to suicide by the HUAC Red hunters; but one document the authors unearthed in Moscow reveals how a Soviet defector was murdered to protect the identity of Duggan, whose espionage ''take'' in the 1930's occasionally went directly to Stalin.

    80. DML: Digital Mathematics Library: Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals And Monogr
    (by dickstein, S. (samuel)), 268, 1891, book. 40, Michigan Polargeometrie, von Dr.Ernst Barthel. Mit 23 Figuren. (by Barthel, Ernst), 95, 1919. book
    DML: Digital Mathematics Library
    Also: WDML: World Digital Mathematics Library Retrodigitized Mathematics Journals and Monographs
    Contains links to 1874 digitized books (> 385236 pages )
    and to 145 digitized journals (> 2942143 pages).

    (Numbers of pages are preliminary; not all informations are already available.) Includes all the links mentioned on page 920 of: Allyn Jackson, "The Digital Mathematics Libary",
    Notices Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 50 (8), 2003
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    A similar list is offered at The database for this table is an ASCII based (ISO Latin 8859-1 extended) list , which may be parsed by this PERL script
    If you want items to be added here, please send me the necessary data. Lists ordered by "Journal", "Repository" (Journals only) or by "Author name", "Title" are provided, as well as an
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    Author: A B C D ... Z Title: A B C D ... Z Nr. Repository: Title, Author: Pages: Year(s): Type: Euclid Pacific Journal of Mathematics journal Michigan Pangeometrie, von N. J. Lobatschefskij. Kasan 1856. Uebers. und hrsg. von Heinrich Liebmann. Mit 30 Figuren im Text. (by Lobachevskii, N. I. (Nikolai Ivanovich)) book icm Partial differential equations of second order I (by Krzyaski M.)

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