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61. Art Bulletin, The: DAVID FREEDBERG The Eye Of The Lynx: Galileo, His Friends, An of the Leisurely Ones, to which the Lincean giambattista della porta belonged . But Basile is more explicitly concerned with Galileo, della porta, http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0422/is_1_86/ai_114244258/pg_2 | |
62. Natural History: The Sharp-eyed Lynx, Outfoxed By Nature: Galileo And Friends Ta giambattista della porta wrote about the. telescope more than thirty years ago in.his Magia naturalis . . . so poor Galileo. will be besmirched. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1134/is_n4_v107/ai_20549274/pg_3 | |
63. Patten 89b - Porta With porta, giambattista della. Phytognomonica. Francofurti Apud Ionnem Wechelum Petrum Fischerum consortes, 1591. This work describes the science of http://www.asu.edu/lib/speccoll/patten/html/89b.html | |
64. Patten 89 - Porta With porta, giambattista della. De humana physiognomonia. Hanoviae Apud G.Antonium, 1593. This work discusses the physiognomy of plants and also compares http://www.asu.edu/lib/speccoll/patten/html/89.html | |
65. Diagrams Page Italian scientist and mystic giambattista della porta publishes Magia Italian scientist giambattista della porta writes De refractione, optices parte/On http://www.fofweb.com/Subscription/Science/Timeline.asp?SID=2&Topic=Physics |
66. *Ø* Wilson's Almanac Free Daily Ezine | Book Of Days | November 15 | Feast Da giambattista della porta, Italian magus, physician, scientist and playwright who giambattista (John Baptist) della porta 1535 Possible date of birth of http://www.wilsonsalmanac.com/book/nov15.html | |
67. Tag 240 240 10 a Missal (Dominican) 100 1 a porta, giambattista della, d 1535?1615.240 10 a Duoi fratelli rivali. l English Italian 245 14 a Gli duoi | |
68. The Spell Binder: Introduction magical enticements) to the gifts of higher things so that astonishingmiracles thereby occur. giambattista della porta (15351615), Natural Magick http://www.channel4.com/science/microsites/S/spellbinder/intro_t.shtml | |
69. The Spell Binder: Introduction There are two sorts of magic the one is infamous, and unhappy, because.giambattista della porta (15351615), Natural Magick Top of page http://www.channel4.com/science/microsites/S/spellbinder/intro.shtml | |
70. A Quixotic Museum: Cervantes And Italian Renaissance Art giambattista della porta s L Arte del Ricordare (The Art of Memory) was publishedonly four years before Cervantes arrival in Naples, a city that viewed http://fathom.lib.uchicago.edu/1/777777122489/ | |
71. Cometa De Giambattista Della Porta (1589) Translate this page giambattista della porta, importante matemático, naturalista, filosofo y ocultistaitaliano del siglo XVI, describe como se debe hacer vela voladora en su http://www.cometas.org/historia/porta.htm |
72. The Science Bookstore - Chronology porta, giambattista Born 12/6/1538, 1538 AD. 1540 AD, Bennewitz, P. della porta Giovanni Battista, Italian. Lentille De Cristal De Roche http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=2 |
73. Italian People In History della porta, giambattista (15351615) The Magia Naturalis was his firstpublication in 1558, followed five giambattista della porta by Scott Davis http://www.fabrisia.com/people.htm | |
74. Intro giambattista della portas comedy La Trappolaria (an adaption of Plautus Pseudolus)was first printed at Bergamo in 1596, with subsequent editions issued http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/trappolaria/intro.html | |
75. Fred Note 15 Louise George Chubb, giambattista della porta, Dramatist (Princeton, 1965).The play is discussed on pp. 185 94 (with a synopsis on pp. 185f. http://www.philological.bham.ac.uk/ruggle/intronotes.html | |
76. Art, Optics And History: New Light On The Hockney Thesis giambattista della porta, Magiae Naturalis, 1589 (2nd edition) Book XVII, Chapter 6 della porta, giambattista, 1558, Magiae naturalis, sive de miraculis http://shl.stanford.edu/Eyes/hockney/ | |
77. Timeline Of Esoterica giambattista della porta born in Naples. Author of Magia naturalis (Natural Magic) giambattista della porta s Magia Naturalis published; Zohar printed http://www.esotericarchives.com/esotime.htm | |
78. 16th And 17thC Natural Philosophers 1535 15Nov giambattista della porta born near Naples bio bio 1536 Frisiusand Vesalius dissect corpse 1536 21yo Peter Ramus shocks the University of http://www.robotwisdom.com/science/natphils/ | |
79. Susan Derges : Natural Magic - An Exhibition At The Museum Of The History Of Sci and physical science by giambattista della porta, first published in 1558.A Renaissance scholar, della porta is renowned for the broad spread of his http://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/derges/guide.htm | |
80. Brecht And The Historical Galileo giambattista della porta was twentynine years older when Galileo. He was bornin Naples in 1535, and died in 1615, when Galileo was at the peak of his http://www.nmsu.edu/~honors/brechtessay.html | |
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