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61. D-Dh packing of, 988 Degrees of unsolvability (arithmetic hierarchy), 1126, 1139 dehn,max W. (Germany, 18781952) and word problem for groups, 1141 Deism, 1196 http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/index/d-dh.html | |
62. Collected Works MAIN TITLE Papers on group theory and topology / max dehn ; translatedand introduced by John Stillwell. PUBLISHER New York SpringerVerlag, c1987. http://lib.nmsu.edu/subject/math/mbib.html | |
63. UW Math PhD Alumni (Advisors: D) Crandall Crowe CurtisdehnDickeyDowlingDresden EberleinFadellFerrisForelliForstnericFullerton max W. dehn. PhD students. Engel, Joseph Henry,1949 http://www.math.wisc.edu/directories/alumni/D.htm | |
64. Abstract Up to a natural equivalence on functions, the dehn function is a The resultspresented are joint work with Noel Brady, Martin Bridson and max Forester. http://www.math.columbia.edu/~clein/abstracts/shankar.html | |
65. Max Dehn PDF annular dehn 39-98 http://www.algebra.com/algebra/about/history/Max-Dehn.wikipedia | |
66. Knitting Circle Paul Dehn Paul dehn asked James Bernard to collaborate with him on the original screen essays and light verse, published in London by max Reinhardt, 135 pages. http://myweb.lsbu.ac.uk/~stafflag/pauldehn.html | |
67. Bibliography dehn, max, 18781952, Papers on group theory and topology / translated andintroduced by John Stillwell, New York, Springer-Verlag, 1987 http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=D& |
68. Hamish Short Early in the 20th century, max dehn formulated the three classical problems ingroup theory the word problem, the conjugacy problem and the isomorphism http://www.crm.es/Conferences/0405/WordProblem/hamish_short.htm | |
69. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results max Wilhelm dehn Born 13 Nov 1878 in Hamburg, Germany Died 27 June 1952 inBlack Mountain, North Carolina, USA Click the picture above to see three larger http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=1025&term1= |
70. Julius Kraft Papers dehn, max. 1 L., 1 Ptc. 1940,1942. 35. Department of State. 3 L., 1 memo. 1950.3 L. by Kraft. 36. Döhmann, Klaus. 4 L., 4 Ptc. 19591960. http://library.albany.edu/speccoll/findaids/ger054.htm | |
71. MASS - Colloquia 2003 This theorem which provides an answer to one of the famous Hilbert s problemswas proved by max dehn (actually, a year before Hilbert stated his Problems). http://www.math.psu.edu/mass/colloquia/2003/ |
72. Science & Technology At Scientific American.com: A Century Of Mathematics -- How In 1902, max dehn demonstrated that two tetrahedra of equal base and altitude donot necessarily have the same volume. But others were too broad to perhaps http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=000C0D7D-3B95-1C75-9B81809EC588EF21 |
73. American Mathematical Monthly, The: Geometry: Euclid And Beyond Karl Menger, Kurt Reidemeister, max dehn, Alfred Tarski, Reinhold Baer, WilhelmKlingenberg, and Bartel Leenert van der Waerden, who are better known http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3742/is_200301/ai_n9200362 | |
74. Person Max Dehn Arnold Sommerfeld an David Hilbert, 24. Juni 1904 http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~Sommerfeld/PersDat/00859.html | |
75. Genealogy Data Page 7 (Family Pages) Translate this page Children. dehn, Arnold Gender Male dehn, max Gender Male dehn, Hanna. Family.Spouse Goldschmidt, Marianne Gender Female Children. dehn, Martin http://shum.huji.ac.il/~dutchjew/genealog/ndbeli/f_6.htm | |
76. DicoMaths : IIIè Problème De Hilbert Translate this page La réponse est négative et fut apportée par max dehn, un élève de Hilbert, dès 1902.A chaque polyèdre, dehn associa une quantité, maintenant connue sous le http://www.bibmath.net/dico/index.php3?action=affiche&quoi=./h/hilbert3eme.html |
77. [The Summaries Here Of Hilbert S Problems Are Necessarily Brief In 1900, max dehn proved that all such tetrahedra do NOT have the same volume.Here s a problem that sounds accessible to us amateurs. http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/95/hilb.list | |
78. Überspannungsschutz Translate this page Astro Strobel Gleichstromsperre KTS 15 max.30V, 5-2150MHz 320 151 Netzspannung30 V dehn+Söhne dehn+Söhne Überspannungsschutz 919 570 BCT MOD MD HFS http://www.eas-y.de/sortiment/rs/telekommunikation-fernmeldeanschlussmaterial-Ue | |
79. Rohrschelle Für Blitzschutz Translate this page dehn+Söhne Regenrohrschelle 420 107 dehn+Söhne Regenrohrschelle 420 107 - Details Durchmesser verstellbar ja Material Edelstahl Für max. http://www.eas-y.de/sortiment/kls/erdung-blitz-und-Ueberspannungsschutz/rohrsche | |
80. Mathematicians From DSB Translate this page dehn, max, 1878-1952. Delambre, Jean-Baptiste Joseph, 1749-1822. Descartes, Renédu Perron, 1596-1650. Dini, Ulisse, 1845-1918 http://www.henrikkragh.dk/hom/dsb.htm | |
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