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61. Dee, John -- Encyclopædia Britannica dee, john English mathematician, natural philosopher, and student of the occult. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9029722 | |
62. Witchcraft In Europe And America From Cornell University Library An internet edition of Meric Casaubon's 1659 transcription of dee and Kelley's Enochian Spirit Actions, from Cotton Appendix MS. XLVI. It may be viewed as text or images. http://historical.library.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/witch/docviewer?did=039 |
63. John Dee's Forecast Graphic Keweenaw Snow Expeditions. Come ride the Backcountry of the Keweenaw with john dee and his friends! http://www.johndee.com/forecast_graphic.htm | |
64. Reformation: John Calvin The eighth chapter of the learning module, Discovery and Reformation. This chapter outlines the life and the central thought of john Calvin, http://www.wsu.edu:8000/~dee/REFORM/CALVIN.HTM | |
65. Enochian Of The Golden Dawn Describes the Great Table and gives brief biographical information on john dee and Edward Kelley. http://www.golden-dawn.org/enochian.html | |
66. Francis Bacon & John Dee Considers the relationship between john dee and Sir Francis Bacon, with notes upon the OO7 symbol. http://www.sirbacon.org/links/dblohseven.html | |
67. The MacTutor History Of Mathematics Archive John Dee A brief biographical sketch of john dee from a mathematical perspective. http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Mathematicians/Dee.html | |
68. Charlotte Fell Smith: John Dee Charlotte Fell Smith john dee cover. Charlotte Fell Smith john dee Table of Contents Analytical Table of Contents http://www.johndee.org/charlotte/ | |
69. A BRIEF ABSTRACT OF THE SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION OF THE UNIVERSE A brief abstract of the symbolic representation of the universe derived by Doctor john dee through the skrying of Sir Edward Kelley. http://www.the-equinox.org/vol1/no7/eqi07021.html | |
70. Pictures Relating To 'Dee, John' - British Library Images Online This is the gallery results page of the British Library Images Online website. Use this site to search, order and purchase thousands of images from the http://www.imagesonline.bl.uk/britishlibrary/controller/subjectidsearch?id=12089 |
71. JOHN DEE - LoveToKnow Article On JOHN DEE An outline history of john dee's life. http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/D/DE/DEE_JOHN.htm | |
72. Picture Of 'John Dee' - British Library Images Online john dee (15271608). English alchemist, geographer and mathematician. Portrait. http://www.imagesonline.bl.uk/britishlibrary/controller/subjectidsearch?id=11932 |
73. John Dee - Alex Sumner An article on john dee written from the perspective of the Western Mystery Tradition. http://www.jwmt.org/v1n1/dee.html | |
74. Writings Of John Dee Illustrated texts of various of john dee's writings, including much pertaining to Enochian magick. http://www.esotericarchives.com/dee/ | |
75. John Dee A short biographical essay on john dee. http://www.twistedtree.org.uk/JohnDee.htm | |
76. Encyclopedia Of Astronomy And Astrophysics » Dee, John (1527â1608) dee, john (15271608). DOI 10.1888/0333750888/3575; Published November 2000. Icon Full text (PDF, 15K). Article summary http://eaa.iop.org/index.cfm?action=summary&doc=eaa/3575@eaa-xml |
77. Elizabethan Review - Madoc/Dee Article An article from the Elizabethan Review concerning john dee's assertion of the right of the British Crown to lay claim to lands in North America, as put forward in his Brytannici Imperii Limites manuscript. http://www.ramtops.demon.co.uk/madocdee.html | |
78. Program John Dee er tilpasset browsere som støtter frames. Du kan likevel forsøke disse linkene Program Rockefeller Program john dee Verdt å vite Events Bli medlem. http://www.rockefeller.no/cgi-bin/frames.cgi?modus=prog_jd |
79. Inquisitor - John Dee -- Heresie.com Translate this page john dee vit le jour pour la première fois le 13 juillet 1527 dans une demeure john dee. Il étudia la kabbale, en particulier « De arte cabalistica » de http://www.heresie.com/dee.htm | |
80. Dee, John (1527-1608) Translate this page dee, john (1527-1608). Dizionario di eresie, eretici, dissidenti religiosi, confessioni cristiane non cattoliche, nuovi movimenti religiosi di ispirazione http://www.eresie.it/id540.htm | |
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