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21. John Dee John Dee is sometimes refered to as the last magician because of his services to Queen Elizabeth 1 as her astrologer. Dee was a renowned alchemist, http://www.crystalinks.com/dee.html | |
22. John Dee John Dee was offered a readership in mathematics at Oxford in 1554, which he declined, John Dee was married three times and had eight children. http://john-dee.infohub.dnip.net/ | |
23. John Dee John Dee, John Dee Page 2. John Dee was an eminent Elizabethan mathematician and astrologer. His studies into the Occult took him abroad on many occasions, http://www.mysteriousbritain.co.uk/occult/john_dee.html | |
24. John Dee John Dee, John Dee Page 1 With fame came a source of income, which Dee used to fund his experiments into metal transmutation. Dee also claimed to have http://www.mysteriousbritain.co.uk/occult/john_dee2.html | |
25. HOWARD, LESLIE: BETTE DAVIS: FRANCES DEE: JOHN CROMWELL-DIR / OF HUMAN BONDAGE: Buy the DVD OF HUMAN BONDAGE PG 1934 by HOWARD, LESLIE BETTE DAVIS FRANCES dee john CROMWELLDIR at www.HMV.com.au. Looking for the latest HOWARD, http://www.hmv.com.au/product/product.asp?sku=968444 |
26. John Dee, History Of Astrologist, Alchemist John Dee John Dee is sometimes reffered to as the last magician because of his services to Queen Elizabeth 1 as her astrologer. Dee was a renowned alchemist, http://www.paralumun.com/deehist.htm | |
27. 16mm Video & Film: Dee-john-gavin For Sale For Sale deejohn-gavin Buy or make seller an offer for dee-john-gavin, Zip Code TAMMY TELL ME TRUE 1961 SANDRA dee john GAVIN, $12.95 http://16mm-video-film-cat.ioffer.com/si/dee-john-gavin | |
28. Uniontown, Pennsylvania Real Estate Agents And Realtors Dee John Of Franklin Joh Franklin John Realty, Inc. is owned and operated by Franklin and dee john. Franklin John is the Broker and a Certified State. http://www.realestatepros.org/states/pennsylvania/uniontown/Dee_John_936282636.h | |
29. No. 474: John Dee John Dee mathematician, scientist, and sorcerer. John Dee was born in England in 1527. When he died in 1607, he left us all wondering was he a http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi474.htm | |
30. Dee John - Demone Translate this page wpe37.jpg (10541 byte) dee john Figura dellAlchimia inglese del XVI secolo (1527-1608). Nacque a Londra il 13.7.1527. Suo padre Roland proveniva da una http://www.esonet.org/dizionario/d01.htm | |
31. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Dee John dee john . Articles MSN Encarta Premium. Obtenez plus de résultats pour dee john http://fr.encarta.msn.com/Dee_John.html | |
32. The John Dee Society Contains a biography of john dee by Charlotte Fell Smith (1909), and a thesis entitled john dee Studied as an English neoPlatonist by I.R.F. Calder (1952). http://www.johndee.org/ | |
33. John Dee's Snow Central Current snow forecasts for the US, including accounts of recent snowfall activity, forecast graphics, snow totals and historical weather from meteorologist john dee. http://www.johndee.com/ | |
34. The John Dee Publication Project Contains transcriptions of the first three Books of the Mysteries (Adobe Acrobat Reader required) and an image of the Sigillum Dei. http://www.john-dee.org/ | |
35. Edward Kelly And John Dee: Alchemists Who Transmuted The Stone. An article on these two men and their experiments with Alchemy. http://www.alchemylab.com/kellydee.htm | |
36. John Dee And The Secret Societies A detailed essay on john dee's contacts and possible involvement with the secret societies of the Elizabethan era, originally published in The Hermetic Journal. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/1896/johndee.html |
37. Dee Biography of john dee (15271609) john dee s father was Roland dee who was of Welsh descent. Roland dee dealt in textiles and, in addition, http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Dee.html | |
38. Ch 10 Marriage A chapter from a book on astronomy and astrology, which discusses aspects of john dee's Hieroglyphic Monad from a mathematical perspective. http://gfisher.org/chapter_10.htm | |
39. Dee, John john dee went to St. john¹s College in Cambridge at the age of 15 in 1542, For several years after 1583 Dr. john dee and Edward Kelly lived in Trebona http://www.themystica.com/mystica/articles/d/dee_john.html | |
40. John Dee, The Queen's Astrologer, John Dee, The Queen's Astrologer. Information about john dee, astrologer to Elizabeth I. http://www.occultopedia.com/d/dee.htm | |
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