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         Dedekind Richard:     more books (59)
  1. La notion de nombre chez Dedekind, Cantor, Frege: Theories, conceptions et philosophie (Mathesis) (French Edition) by Jean-Pierre Belna, 1996
  2. Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by P. Andrew Karam, 2000
  3. Tu Braunschweig Faculty: Richard Dedekind, Kurt Tank, Manfred Eigen, Georg Wittig, Nikolaus Hofreiter, Henning Kagermann, Herbert Freundlich
  4. People From Braunschweig: Carl Friedrich Gauss, Caroline of Brunswick, Karl Andree, Karl Fiehler, Richard Dedekind, Louis Spohr
  5. Richard Dedekind
  6. Bernhard Riemann's Gesammelte mathematische Werke und Wissenschaftlicher Nachlass, Hrsg. unter Mitwirkung von Richard Dedekind, von Heinrich Weber. by Bernhard Riemann, 1899-01-01
  7. Gesammelte Mathematische Werke Und Wissenschaftlicher Nachlass (1892) (German Edition) by Bernhard Riemann, 2010-04-18
  8. Gesammelte: Mathemathische Werke by Heinrich Weber, Bernhard Riemann, et all 2009-10-27
  9. Stetigkeit Und Irrationale Zahlen (German Edition) by Richard Dedekind, 2010-05-25
  10. Essays on the Theory of Numbers by Richard Dedekind, 1924
  11. Essays in the Theory of Numbers, 1. Continuity of Irrational Numbers, 2. the Nature and Meaning of Numbers. Authorized Translation by Wooster by Richard Dedekind, 2009-12-30
  12. Vorlesung uber Differential- und Integralrechnung (Dokumente zur Geschichte der Mathematik, 1) by Richard Dedekind, 1985
  13. Essays on the Theory of Numbers by Richard Dedekind, 1948
  14. Essays in the theory of numbers, 1. Continuity of irrational numbers, 2. The nature and meaning of numbers. Authorized translation by Wooster Woodruff Beman by Richard Dedekind, 2010-08-24

21. Richard Julius Wilhelm Dedekind
RICHARD JULIUS WILHELM DEDEKIND. (1831 1916). Richard Dedekind was a Germanmathematician who was born in 1831 in Brunswick. His father was a professor of
RICHARD JULIUS WILHELM DEDEKIND Richard Dedekind was a German mathematician who was born in 1831 in Brunswick. His father was a professor of law. Dedekind studied at Gottingen where he later taught. He also taught at the Zurich polytechnic for a few years. He then became the professor of mathematics in the technical school of Brunswick where he taught for half a century. He was a bachelor and he lived with his unmarried sister, Julie, until her death in 1914. Dedekind made many original and important contributions to the theory of algebraic numbers. He died at the age of 85 in 1916. In 1872, he published a book, Continuity and Irrational Numbers , in which he attempted to remove all ambiguities and doubts as to how irrational numbers fitted into the domain of arithmetic. Some items to be considered in this work are as follows (all numbers are shown in base ten arithmetic):
  • A rational number can be expressed in the form of a fraction a/b where a and b are integers.
  • A number which cannot be expressed as a rational fraction is an irrational number. For example, . The class of real numbers is made up of rational and irrational numbers.
  • A rational number can be expressed in decimal notation and where the decimal does not terminate (end in zeroes), it repeats itself periodically. For example, 10/13 =.769230.769230.769230 and 14/11 = An irrational number when expressed as a decimal does not terminate or exhibit the periods. It is impossible to exactly express numbers such as
  • 22. DEDEKIND
    photos de DEDEKIND. dedekind richard Julius Wilhelm 18311916, dedekind richardJulius Wilhelm 1831-1916.
    Richard Julius Wilhelm
    Richard Julius Wilhelm

    23. Richard Dedekind
    Richard Dedekind. Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind (6 pazdziernika 1831 12lutego, 1916 to matematyk niemiecki. Urodzony w Brunszwiku.
    Nauka i Edukacja w Science Servis - Polski Serwis Naukowy Astronomia Biologia Chemia Fizyka ... Encyklopedia
    Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind 6 października 12 lutego to matematyk niemiecki Urodzony w Brunszwiku . Był uczniem Dirichleta i Gaussa . Od 1862 r. przez ponad 50 lat był profesorem w Collegium Carolinum (p³Åºniejszej Wyższej Szkole Technicznej) w Brunszwiku. Blisko pzyjaźnił się z Cantorem i jako jeden z pierwszych docenił wartość jego prac teoriomnogosciowych.Jego prace dotyczą teorii liczb algebry teorii mnogości i analizy matematycznej . Wprowadził do matematyki wiele nowych pojęć takich jak grupa czy pierścień Na uwagę zasługują dwie prace Dedekinda: 1. „Ciągłość i liczby niewymierne” („Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen” 1872) 2. „Czym są i co znaczą liczby?” („Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen?” 1888) W pierwszej z nich rozwinął teorię liczb niewymiernych w oparciu o przekroje. Druga praca zawiera logiczną teorię liczb i indukcji zupełnej, oraz aksjomatykę arytmetyki liczb naturalnych (znaną dziś jako aksjomatykę Peano, a problem czy Peano doszedł do nich niezależnie od Dedekinda pozostaje nierozstrzygnięty.) Znajduje się też tam „klasyczną” definicję zbioru nieskończonego, według kt³rej zbi³r jst nieskończony wtedy i tylko wtedy, gdy można go jednoznacznie wzajemnie odwzorować na pewien jego podzbi³r właściwy.
    To jest tylko zalążek artykułu . Jeśli możesz

    24. Richard Dedekind - Encyklopedia
    Richard Dedekind. Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii. Julius Wilhelm RichardDedekind (6 pazdziernika 1831 12 lutego, 1916 to matematyk niemiecki.
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    : Zalążki artykuł³w - wrzesień 2005 Niemieccy matematycy
    Richard Dedekind
    Z Wikipedii, wolnej encyklopedii. Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind 6 października 12 lutego to matematyk niemiecki Urodzony w Brunszwiku . Był uczniem Dirichleta i Gaussa . Od 1862 r. przez ponad 50 lat był profesorem w Collegium Carolinum (p³Åºniejszej Wyższej Szkole Technicznej) w Brunszwiku. Blisko pzyjaźnił się z Cantorem i jako jeden z pierwszych docenił wartość jego prac teoriomnogosciowych.Jego prace dotyczą teorii liczb algebry teorii mnogości i analizy matematycznej . Wprowadził do matematyki wiele nowych pojęć takich jak grupa czy pierścień Na uwagę zasługują dwie prace Dedekinda: 1. „Ciągłość i liczby niewymierne” („Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen” 1872) 2. „Czym są i co znaczą liczby?” („Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen?” 1888) W pierwszej z nich rozwinął teorię liczb niewymiernych w oparciu o przekroje. Druga praca zawiera logiczną teorię liczb i indukcji zupełnej, oraz aksjomatykę arytmetyki liczb naturalnych (znaną dziś jako aksjomatykę Peano, a problem czy Peano doszedł do nich niezależnie od Dedekinda pozostaje nierozstrzygnięty.) Znajduje się też tam „klasyczną” definicję zbioru nieskończonego, według kt³rej zbi³r jst nieskończony wtedy i tylko wtedy, gdy można go jednoznacznie wzajemnie odwzorować na pewien jego podzbi³r właściwy.

    25. Richard Dedekind - Wikipédia
    Translate this page Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind, (6 de outubro de 1831, Braunschweig - 12 defevereiro de 1916, Braunschweig) foi um matemático alemão.
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    Richard Dedekind
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    Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind 6 de outubro de Braunschweig 12 de fevereiro de , Braunschweig) foi um matem¡tico alem£o O ºltimo dos quatro filhos de Julius Levin Ulrich Dedekind , professor de Direito, nasceu em Braunschweig Brunswick ) em 6 de outubro de 1831. De sete at© os dezesseis anos ele estudou no gin¡sio de sua cidade, n£o demonstrando qualquer evidªncia de seu gªnio matem¡tico. Seus interesses iniciais foram Qu­mica e F­sica . Aos dezessete anos voltou-se para a Matem¡tica a fim de esclarecer-se. Em entrou para o Col©gio Carolina , onde dominou os elementos de Geometria Anal­tica ¡lgebra avan§ada c¡lculo e mec¢nica superior. Ingressou na Universidade de G¶ttingen em com a idade de dezenove anos. Seus principais orientadores foram Moritz Abraham Stern Gauss e Wilhelm Weber , o f­sico. Deles recebeu uma completa base de c¡lculo , elementos de alta aritm©tica, least square, alta geod©sia, e f­sica experimental. Passou mais de dois anos em

    26. Richard Dedekind - Wikipédia
    Translate this page Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind (6 Octobre 1831 - 12 Février 1916) était unmathématicien allemand et un proche disciple de Ernst Kummer en arithmétique.
    Wikim©dia a besoin de votre aide notre page de collecte de fonds pour plus de d©tails.
    Richard Dedekind
    Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
    Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind (6 Octobre - 12 F©vrier ) ©tait un math©maticien allemand et un proche disciple de Ernst Kummer en arithm©tique Dedekind est n©   Brunswick Julius Wilhelm . Il v©cut c©libataire avec sa sœur Julia jusqu'  sa mort en . En , il entra au Collegium Carolinum de Brunswick et en , avec de solides connaissances en math©matiques il entra   l'universit© de G¶ttingen G¶ttingen Gauss enseignait les math©matiques   un niveau ©l©mentaire. Dans les d©partements de math©matiques et de physique , Dedekind apprit beaucoup sur la th©orie des nombres . L'un des professeurs principaux de Dedekind fut Moritz Abraham Stern œber die Theorie der Eulerschen Integrale (Sur la th©orie des int©grales d' Euler ) supervis©e par Gauss. Sa th¨se ©tait adroite et autonome mais elle ne montrait aucun talent sp©cial   l'inverse des travaux post©rieurs de Dedekind. N©anmoins, Gauss avait certainement vu la pr©dilection de Dedekind pour les math©matiques. Dedekind re§u son doctorat en et il fut le dernier ©l¨ve de Gauss.

    27. Dedekind, Richard
    study of CONTINUITY and definition of the real numbers in terms of dedekind cuts , the nature of number and mathematical induction, definition of finite and infinite sets; algebraic number fields, concept of RINGS.
    Dedekind, Richard
    Richard Dedekind, b. Oct. 6, 1831, d. Feb. 12, 1916, was a German mathematician known for his study of CONTINUITY and definition of the real numbers in terms of Dedekind "cuts"; his analysis of the nature of number and mathematical induction, including the definition of finite and infinite sets; and his influential work in NUMBER THEORY, particularly in algebraic number fields. Among his most notable contributions to mathematics were his editions of the collected works of Peter DIRICHLET, Carl GAUSS, and Georg Riemann. Dedekind's study of Dirichlet's work led to his own study of algebraic number fields, as well as his introduction of ideals. He developed this concept into a theory of ideals that is of fundamental importance in modern algebra. Dedekind also introduced such fundamental concepts as RINGS. Author: J. W. Dauben
    Homepage e-mail: © 2000 Mathematics School
    Science Faculty, Central University of Venezuela

    28. Dedekind
    Biography of richard dedekind (18311916) richard dedekind s father was aprofessor at the Collegium Carolinum in Brunswick. His mother was the daughter
    Julius Wihelm Richard Dedekind
    Born: 6 Oct 1831 in Braunschweig, duchy of Braunschweig (now Germany)
    Died: 12 Feb 1916 in Braunschweig, duchy of Braunschweig (now Germany)
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    to see five larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
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    Richard Dedekind 's father was a professor at the Collegium Carolinum in Brunswick. His mother was the daughter of a professor who also worked at the Collegium Carolinum. Richard was the youngest of four children and never married. He was to live with one of his sisters, who also remained unmarried, for most of his adult life. He attended school in Brunswick from the age of seven and at this stage mathematics was not his main interest. The school, Martino-Catharineum, was a good one and Dedekind studied science, in particular physics and chemistry. However, physics became less than satisfactory to Dedekind with what he considered an imprecise logical structure and his attention turned towards mathematics. Listing and Wilhelm Weber . The two departments combined to initiate a seminar which Dedekind joined from its beginning. There he learnt number theory which was the most advanced material he studied. His other courses covered material such as the differential and integral calculus, of which he already had a good understanding. The first course to really make Dedekind enthusiastic was, rather surprisingly, a course on experimental physics taught by

    29. References For Dedekind
    References for the biography of richard dedekind. P Dugac, richard dedekindet les fondements des mathématiques (Paris, 1976).
    References for Richard Dedekind
    Version for printing
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).
  • Biography in Encyclopaedia Britannica. available on the Web Books:
  • E T Bell, Men of Mathematics
  • I Dedekind, P Dugac, W-D Geyerand W Scharlau, Richard Dedekind, 1831-1981, in (Braunschweig, 1981).
  • R Dedekind, Gesammelte mathematische Werke (Braunschweig, 1932).
  • R Dedekind, Gesammelte mathematische Werke - Reprint (New York, 1969).
  • P Dugac, (Paris, 1976).
  • D A Gillies, Frege, Dedekind, and Peano on the foundations of arithmetic (Assen, 1982). Articles:
  • L Corry, Eudoxus' theory of proportions as interpreted by Dedekind (Spanish), Mathesis
  • Historia Math.
  • Arch. Hist. Exact Sci.
  • H M Edwards, Dedekind's invention of ideals, Bull. London Math. Soc.
  • H M Edwards, Dedekind's invention of ideals, in Studies in the history of mathematics (Washington, DC, 1987), 8-20.
  • H M Edwards, The genesis of ideal theory, Arch. Hist. Exact Sciences
  • Historia Mathematica
  • F Gana, Peirce and Dedekind : the definition of finite sets (Italian), Historia Math.
  • 30. Escuela De Matemáticas - UCV
    Translate this page dedekind, richard. richard dedekind, nacido en Oct. 6, 1831, muerto en Feb.12, 1916, fue un matemático alemán conocido por su estudio de la Continuidad y
    Los Matemáticos más famosos de todos los Tiempos: Niels Henrik Abel Arquímedes Banach, Stefan Bessel, Friedrich ... Dedekind, Richard
    Autor: J. W. Dauben.
    Traducido por Alexander Velásquez. Av. Los Ilustres, Facultad de Ciencias, Esc. de Matemáticas Piso 3, Los Chaguaramos
    Caracas 1020 - Venezuela. Telf. 58-212-605.1512/1197/1484/1480 Fax: 58-212-605.1512/1190/1480 © 2004 Escuela de Matemáticas - UCV - Ultima modificación: Jueves, 01 Junio 2000

    31. Dedekind, Richard --  Encyclopædia Britannica
    dedekind, richard German mathematician who developed a major redefinition ofirrational numbers in terms of arithmetic concepts.

    32. Richard Dedekind
    Translate this page Berühmte Mathematiker richard dedekind. richard dedekind promovierte 1850bei CFGauss und wirkte von 1862 bis zu seiner Emeritierung am Polytechnikum
    Home Geschichte Mathematiker Zitate ...
    Fraktale und Finanzen

    B.B. Mandelbrot, R.L. Hudson
    Richard Dedekind
    6.10.1831 - 12.2.1916, Braunschweig Richard Dedekind promovierte 1850 bei C.F.Gauss und wirkte von 1862 bis zu seiner Emeritierung am Polytechnikum der späteren TH in Braunschweig Dedekind und Weierstrass nahmen die Diskussion über die irrationalen Zahlen und die Kontinuität neu auf. Seine Arbeiten führten zu einer modernen Epoche der Analysis, das heisst zur kritisch-logischen Genauigkeit in der Infinitesimalrechnung, im Gegensatz zu früheren Mathematikern, die freiere, intuitive Methoden anwendeten. Carl Friedrich Gauss leitete die erste Periode kritischer Strenge ein, und Dedekind leistete ähnliches, jedoch auf einer anderen Ebene, gemäss den gestiegenen Anforderungen an die Analysis in der 2.Hälfte des 19.Jahrhunderts. Der intuitiven Schule der Analysis wurden Grenzen gezeigt, durch die Entdeckung einer Kurve, die an keinem Punkt eine Tangente hat (Weierstrass). Dedekind führte den Begriff Zahlkörper ein.

    33. Lakatos Collection Authors D-G
    dedekind, richard, 18311916. Essays on the theory of numbers I. Continuity and The nature and meaning of numbers / by richard dedekind ; authorized
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    Lakatos Collection Authors D-G
    D'Abro, A. Evolution of scientific thought : from Newton to Einstein / by A. d'Abro. 2nd ed., rev. and enl. New York : Dover Publications, 1950. ISBN 0486200027 (pbk.) : . QC6 A16 LAK. Normal loan Dampier, William Cecil Dampier, Sir, 1867-1952 History of science and its relations with philosophy and religion / Sir William Cecil Dampier Dampier. 4th ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1948. Q125 D16 LAK. Normal loan Dampier, William Cecil Dampier, Sir, 1867-1952 History pf science : and its relations with philosophy and religion / by Sir William Cecil Dampier. 3rd ed., rev. and enlarged. Camridge : University press, 1946. Q125 D16 LAK. Normal loan Danto, Arthur Coleman, 1924- Analytical philosophy of knowledge / by Arthur C. Danto. Cambridge : University Press, 1968. ISBN 0521072662: . BD161 D19 LAK. Normal loan Dantzig, Tobias. Henri Poincaré, critic of crisis: reflections on his universe of discourse / Tobias Dantzig. London : Scribner, 1954. (Twentieth century library). Q143.P7 D19 LAK. Normal loan

    34. H3 Faksimile CD-Shop Philosophie /h3 - Dedekind, Richard
    dedekind, richard. Bitte wählen Sie unten aus der Liste dasgewünschte Werk dedekind / Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen 1912, EUR 1.00,_richard.htm
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    35. 1901-1937 -
    Translate this page dedekind, richard Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen. Vierte unveränderte Auflage . dedekind, richard Was sind und was sollen Zahlen?
    Faksimile-CDs (ALTES ANGEBOT) von Kant, Immanuel Lexika Vermischtes Sonderangebote ... Impressum > Kategorie: Adickes, Erich
    Ein neu aufgefundenes Kollegheft nach Kants Vorlesung über physische Geographie.

    Tübingen, Verlag J.C.B. Mohr 1913; 92 Seiten
    Menge: Adickes, Erich
    Kant und die Als-Ob-Philosophie.
    Fr. Frommans Verlag Stuttgart. 1927; 292 Seiten.
    Menge: Adickes, Erich
    Kant contra Haeckel.
    Erkenntnistheorie gegen naturwissenschaftlichen Dogmatismus.; Aufsatz aus: Kantstudien, Band V 1901; S. 340-383.
    Menge: Adickes, Erich
    Korrekturen und Konjekturen zu Kants ethischen Schirften. Aufsatz aus: Kantstudien, Band V 1901; S. 207-214. Menge: Adickes, Erich Liebmann als Erkenntnistheoretiker. Untersuchungen zur Theorie der Apriorität, sowie über die Evidenz der geometrischen Axiome. / Aufsatz aus: Kantstudien, Band XV Heft 1/1910; S. 1-52. Menge: Adickes, Erich Zur Lehre von der Wärme von Fr. Bacon bis Kant. Aufsatz aus: Kantstudien, Band XXVII Heft 3/4 1922; S. 328-368.

    36. BibScout - Dedekind, Richard
    Werke / richard dedekind. - Reprint, in 2 vol., of the ed.
    @import url(; @import url(; @import url(; Skip to content. BibScout web bibscout
    Mathematik Gesammelte Werke Autoren D Dedekind, Richard BibScout Home Allgemeines Arch¤ologie Biologie ... Autoren O
    Dedekind, Richard
    Document Actions Regensburger Verbundklassifikation SF.2320 SF 2320
    • Gesammelte mathematische Werke
      / Richard Dedekind. - Braunschweig : Vieweg, 19XX Bibliotheken Gesammelte mathematische Werke
      / Richard Dedekind. - Reprint, in 2 vol., of the ed. Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1930-1932, originally publ. in 3 vol.. - Bronx, NY : Chelsea Publ. Co., 19XX Bibliotheken Gesammelte mathematische Werke
      / Richard Dedekind. - Repr.. - Bronx, N.Y. : Chelsea Publ. Comp., 19XX Bibliotheken
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    37. Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind
    dedekind, Julius Wilhelm richard, yOOl yoos vil helm rikh ärt da dukint dedekind, Julius Wilhelm richard (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition)
    var zflag_nid="350"; var zflag_cid="44/43"; var zflag_sid="11"; var zflag_width="728"; var zflag_height="90"; var zflag_sz="14"; in All Infoplease Almanacs Biographies Dictionary Encyclopedia
    Daily Almanac for
    Aug 31, 2005

    38. Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
    dedekind, Julius Wilhelm richard. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105.
    Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Columbia Encyclopedia PREVIOUS NEXT ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard

    39. Bibliography
    dedekind, richard, Sur la théorie des nombres entiers algébrique, dedekind,richard, Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen (translated, in Ewald)
    Mathematics: original works Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune, (edited by Richard Dedekind), 1837. Translated with introductory notes by John Stillwell as Lectures on Number Theory , AMS, 1999. Stillwell's introduction is available online. Dedekind, Richard, , translated with introductory notes by John Stillwell as Lectures on the Algebraic Integers, Cambridge University, 1996. Struik, Dirk, A Source Book in Mathematics: 1200-1800 , Harvard University Press, 1969; in particular, papers by Fermat, Euler, Legendre, and Gauss. Weddernburn, Maclagan, "A theorem on finite algebras," Transactions of the American Mathematical Society , 6:349-352, 1905. Pitt and CMU students should be able to get this online from JSTOR (Also landmark textbooks on algebraic number theory by Hasse, Weyl, ...) (Interested students can also look into work by Euler, Gauss, Kummer, Kronecker, Hilbert, ...) Mathematics: modern presentations
    Goldman, Jay, The Queen of Mathematics: a historically motivated guide to number theory . A K Peters, 1998.

    40. Richard Dedekind -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article
    Julius Wilhelm richard dedekind (October 6, 1831 – February 12, Essays onthe Theory of Numbers, richard dedekind, Dover Publications, Inc., 1963.
    Richard Dedekind
    [Categories: Number theorists, 20th century mathematicians, 19th century mathematicians, German mathematicians, German philosophers, 19th Century philosophers, 1916 deaths, 1831 births]
    Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind (A person of German nationality) German (A person skilled in mathematics) mathematician and (Click link for more info and facts about Ernst Eduard Kummer) Ernst Eduard Kummer 's closest follower in (The branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations) arithmetic
    Dedekind was born in (A city in central Germany) Braunschweig Brunswick ) the youngest of four children of Julius Levin Ulrich Dedekind. He later rejected his first names Julius Wilhelm. He lived with his unmarried sister Julia until her death in 1914; he himself also never married. In 1848, he entered Collegium Carolinum in Brunswick and in 1850 with the solid knowledge in mathematics he entered the (Click link for more info and facts about University of Göttingen) University of Göttingen
    In (Click link for more info and facts about Göttingen) Göttingen (A unit of magnetic flux density equal to 1 maxwell per square centimeter) Gauss taught mathematics mostly at an elementary level. In the departments of mathematics and physics, Dedekind learnt about

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