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De Beaune Florimond: more detail | ||||
81. 17? P Costabel, florimond de beaune, érudit et savant de Blois, P Costabel, Letraité de l angle solide de florimond de beaune, in 1968 Actes du Onzième http://www1.emath.pu.edu.tw/mkuo/æ¸å¸å®¶çå°æ äº/IV/1 |
82. Mathématiciens Célèbres - Wikipédia florimond de beaune (France, 1601 - 1652);Jacques Bernoulli (Suisse, 1654 - 1705); Jean Bernoulli (Suisse, http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathématiciens_célèbres | |
83. 1649 Information The latin version also includes florimond de beaune s Notes brièves , the firstimportant introduction to descartes cartesian geometry Births * deaths http://www.searchspaniel.com/index.php?title=1649&printable=yes |
84. 1649 - Encyclopedia Article About 1649. The latin version also includes florimond de beaune s Notes brièves, the firstimportant introduction to descartes cartesian geometry. .. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/1649 | |
85. Wallis Translate this page Géométrie de descartes dans laquelle il inséra les Notes brèves de Florimondde beaune (1601-1652), juriste français, érudit passionné par les sciences. http://serge.mehl.free.fr/chrono/Wallis.html | |
86. DESCARTES - LoveToKnow Article On DESCARTES An edition of it appeared subsequently, with notes by his friend florimond deBeaune (16011652), calculated to smooth the difficulties of the work. http://52.1911encyclopedia.org/D/DE/DESCARTES.htm | |
87. Mathematic Historic Style % % This File Is Based On A Table Of \born 1595, \died 1640} } \newcommand{\debeaune}{{\sc de beaune}\footnote{{\scFlorimond de beaune}, \born 1601, \died 1652} } \newcommand{\Beg}{{\sc http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/mhs/mhs.sty |
88. Famous Mathematicians With AD Translate this page Zacharias Dase Ingrid Daubechies Harold Davenport August Davidov Evan Tom DaviesFlorimond de beaune Bernard de Bessy Jacques de Billy Budan de Boislaurent http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_D.htm | |
89. Human Indexes Of My Books On Mathematics; Te(de) To(do) In Japanese Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.com.mie-u.ac.jp/~kanie/tosm/humanind/jinmeit4.htm | |
90. Diccionario - Indice De Términos FRANCES AUBENEDICTO XIV, PAPA, 1675-1 AUBENINCASA, FRANCOIS, SI, http://www.bibliotecas.unc.edu.ar/cgi-bin/Libreo-Jesu?accion=diccionario&letra=A |
91. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge 1942 deBEAUX, Walther - 1984 de BECK, David de BECK, David - http://webapp.uibk.ac.at/alo/cat/?id=5003589 |
92. References For De_Beaune http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/References/De_Beaune.html | |
93. References For De_Beaune http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/References/De_Beaune.html | |
94. Editions Jacques Gabay - TANNERY P. MEMOIRES SCIENTIFIQUES, Tome http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Fiche.asp?CV=168,06 |
95. Editions Jacques Gabay - TANNERY P. : MEMOIRES SCIENTIFIQUES, Tome VI, Sciences http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Fiche.asp?CV=177.06 |
96. Blois http://www.francebalade.com/blois/ | |
97. Log Et Expo http://membres.lycos.fr/mathsfractales/logexpo.htm | |
98. Éditions Ellipses http://www.editions-ellipses.fr/fiche_detaille.asp?identite=1999 |
99. ? The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www2.emath.pu.edu.tw/s8705036/ |
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