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De Beaune Florimond: more detail | ||||
21. History Of Astronomy: Index Of Persons beaune, florimond de see debeaune, florimond (16011652) Beck, Aloys, Edler vonWidmannstätten see Widmannstätten, Alois von Beckh- (1753/54-1849) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers-index.html | |
22. History Of Astronomy: Persons (D) debeaune de beaune, florimond (16011652). Biographical data and references Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist. Math.) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_d.html | |
23. Re Frans Van Schooten By Rickey, F. PROF MATH 1661 Alt name beaune, florimond de, 16011652 Schooten, Frans van, 1615-1660 Hudde,Johan, d. 1704 Heuraet, Henricus van Bartholinus, Erasmus, 1625-1698 Witt http://mathforum.org/epigone/math-history-list/nimoxplal/5501FBFF1305D111A34700A | |
24. October 2004 florimond de beaune, 8 Hans Arnold Heilbronn, 9 Claude Gaspar Bachet. 10 HeinrichBurkhardt, 11 Alfréd Haar, 12 Ernests Fogels, 13 Kurt Reidemeister, 14 http://mathforum.org/~judyann/calendar/October2004.html | |
25. 87-88 (Nordisk Familjebok / 1800-talsutgåvan. 2. Barometer - Capitularis) Beaumont, Francis Beaumont, Gustave Auguste de la Bonninière - Beaumont-Vassy,Edouard Ferdinand de la Bonninière - beaune - beaune, florimond de - beaune http://www.lysator.liu.se/runeberg/nfab/0052.html | |
26. User:Gerritholl/mathematicians - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Battaglini Baudhayana - Abu al- Battani - Agnes Baxter - Thomas Bayes - JeanBeaugrand - florimond de beaune - Edwin Beckenbach - Ulugh Beg - Heinrich http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Gerritholl/mathematicians | |
27. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page de beaune, florimond (316) de Bessy, Bernard (86) de Billy, Jacques (150) deBourgainville, Louis (74) de Boislaurent, Budan (171) http://www.maththinking.com/boat/mathematicians.html | |
28. American University Rare Book Room This work contains commentary by florimond de beaune (16011652) and Frans vanSchooten (1615-1660). It was interesting to compare the bulk of the http://www.dean.usma.edu/math/people/rickey/hm/bemidji/rare-au.html | |
29. De_Beaune florimond de beaune. Honours awarded to florimond de beaune (Click a link belowfor the full list of mathematicians honoured in this way). |
30. HISTORIA MATHEMATICA VOLUME 5, PAGES 253378, AUGUST 1978 358363 Doctrine de l angle solide by florimond de beaune edited by PierreCostabel (Michael S. Mahoney) . http://www.math.uu.nl/ichm/hm/05253378.html | |
31. Notes Originally posed in geometric terms to descartes and other mathematicians inParis and Toulouse by florimond de beaune in 1639, the problem takes the http://www.princeton.edu/~mike/articles/canons/canonnotes.htm | |
32. CLASSICAL MATHEMATICS Translate this page 1-106), les Notæ breves de florimond de beaune (107-142), les Commentarii de van -de ÆQUATIONUM de florimond de beaune, daté de 1659, en deux parties, http://perso.wanadoo.fr/alta.mathematica/ancient-classic.html | |
33. ALTA MATHEMATICA "TOUT ALPHABETIQUE" Translate this page -de ÆQUATIONUM de florimond de beaune, daté de 1659. -ELEMENTA CURVARUM LINEARUMde Jean de Witt, daté de 1659. -TRACTATUS de CONCINNANDIS deMONSTRATIONIBUS http://perso.wanadoo.fr/alta.mathematica/alma.html | |
34. Untitled1 florimond de beaune, author of the first important introduction to descartes cartesian geometry, is born on October 7 in Blois, France. http://math.cudenver.edu/~maa-rm/rmnewslett/newsf01.html | |
35. VietReader! Forums Guiseppe (102*) Baudhayana (478) Battani, Abu al (1333*) Baxter, Agnes (624*) Bayes,Thomas (538*) Beaugrand, Jean (222) beaune, florimond de (316) Beg, Ulugh http://vietreader.com/forums/forum.php?id=F20021108075031NX&fid=23 |
36. Historia Del Cálculo Translate this page El primero en plantear un problema de este tipo fue florimond de beaune, discípulode descartes, quien planteó, entre otros, el problema de encontrar la http://usuarios.lycos.es/juanbeltran/id377.htm | |
37. Nordisk Familjebok / 1800-talsutgåvan. 2. Barometer - Capitularis beaune, florimond de 87-88 beaune-la-Roland - 87-88 Beauplan, Victor ArthurRousseau de - 87-88 Beauregard, Peter Gustavus Toutant - 87-88 http://runeberg.org/nfab/ | |
38. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] How Early Are The Mss Of Eucl florimond de beaune himself, accompanying originally the manuscript, had been found.I still wanted to compare my own diagrams to the original ones. http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/oct99/0135.html | |
39. Archimedes Page Viewer images only descartes, Rene; beaune, florimond de (Ed.); Schooten, Frans van (Ed.)Geometria a Renato des Cartes, anno 1637 gallice edita; postea autem vna | |
40. BGV 99 Orleans-Tour Translate this page Quadricentenaire de florimond de beaune, Seigneur de Goulioux. florimond debeaune . Conseiller au baillage de Blois, auteur de traités mathématiques http://www.apmep.asso.fr/bgv99OrT.html | |
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