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Dase Zacharias: more detail |
21. 07.11.02 Behind The Ministry: Part 2 - National Community Church In 1844, Johann Martin zacharias dase calculated Pi correctly to 200 places inless than 2 months. dase could count the number of sheep in a flock after a http://www.theaterchurch.com/partner/Article_Display_Page/0,,PTID325928|CHID7194 | |
22. RF Cafe - Pi p was calculated to 200 places in 1844 by Johann Martin zacharias dase (18241861).and since , then , which is the first infinite series ever found for p, http://www.rfcafe.com/references/mathematical/pi.htm | |
23. References For Dase References for zacharias dase. Version for printing Books WW Rouse Ball, CalculatingProdiges, in Mathematical Recreations and Essays (1892). http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/References/Dase.html | |
24. Biography-center - Letter D dase, zacharias wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/D ase.html;Dassanowsky, Elfi von www.german-way.com/cinema/dass.html http://www.biography-center.com/d.html | |
25. Precomputer History Of Pi In 1844, Johann dase (aka, zacharias Dahse), a calculating prodigy (or idiotsavant ) hired by the Hamburg Academy of Sciences on Gauss s recommendation, http://personal.bgsu.edu/~carother/pi/Pi2.html | |
26. Mathematics Fun, Fiction, Function, Fantasy Carl Friedrich Gauss, André Marie Ampere, George Parker Bidder (Senior andJunior), Johann Martin, zacharias dase, Jacques Inaudi, Shakuntale Devi. http://www.lifesmith.com/mathfun.html | |
27. 7 - Das Nil Admirari Der Philosophie Wird Einmal Gründlich Translate this page Herr zacharias dase hat die Gefälligkeit gehabt, in meiner Wohnung neue Beweiseseiner ausscrordeutlichen Gaben abzulegen. Wenn schon seine Leistungen im http://users.lk.net/~stepanov/mnemo/album.html | |
28. The Magic Of NUMBERS. Robert Tocquet. 1960 zacharias dase, born in Germany in 1824, distinguished himself from the majorityof lightning calculators by the fact that he placed his ability at the http://users.lk.net/~stepanov/mnemo/magice.html | |
29. Memory And Mental Calculation World Records Johann Martin zacharias dase (Germany, 18241861) multiplied two 20 digit numbersin 6 minutes, two 48 digit numbers in 40 minutes and two 100 digit numbers http://www.recordholders.org/en/list/memory.html |
30. Weltrekorde Für Gedächtnis Und Kopfrechnen Translate this page Von dem bekannten Kopfrechner Johann Martin zacharias dase (Deutschland, 1824-1861)wurden im Jahre 1861 folgende Leistungen überliefert Multiplikation http://www.recordholders.org/de/list/memory.html | |
31. Mental Calculator -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article zacharias dase (Click link for more info and facts about Shakuntala Devi) ShakuntalaDevi Pericles Diamandi Urania Diamandi http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/m/me/mental_calculator.htm | |
32. Free Essays - Chronology Of P zacharias dase in 1844 found p correct to 200 places. dase was perhaps one ofthe most extraordinary mental calculators who ever lived. http://www.freeessays.tv/b2142.htm | |
33. Mental Calculator: Information From Answers.com Alexander Aitken (AC Aitken); Arthur T. Benjamin; zacharias dase Shakuntala Devi;Pericles Diamandi; Urania Diamandi; Hans Eberstark Leonhard Euler http://www.answers.com/topic/mental-calculator | |
34. The Mountains Of Pi The most powerful of these was Johann Martin zacharias dase, a prodigy from Hamburg.dase could multiply large numbers in his head, and he made a living http://www.barryland.com/pi.html | |
35. Ancient Pi: Knowers Of The Universe Nonetheless, in 1844, Johann Martin zacharias dase calculated to 200 decimalplaces, with the first zero appearing at the 32nd decimal place meaning, http://www.earthmatrix.com/ancient/pi.htm | |
36. FELKEL, ANTON (1740 ----) Another possible owner is zacharias dase (1824181), who was a lightningcalculator with little mathematical ability, who constructed many mathematical http://www.scs.uiuc.edu/~mainzv/exhibitmath/exhibit/felkel.htm | |
37. 1848 - Flugschriften Im Netz Translate this page Digitale Bibliothek. 1848 - Flugschriften im Netz. Person dase, Johann MartinZacharias (1824 - 1861). Signatur, SF 16 / 114 MAPP / B 10 6 (Dokument ansehen). http://1848.stub.uni-frankfurt.de/cgi-bin/kutili.rb?person=Dase, Johann Martin Z |
38. The Mountains Of Pi The most pow; erful of these was Johann Martin; zacharias dase, a prodigy fromHam-; burg. dase could multiply large num-; bers in his head, http://www.lacim.uqam.ca/~plouffe/Chudnovsky.html | |
39. Inwit Publishing, Inc. And Inwit, LLC -- Writings, Links And Software Demonstrat In 1840 the sixteenyear-old German prodigy zacharias dase calculated p to 200places, in only two months (38). dase was perhaps the most phenomenal mental http://www.inwit.com/inwit/writings/historyandodditiesofpi.html | |
40. Read About Pi At WorldVillage Encyclopedia. Research Pi And Learn About Pi Here! 1844, zacharias dase and strassnitzky, 200 dps. 1847, thomas clausen, 248 dps.1853, lehmann, 261 dps. 1853, rutherford, 440 dps http://encyclopedia.worldvillage.com/s/b/Pi | |
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