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81. Newswise george dantzig stands as a tall founding pillar of Operations Research, said A highresolution photo of the late george dantzig is available online at http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/511931/ | |
82. Basic Library List-Modeling And Operations Research dantzig, george B. Linear Programming and Extensions Princeton, NJ PrincetonUniversity Press, 1963. ** Gass, Saul I. Linear Programming Methods and http://www.maa.org/BLL/modelingor.htm | |
83. Read This: Briefly Noted, October 2003 The Basic george B. dantzig collects the most important papers by the founder oflinear programming. Once again, this is significant both as a historical http://www.maa.org/reviews/brief_oct03.html | |
84. Optimization Of Planning And Architectural Decisions Under Conditions Of Uncerta 5 dantzig, george B., Linear Programming and Extensions, Princeton, PrincetonUniversity Press, 1963. 6 Hillier and Lieberman, op. cit. p. 531 http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=804948 |
85. Uncertainty And Optimization In The Design Of Building Subsystems 3 dantzig, george, Linear Programming and Extension, 6 dantzig, georgeB., Linear Programming Under Uncertainty , Management Science, Vol. 7, No. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=809132 |
86. Mahalanobis The Mercury News george Bernard dantzig, a renowned mathematician who discoveredtwo pioneering statistical theories widely used in the business world, http://mahalanobis.twoday.net/stories/698783/ | |
87. Mahalanobis In george dantzig dies at 90 (May 18th), I said that Mr. dantzig got his master sdegree from Jerzy Neyman at the University of Michigan since he solved http://mahalanobis.twoday.net/stories/709288/ | |
88. Why You Should Know The Name George Dantzig Computerworld Blogs I m mourning the death of george B. dantzig, a founding father of the field ofOperations Research (the use of advanced analytic methods to help make better http://www.computerworld.com/blogs/node/149 | |
89. Citations: Linear Programming And Extensions - Dantzig (ResearchIndex) george Bernard dantzig. Linear Programming and Extensions. Princeton UniversityPress, Princeton, NJ, 1963. http://citeseer.ifi.unizh.ch/context/1631613/0 | |
90. SdwBoughtPrivate < Sdw < SdwWiki Programming 2 Theory and Extensions Hardcover by dantzig, george B.. and Extensions Paperback by dantzig, george 0581853040-5992347 April 06, http://sdw.st/twiki/bin/view/Sdw/SdwBoughtPrivate | |
91. Literaturlisten dantzig, george B. Linear Programming and Extensions Springer 1991 DAN g2 911 PEx.dantzig, george B. Linear Programming - 1 Introduction (Springer http://infobib.cs.uni-sb.de/frames/vorlesungen/optimierung.html | |
92. George Dantzig (was "Octave-forge: You Get What You Pay For") To Vic Norton vic at norton dot name ; Subject george dantzig (was Octaveforgeyou get what you Does everyone know the story of george dantzig? http://www.octave.org/octave-lists/archive/help-octave.2005/msg02347.html | |
93. Biographies Of Computer Pioneers A-J dantzig, george Bernard ; (1914 ); Davinci, Leonardo; inventor, polymath;Deeds, Edward Andrew ; (1874-1960); DeForest, Lee; triode electronic switch http://www.thocp.net/biographies/biographies.htm | |
94. MercuryNews.com 05/17/2005 George Dantzig, 90, Noted george Bernard dantzig, a renowned mathematician who discovered two pioneeringstatistical Mr. dantzig was named after playwright george Bernard Shaw. http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/local/11665968.htm |
95. CONNECT::Portal Prije 2 mjeseca umro je george dantzig, covjek koji je formulirao problem linearnogprogramiranja i pronasao metodu za njegovo rjesavanje (simplex) te bio http://portal.connect.znanost.org/content/view/1047/ | |
96. Call For Nominations - Dantzig Dissertation Award Application Process The george B. dantzig Dissertation Award Committee is nowaccepting entries for the 1999 award. The award for the best OR/MS http://deming.ces.clemson.edu/lists/iefac.list/99.07/msg00000.html | |
97. [Asis-l] Re: George Dantzig : Father Of Linear Programming, Simplex Algorithm Copyright The Washington Post Company May 19, 2005 george B. dantzig, 90, amathematician george Bernard dantzig was born in Portland, Ore., in 1914. http://mail.asis.org/pipermail/asis-l/2005-June/002089.html | |
98. EXPRESSO Online Translate this page george B. dantzig e Leonid Khachiyan, dois dos matemáticos mais influentes Em 1947, george dantzig criou um algoritmo, que veio a ser chamado simplex, http://online.expresso.clix.pt/cronica/artigo.asp?id=24751519 |
99. Kleene Math Library New Books - November 2003 dantzig, george Bernard. THE BASIC george B. dantzig / edited by Richard W.Cottle. Stanford, Calif. Stanford Business Books, 2003. QA403.3 B49 2003 http://math.library.wisc.edu/newbooks/2003-11.htm | |
100. Nblnov03 The Basic george B. dantzig, dantzig, george Bernard. QA402.5 .D262 2003.Distribution Theory of Runs and Patterns and Its Applications A Finite Markov http://mulibraries.missouri.edu/math/newbooks/nblnov03.htm | |
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