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         Dandelin Germinal:     more detail

1. Germinal Pierre Dandelin
Germinal Pierre dandelin germinal Pierre Dandelin (1794 1847) was a mathematician, soldier, and professor of engineering.

2. Encyclopedia Germinal Dandelin
Encyclopedia Germinal Dandelin Updated 34 days 11 hours 29 minutes ago. Other descriptions of Germinal Dandelin

3. Encyclopedia Germinal Pierre Dandelin
External link. MacTutor Biography of Dandelin Dandelin, Germinal Pierre Dandelin, Germinal Pierre Dandelin, Germinal Pierre

4. Germinal Dandelin - Definition Of Germinal Dandelin In Encyclopedia
Germinal Pierre Dandelin (1794 1847) was a mathematician, soldier, and professor of engineering. He was born near Paris, where he studied at the

5. Germinal Pierre Dandelin: Information From
Germinal Pierre dandelin germinal Pierre Dandelin ( 1794 1847 ) was amathematician , soldier , and professor of engineering.
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Germinal Pierre Dandelin Wikipedia @import url(; @import url(; Germinal Pierre Dandelin Germinal Pierre Dandelin ) was a mathematician soldier , and professor of engineering . He was born near Paris to a French father and Belgian mother, studying first at Ghent then returning to Paris to study at the ‰cole Polytechnique . He was wounded fighting under Napoleon . He worked for the Ministry of the Interior under Lazare Carnot . Later he became a citizen of the Netherlands , a professor of mining engineering in Belgium , and then a member of the Belgian army. He is the eponym of the Dandelin spheres , of Dandelin's theorem in geometry (for an account of that theorem, see Dandelin spheres ), and of the Dandelin-Gr¤ffe numerical method of solution of algebraic equations. He also published on the stereographic projection algebra , and probability theory
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990).

6. Germinal Pierre Dandelin - Wikipedia
Germinal Pierre Dandelin

7. Your Free Germinal Pierre Dandelin Art History Online Reference
Your Free Germinal Pierre Dandelin Art History Online Reference and Guide

8. Germinal Pierre Dandelin - Netlexikon
Germinal Pierre Dandelin * (12. April 1794 in Le Bourget; ? 15. Februar 1847 Ixelles) war ein belgischer Mathematiker

9. NodeWorks - Encyclopedia Germinal Pierre Dandelin
Germinal Pierre Dandelin

10. Applet JDandelin
Germinal Pierre dandelin germinal Pierre Dandelin was a mathematician ofFrenchBelgium origin. In 1822 he introduced his elegant proofs of the fact that
Java applet JDandelin
This applet allows you to display and animate the intersection of a plane and the surface of a cone. In addition it gives you a chance to see and understand the famous Dandelin's proof of the fact that the ellipse parabola and hyperbola are conic sections. Read the following instructions and then play with the applet a little bit. Try to figure out how to make that proof. If you are not successful, see the Dandelin's proof Instructions for work with the applet
Select one of the radio buttons on the right panel to choose which conic should be produced. To change the view angle, hold down the mouse button in the plot area and drag. If you check DISPLAY DANDELIN'S CONSTRUCTION the Dandelin's spheres will be displayed. If you then move your mouse above any point of the conic, the whole Dandelin's construction will be displayed for that point. Click to the picture if you want to remove the chosen point. The remaining two controls can be used to change the properties of the intersecting plane. Explanation of Dandelin's proof for
HYPERBOLA PARABOLA Slavomir Tuleja, Jozef Hanc

11. Germinal P Dandelin, Belgian Mathematician (geometry) April 12 In
Germinal P Dandelin, Belgian mathematician (geometry) April 12, 1794 in history

12. Applet JDandelin
Germinal Pierre Dandelin V roku 1822 dokázal Germinal Pierre Dandelin velmielegantným spôsobom, že elipsa, parabola a hyperbola vznikajú ako prienik roviny
Hlavná stránka
Java applet JDandelin
Tento applet dovo¾uje zobrazi prienik roviny a kuže¾ovej plochy. Naviac umožòuje zobrazi Dandelinov dôkaz toho, že elipsa, parabola a hyperbola sú kuže¾oseèky . Preèítajte si nasledujúce pokyny pre ovládanie appletu. Skúste sa s ním potom pohra. Ak sami neprídete na myšlienku dôkazu, pozrite sa, ako uvažoval Germinal Pierre Dandelin Pokyny pre ovládanie appletu
Pomocou kruhových volièov na pravej strane si vyberte, ktorú kuže¾oseèku chcete vidie. Uhol poh¾adu zmeníte, ak nad zobrazovacou plochou stlaèíte tlaèítko myši a budete myšou pri stlaèenom tlaèítku aha. Ak zaškrtnete políèko KRESLI DANDELINOVU KONŠTRUKCIU, zobrazia sa gule z Dandelinovho dôkazu . Ak potom zájdete kurzorom myši nad niektorý bod kuže¾oseèky, zobrazia sa spolu s ním aj zvyšné body a úseèky z Dandelinovej konštrukcie . Vybratý bod zrušíte kliknutím do obrázka. Zvyšné ovládacie prvky slúžia na nastavenie vlastností roviny rezu. Vysvetlenie Dandelinovho dôkazu pre
HYPERBOLU PARABOLU Slavomír Tuleja, Jozef Hanè , január 2002
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13. Dandelin
Biography of Germinal P Dandelin (17941847)

14. Germinal Pierre Dandelin - Wikipedia
Translate this page NAME, Dandelin, Germinal Pierre. ALTERNATIVNAMEN. KURZBESCHREIBUNG, belgischerMathematiker. GEBURTSDATUM, 12. April 1794. GEBURTSORT, Le Bourget
Wikimedia braucht Ihre Hilfe Helfen Sie uns, 200.000$ zu sammeln, damit Wikipedia und ihre Schwesterprojekte auch weiterhin kostenlos und werbefrei der Allgemeinheit zur Verf¼gung stehen. Weitere Informationen auf unserer Spenden-Seite
Germinal Pierre Dandelin
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Germinal Pierre Dandelin 12. April in Le Bourget 15. Februar in Ixelles ) war ein belgischer Mathematiker Sein haupts¤chliches Arbeitsgebiet waren Kegelschnitte Nach Dandelin sind die Dandelinschen Kugeln benannt: eine bzw. zwei Kugeln, die s¤mtlich Mantellinien eines geraden Kreiskegels und eine Schnittebene in den Brennpunkten des entstehenden Kegelschnitts ber¼hren; die Dandelinschen Kugeln dienen der Herleitung der Eigenschaften von Kegelschnitten.
NAME Dandelin, Germinal Pierre ALTERNATIVNAMEN KURZBESCHREIBUNG belgischer Mathematiker GEBURTSDATUM 12. April GEBURTSORT Le Bourget STERBEDATUM 15. Februar STERBEORT Ixelles Dieser Artikel ist sehr kurz und m¶glicherweise inhaltlich noch sehr unvollst¤ndig. Hilf der Wikipedia, indem du ihn erweiterst und ihn jetzt bearbeitest!

15. Dandelin
Biography of germinal P dandelin (17941847) germinal dandelin s father, whowas an administrator, was French but his mother came from Hainaut,
Germinal Pierre Dandelin
Born: 12 April 1794 in Le Bourget, France
Died: 15 Feb 1847 in Brussels, Belgium
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Germinal Dandelin In March 1814 the Treaty of Chaumont united Austria, Russia, Prussia and Britain in the aim of defeating Napoleon. When the allied armies arrived near Paris on 30 March 1814, Dandelin was in the opposing French army and was wounded on that day. Napoleon abdicated on 6 April, but in the following year he returned for the 100 days. During Napoleon's time back in control of France, Dandelin worked at the Ministry of the Interior under the command of Carnot . After Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo, Dandelin returned to Belgium. He became a citizen of the Netherlands in 1817. Dandelin's early mathematical influence was Quetelet , who was two years younger than him, and his early interests were in geometry. Dandelin has an important theorem on the intersection of a cone and its inscribed sphere with a plane, discovered in 1822, named after him. This theorem shows that if a cone is intersected by a plane in a conic , then the foci of the conic are the points where this plane is touched by the spheres inscribed in the cone.

16. Dandelin Portrait
Portrait of germinal P dandelin. The URL of this page is, © Copyrightinformation. http//
Germinal P Dandelin
JOC/EFR September 2003 The URL of this page is:

17. Dandelin, Germinal-Pierre (1794-1847) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientif
Quetelet, A. Le Colonel germinalPierre dandelin. In Sciences Mathématiques etPhysiques chez les Belges au commencement du XIX siècle.
Branch of Science Engineers Branch of Science Mathematicians ... Barile
Dandelin, Germinal-Pierre (1794-1847)

This entry contributed by Margherita Barile Belgian mathematician and engineer who served in the French and Belgian armies. In the Belgian army, he was in charge of building fortifications. He was only 20 years old when he was awarded the by Lazare Carnot , who at that time was Napoleon's Minister of the Interior. In 1816, Dandelin participated in the construction of two telescopes in Namur. He entered the Royal Academy of Brussels in 1822, thanks to a brilliant geometrical work on the parabolic focal curve, where he presented a new elegant proof of a theorem found by his friend Quetelet, which characterized the foci of conic sections with the points of tangency of what are nowadays known as the Dandelin spheres In a curious paper that he published in 1826, Dandelin transferred the same result to the plane sections of a hyperboloid of revolution, where he also re-demonstrated the theorems of Pascal and Brianchon In 1825, the University of Liège assigned him a professorship for a discipline called "exploitation of mines"; the research in this area took him to Germany and England. Later he taught physics at the University of Namur. His fields of interest ranged from projective geometry and algebra to astronomy and mechanics.

18. Photo Credits From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography
dandelin, germinalPierre (1794-1847) http// Darboux, Gaston (1842-1917) MacTutor

Abbe, Ernst (1840-1905)
: MacTutor
Abel, Niels Henrik (1802-1829)
: MacTutor
Adams, John Couch (1819-1892)
: MacTutor
Airy, George (1801-1892)
: MacTutor
Al-Khwarizmi, Muhammed ibn Musa (ca. 780-ca. 850)
: MacTutor
Albertus Magnus (1193-1280)
: MacTutor
: Asimov, I. Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology; the Lives and Achievements of 1510 Great Scientists from Ancient Times to the Present, Chronologically Arranged, rev. ed. New York: NY: Avon, 1976.
Appell, Paul Emile (1855-1930)
: Special functions poster
Appleton, Edward V. (1892-1965)
: Hey, J. S. The Evolution of Radio Astronomy. p. 75 Arago, Dominique (1786-1853) : MacTutor Archimedes of Syracuse (ca. 287-ca. 212 BC) : Asimov, I. Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology; the Lives and Achievements of 1510 Great Scientists from Ancient Times to the Present, Chronologically Arranged, rev. ed. New York: NY: Avon, 1976. Aristotle of Stagira (384-322 BC) : Asimov, I. Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology; the Lives and Achievements of 1510 Great Scientists from Ancient Times to the Present, Chronologically Arranged, rev. ed. New York: NY: Avon, 1976.

19. Dandelin Spheres: Information From
This concept is named in honor of germinal Pierre dandelin. Each conic sectionhas one dandelin sphere for each focus. An ellipse has two dandelin spheres,
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Best of Web Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Dandelin spheres Wikipedia @import url(; @import url(; Dandelin spheres In geometry , a nondegenerate conic section formed by a plane intersecting a cone has one or two Dandelin spheres characterized thus:
Each Dandelin sphere touches, but does not cross, both the plane and the cone.
This concept is named in honor of Germinal Pierre Dandelin Each conic section has one Dandelin sphere for each focus.
  • An ellipse has two Dandelin spheres, both touching the same nappe of the cone. A hyperbola has two Dandelin spheres, touching opposite nappes of the cone. A parabola has just one Dandelin sphere.
Dandelin's theorem
The reason for interest in Dandelin spheres is this theorem:
The point at which the sphere touches the plane is a focus of the conic section.
Proof: Consider the illustration, depicting a plane intersecting a cone in an ellipse. The two Dandelin spheres are shown. Each sphere touches the cone in a circle. Each sphere touches the plane in a point. Call those two points

20. - Dandelin, Germinal-Pierre
Translate this page dandelin, germinal-Pierre. ingegnere e matematico belga di origine francese (LeBourget 1794-Bruxelles 1849). Nel 1816 si trasferì in Belgio e ne assunse la

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