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61. Leonardo Da Vinci Vita ed opere del grande maestro. http://digilander.libero.it/arteworld/leonardo/ | |
62. Liceo Scientifico Statale "Leonardo Da Vinci" Di Maglie (Lecce) Maglie, LE Sito ufficiale dell'Istituto. http://cliomg.clio.it/sc/lsm/ | |
63. Malaspina Great Books - Leonardo Da Vinci (1452) leonardo da vinci (1452 1519) was a celebrated Italian Renaissance Therefore, his full name was leonardo di ser Piero da vinci, which means http://www.malaspina.com/site/person_1164.asp | |
64. Valorisation Evaluation of the vocational training programme 'leonardo da vinci' http://www.ntnu.no/intersek/leonardo/valorisation/eng.htm | |
65. Faculty Of Applied Science And Engineering - University Of Toronto - Da Vinci da vinci Engineering Enrichment Program (DEEP) leonardo da vinci Competition . Copyright © 2002 University of Toronto. http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/apsc/davinci/ | |
66. Leonardo Da Vinci Competition - University Of Toronto Engineering The ninth annual leonardo da vinci Engineering Competition was held in schools even so does inaction sap the vigour of the mind. leonardo da vinci http://www.ecf.utoronto.ca/apsc/davinci/index1.html | |
67. Agence Socrates-Leonardo Da Vinci, L'Europe De L'éducation Et De La Formation Groupement d'int©rªt public (GIP) charg©e d'assurer la promotion et la mise en oeuvre d©centralis©e des ces deux programmes d'action communautaire en mati¨re d'©ducation et de formation professionnelle. Documents, formulaires, renseignements, liens. http://www.socrates-leonardo.fr | |
68. National Museum Of Science And Technology "Leonardo Da Vinci" One of the main attraction of the museum is its display of models illustrating the work of leonardo da vinci. 40 of them can be seen through the site, http://www.museoscienza.org/english/Default.htm | |
69. Leonardo Da Vinci - Wikipedia Informaci³n sobre la vida y obra del pintor italiano. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo_da_Vinci | |
70. ITIS Rimini - Home Page Rimini Il sito ufficiale dell'Istituto. Specializzazioni di Informatica, Chimica, Elettronica, Elettrotecnica e Meccanica. http://www.itisrn.it/ | |
71. Museo Nazionale Della Scienza E Della Tecnologia "Leonardo Da Vinci" Milano Presenta il padiglione dedicato alla nautica nel Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica leonardo da vinci, che accoglie il veliero Ebe, parti del transatlantico Conte Biancamano, armi navali. http://www.museoscienza.org/navi/ |
72. LEONARDO Da Vinci A collection of many works of the author, including paintings, drawings and sculptures. With notes for each work. http://gallery.euroweb.hu/html/l/leonardo/ | |
73. Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519) Italian Renaissance Artist Biography and image collection of this genius of the Italian Renaissance. http://www.theartgallery.com.au/ArtEducation/greatartists/DaVinci/about/ | |
74. Leonardo Da Vinci. El Rincón De La Ciencia Una visi³n de leonardo como cientfico. http://centros5.pntic.mec.es/ies.victoria.kent/Rincon-C/Cie-Hist/Leonardo/Leonar | |
75. Leonardo Da Vinci - Aiwaz.net_institute Secrets of Lenardo da vinci. The clues we followed suggest that the person portrayed is not simply St. Jerome.. Albrecht Durer s leonardo da vinci http://www.aiwaz.net/Leonardo/ | |
76. Leonardo - ARTLAB Biografia, percorso artistico ed immagini delle opere del maestro italiano. http://www.artlabeventi.com/leonardo.htm | |
77. Liceo Scientifico Sportivo Firenze - Istituto Parificato Legalmente Riconosciuto Firenze Istituto parificato legalmente riconosciuto. http://www.liceosportivo.com | |
78. Leonardo Da Vinci | Renaissance Artist And Inventor Lucidcafé s profile of leonardo da vinci. leonardo da vinci was born April 15, 1452 in vinci, Italy. leonardo s mastery in art, science and engineering http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/96apr/leonardo.html | |
79. Leonardo Da Vinci - Biography And Gallery Of Art Biography from Giorgio Vasari's The Lives of the Artists and a gallery. http://www.artist-biography.info/artist/leonardo_da_vinci/ | |
80. The Metropolitan Museum Of Art - Special Exhibitions: Leonardo Da Vinci, Master leonardo da vinci, Master Draftsman January 22, 2003March 30, 2003 The first comprehensive survey of leonardo da vinci s drawings ever presented in http://www.metmuseum.org/special/se_event.asp?OccurrenceId={6B091EEE-4BB0-11D6-9 |
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