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21. ITIS Leonardo Da Vinci - Parma (Italy) Parma Sito ufficiale dell'Istituto. http://www.provincia.parma.it/~ssdavinc/ | |
22. Leonardo Da Vinci, The Man & The Inventor Extensive information centre on the life and works of leonardo da vinci and his machines. http://www.lairweb.org.nz/leonardo/ | |
23. Leonardo Da Vinci Biografie Und Ausstellung (Cosmopolis Nr. 18, September 2000) Biografische Daten und Bericht zur Ausstellung im Schweizerischen Landesmuseum, Z¼rich. http://www.cosmopolis.ch/cosmo18/leonardo.htm | |
24. Leonardo Da Vinci It may seem unusual to include leonardo da vinci in a list of paleontologists To leonardo da vinci, as to modern paleontologists, fossils indicated the http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/history/vinci.html | |
25. Mostra Permanente Leonardo Da Vinci Vigevano, Studi Città Ideale Leonardo Da Vi Vigevano, PV Progetto di sviluppo turisticoculturale legato alla presenza di leonardo da vinci nel territorio lombardo. Allestisce una mostra permanente, con foto e informazioni utili per la visita. http://www.lacittaideale.org/ | |
26. Leonardo Da Vinci - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia But the greatest of all Andrea s pupils was leonardo da vinci, in whom, The cartoon The Tick features leonardo in leonardo davinci and his Fightin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonardo_da_Vinci | |
27. The Da Vinci Board Game, 800 Ingenious Riddles, Logic Puzzles And Conundrums. Cr Features sample clues, a description and photo, and a biography of leonardo da vinci. http://www.thedavincigame.com | |
28. Leonardo Biography of leonardo da vinci (14521519) leonardo da vinci was educated in his father s house receiving the usual elementary education of reading, http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Leonardo.html | |
29. National Museum Of Science And Technology "Leonardo Da Vinci" Diversified technical and scientific museum in Milan, Italy. Collections, exhibits, and extensive Web resources about technology and the history of technology. Also, both museum and Web site feature material about the life and work of leonardo da vinci. http://www.museoscienza.org/english/ | |
30. The Drawings Of Leonardo Da Vinci An evergrowing collection of drawings by leonardo da vinci thumbnailed and available for downloading. http://www.visi.com/~reuteler/leonardo.html | |
31. Leonardo Da Vinci Codex Leicester Educational Software leonardo da vinci's Educational Software The Codex Leicester Notebook by Corbis is Out of Print but On Sale at this Site. Included are Astronomical Observations, Science Experiments, Paintings, Artworks Gallery, and Magic Bar called a Codescope to translate his pages from Old Italian into English in Real Time. http://art4sale.netfirms.com | |
32. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Leonardo Da Vinci Visit New Advent for the Summa Theologica, Church Fathers, Catholic Encyclopedia and more. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15440a.htm | |
33. CGFA- Leonardo Da Vinci da vinci Page 1. To Biography Graphic The Annunciation, Galleria degli To da vinci-2 Alphabetical Index Nationality/Time Index Featured Artists http://cgfa.sunsite.dk/vinci/ | |
34. Museo Ideale Leonardo Da Vinci Esposizione permanente dedicata all'opera dell'artista ubicazione, servizi, proposte didattiche, parco tematico all'aperto, eventi organizzati, ricerche e commenti critici. http://www.museoleonardo.it/ | |
35. Leonardo Da Vinci Museum The current exhibit displays images and information relating to leonardo da vinci. Enter the Main Gallery. This exhibit was brought to you as a public http://leonardo.net/main.html |
36. Famous Painter Lives and art of famous painters Pablo Picasso, Salvador dali, Michelangelo, leonardo da vinci, and Vincent Van Gogh. Biographies and images of works. http://www.famouspainter.com/ | |
37. Leonardo Da Vinci: The Last Supper Mark Harden s Artchive leonardo da vinci The Last Supper after cleaning 1498 Tempera on plaster 460 x 880 cm (15 x 29 ft.) http://www.artchive.com/artchive/L/leonardo/lastsupp.jpg.html |
38. Leonardo Da Vinci - Olga's Gallery A collection of images of leonardo's works with biography and historical comments. http://www.abcgallery.com/L/leonardo/leonardo.html | |
39. Biography Biography of leonardo da vinci (b. 1452, vinci, d. 1519, Amboise) in the Web Gallery of Art, a searchable image collection and database of European painting http://www.wga.hu/bio/l/leonardo/biograph.html | |
40. Musée National De La Science Et De La Technologie "Leonardo Da Vinci" Pr©sentation th©matique des collections, d©di©es aux moyens de transport, l'©nergie et L©onard de vinci. Visite virtuelle, activit©s p©dagogiques et informations pratiques. Milan, Italie. Fran§ais, Italien, Anglais . http://www.museoscienza.org/fr/ | |
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