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D'ovidio Enrico: more detail | ||||||||
21. Torinoscienza.it > Enrico D'Ovidio Translate this page Science Center Torino, Italia, Portale di divulgazione scientifica - ScienceCenter, Turin, Italy. http://www.torinoscienza.it/galleria_multimediale/apri?obj_id=3698 |
22. AACC Book - Gluten Proteins 1990 Cloning and Characterization of Specific Wheat Storage Protein Genes by PCR (RenatoD Ovidio, Oronzo A. Tanzarella and enrico Porceddu) http://www.aaccnet.org/bookstoretitles/50716.asp | |
23. Guido Castelnuovo: Information From Answers.com After that he was appointed as an assistant of enrico D Ovidio at the Universityof Turin, where he was strongly influenced by Corrado Segre. http://www.answers.com/topic/guido-castelnuovo | |
24. Giuseppe Peano: Biography And Much More From Answers.com He first assisted enrico D Ovidio and then Angelo Genocchi, the chair ofinfinitesimal calculus. Due to Genochii s poor health, Peano took over the teaching http://www.answers.com/topic/giuseppe-peano | |
25. Biography-center - Letter O Ovidio, enrico D wwwhistory.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/D Ovidio.html;Owen, Donald www.northernstars.ca/directorsmz/owendon.html http://www.biography-center.com/o.html | |
26. Nozze D Argento Franco Amendola ovidio enrico GIACOMO ARGENTO Dott. GiuseppeChiarini,Michele Barbi, Giuseppe Gerola, Francesco d ovidio, enrico mostly http://www.publiweb.com/links/n/nozze_d_argento_franco_amendola.html | |
27. Cruise Ship News And Shipping Reports At MARITIME MATTERS.COM having sailed as enrico C, enrico COSTA, SYMPHONY, and most recently as Lefebvre D Ovidio, wife of Silversea Chairman ManfrediLefebvre D Ovidio, http://www.maritimematters.com/shipnews2001a.html | |
28. Enricodo Ovidio. www.geocities.com/falconotturno/index.html. La scia, Il toccodell anima, La fiamma, FOGLIE , UN PICCOLO NAVIGLIO, IL CANTO DEL http://www.poesia-creativa.it/enrico.htm | |
29. D'Ovidio OVIDIO b 1828 Celano, Italy d Unknown . NY Buried atHoly Sepulchre Cemetary Father enrico Eustachio DiMarco Mother Giuditta http://home.earthlink.net/~smcnulty/DOvidio.html | |
30. Descendants Of Vittoria Lannino +Gemma D OVIDIO b November 28, 1856 Celano, Italy m Bef. 1954 Rochester,NY Buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetary Father enrico Eustachio DiMarco Mother http://home.earthlink.net/~smcnulty/Lannino.html | |
31. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results enrico D Ovidio Born 11 Aug 1842 in Campobasso, Italy Died 21 March 1933 inTurin, Italy Click the picture above to see a larger version Show birthplace http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=925&term1=b |
32. Guido Mazzoni Collection - Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321 Guido Mazzoni, Flaminio Pellegrini, Giuseppe Chiarini, Michele Barbi, GiuseppeGerola, Francesco D Ovidio, enrico Proto, Orazio Bacci, Angelo Solerto, http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/mazzoni/dante.html | |
33. Meeting_Abstracts A201, Lagrangian surface circulation in the Tyrrhenian Sea, enrico Francescod Ovidio, Emilio HernándezGarcía and Vicente Fernández, 04/08/2005 http://www.rsmas.miami.edu/LAPCOD/2005-Lerici/abstracts.html | |
34. Meeting Agenda - Thursday Cristobal Lopez, Francesco d Ovidio, Emilio HernándezGarcía and Vicente Fernández enrico Zambianchi. 1000 am, C105, Bottom-Following Lagrangian Floats http://www.rsmas.miami.edu/LAPCOD/2005-Lerici/agenda-thu.html | |
35. Regione Lazio, Assessori Consiglieri Ovidio Angelo - Centro Cristiano Democratico Pallone Alfredo - ForzaItalia Ruggiero Vice Presidenti Francesco Maria Giro, enrico Luciani http://www.villadilivia.it/regione-lazio.htm | |
36. A.S.S.R. - Senatori D'Italia - Senatori Fascisti - Schede Biografiche - D OVIDIO enrico D OVIDIO Francesco DA COMO Ugo DALL ORA Fidenzio DALLOLIO Alberto DALLOLIO Alfredo DALLORSO Nicola Giuseppe http://notes9.senato.it/W3/senatoriditalia.NSF/stampa_D_f.htm | |
37. MathBirthdays - August 2005 All day event, 1842 enrico D Ovidio mathBirthdays. Thu, Aug 11 All day event,1889 Andrei Mikhailovich Razmadze mathBirthdays. Thu, Aug 11 http://educationaltechnology.ca/dan/calendars/month.php?cal=mathBirthdays&getdat |
38. MathBirthdays - August 7 - August 13 1842 enrico 1889 Andrei 1895 Egon S 1912 Norman 1956 Pierre 1842 enrico D Ovidio 1889 Andrei Mikhailov 1895 Egon Sharpe Pear http://educationaltechnology.ca/dan/calendars/week.php?cal=mathBirthdays&getdate |
39. Institut Mediterrani D'Estudis Avançats - De Monte, Silvia; d Ovidio, Francesco; Mosekilde, Erik; Chaté, Hugues Proceedings of the International School of Physics enrico Fermi, Course CLV The http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/publications/listpapers_en.php?grupo=cross&ord |
40. Institut Mediterrani D'Estudis Avançats - Proceedings of the International School of Physics enrico Fermi, Course CLV The De Monte, Silvia; d Ovidio, Francesco; Mosekilde, Erik; Chaté, Hugues http://www.imedea.uib.es/physdept/publications/listpapers_en.php?orden=autor&any |
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