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         D'oresme Nicole:     more books (18)
  1. Nicole Oresme: Étude D'historie Des Doctrines Et Des Économiques (French Edition) by Émile Bridrey, 2010-04-22
  2. Nicole d'Oresme: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  3. Traictie de la première invention des monnoies de Nicole Oresme: Textes français et latin d'après les manuscrits de la Bibliothèque impeériale, et Traité de la monnoie de Copernic (French Edition) by Nicole Oresme, 1864-01-01
  4. Le Livre Du Ciel et Du Monde by Nicole. Edited by A.D. Menut and A.J. Denomy Oresme, 1962-01-01
  5. Le Livre Du Ciel et Du Monde.Edited By Albert D. Menut and Alexander J. Denomy. by Nicole Oresme, 1968
  6. Maistre Nicole Oresme Le Livre Du Ciel Et Du Monde: Text and Commentary. by ALBERT D. & ALEXANDER J. DENOMY MENUT, 1941
  7. Le Livre de Ethiques d'Aristote. Published from the Text of MS. 2902, Bibliotheque Royale de Belgique, etc. by Nicole Oresme, 1940
  8. Le Livre Du Ciel et Du Monde by Nicole. Edited by A.D. Menut and A.J. Denomy Oresme, 1968
  9. Le Livre de Ethiques D'Aristote by Maistre Nicole (Albert D Menut ed) Oresme, 1940-01-01
  10. Le livre du ciel et du monde d'Aristotle. Translated by Maistre Nicole Oresme. Text and commentary Albert D. Menut and Alexander J. Denomy. by [ARISTOTLE], 1943
  11. Le livre de yconomique d'Aristote: Critical edition of the French text from the Avranches Manuscript with the original Latin version, introduction and ... of the American Philosophical Society) by Nicole Oresme, 1957
  12. Nicole Oresme: Highlights from His French Commentary on Aristotle's Politics by Albert D. Menut, 1979-11
  13. Autour de Nicole Oresme: Actes du Colloque Oresme (Bibliotheque d'histoire de la philosophie) (French Edition) by Jeannine Quillet (dir.), 1990
  14. Philosophe Du Xive Siècle: Dante Alighieri, Nicole Oresme, Ibn Khaldoun, Maître Eckhart, Guillaume D'ockham, Jean Duns Scot, Pierre D'ailly (French Edition)

81. Helicon Publishing: Data Sets And Samples: Business And Economy Resources: Sampl
1382 The French scholar nicole d Oresme publishes De moneta/On Money. One of theearliest European treatises on currency, it greatly influences Medieval
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Data sets and samples
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Business and economy resources: Sample chronology
Economic theory
Qudama ibn-Ja'far writes the Kitab al- Kharaj , an account of the Islamic taxation system. Richard FitzNigel writes his Dialogus de Scaccario , a description of the English Exchequer. c. The French scholar Nicole d'Oresme publishes De moneta/On Money . One of the earliest European treatises on currency, it greatly influences Medieval economic thinking. The French writer on economics Victor de Riqueti, marquis de Mirabeau, publishes The Theory of Taxation The English philosopher Jeremy Bentham publishes his Defence of Usury , setting out his views on economics. The British home secretary, Lord Liverpool, publishes his Treatise on the Coins of the Realm in which he calls for a real money policy, where the amount of money in circulation corresponds to its true value in gold. The US statesman James Madison publishes An Examination of the British Doctrine which Subjects to Capture a Neutral Trade not Open in Time of Peace The Scottish philosopher James Mill publishes Elements of Political Economy The German political writer Friedrich Engels publishes Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England The Condition of the Working Classes in England , a classic of communism.

82. Prove That The Earth Goes Around The Sun - Information Technology
(After all nicole d Oresme worked that, and Galilean relativity, in the fourteenthcentury, pretty much by logic alone). What you say here is true.
Technology Services
Prove that the earth goes around the sun
rattis - Prove that the earth goes around the sun
I find it obvious, as did many previous people, that the sun goes aroudn the earth. I of course know htis to be untrue as it has been drummed into me again and again for the past 16 years.
Can someone please prove to me (so that i can prove to others as well) that the earth goes around the sun. Do not be afraid to explain using mathematics, as i see that as the only way of undeniable proof. Discuss Prove that the earth goes around the sun Here, Free!
selfAdjoint - Prove that the earth goes around the sun
The first person who had experimental evidence for this was the astronomer F.W. Bessel who in 1838 was able to measure the parallax ( of a nearby star. This showed that the earth was at a different place, relative to the star, in June than it was in January. And geometry showed that the two places were on opposite sides of the sun. More parallax measurements since his time have confirmed that the earth follows a closed path around the sun. Discuss Prove that the earth goes around the sun Here, Free!

83. Overskrift Settes Inn Her
nicole d Oresme Pierre de Fermat René Descartes Isaac Newton Allerede denfranske presten nicole d Oresme (1323 1382) hadde arbeidet med en grafisk
Kepler s annen lov: sektorene A og B har samme areal
Galileo Galilei
Nicole d'Oresme
Pierre de Fermat
René Descartes
Isaac Newton
Gottfried Wilhelm
Leonhard Euler Jean Le Rond d'Alembert Joseph Louis Lagrange Carl Friedrich Gauss Augustin-Louis Cauchy Joseph Fourier Formelen som Fourier utviklet, der f(x) kan være en stykkevis kontinuerlig funksjon Bernard Bolzano Georg Bernhard Riemann Henri Lebesque Henri Poincare David Hilbert Stefan Banach Laurent Schwartz Himmellegemers bevegelse og volumberegning.
På grunnlag av de to astronomene, den polske Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) og den danske Tyge Brahe , kom den tyske astronomen Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) frem til de tre lovene som brer hans navn og som han samlet publiserte i Epitoma astronomica Copernicae 1619. Den første loven sier at planetbanene er elliptiske - og er for så vidt en rent geometrisk betraktning på linje med astronomi inntil da. Den tredje loven gir en sammenheng mellom en planets avstand til solen og dens omløpstid.

84. Französische Philosophie |
Oresme). Anhänger des Kartesianismus waren ua die Logiker A. Arnauld, P. nicole sowie
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hier klicken... Verwandte Artikel Sartre, Jean-Paul Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat; Baron de Camus, Albert ... MATRIX
Das Thema vernetzt
Anselm von Canterbury Universalienstreit Wilhelm von Champeaux die streng nominalistische und P. Bernhard von Clairvaux Mystik . Die Schule von St. Victor verband Mystik mit naturphilosophischer Systematik ( Hugo von St. Victor Alexander von Hales und Bonaventura Albertus Magnus und des Neapolitaners Thomas von Aquin Siger von Brabant Ockham bildete sich in Paris eine antischolastische, die neuzeitliche Naturwissenschaft vorwegnehmende Bewegung (J. Buridan , N. d' Oresme Faber Stapulensis Nikolaus von Kues und des Erasmus von Rotterdam . J. Bodin Montaigne Gassendi entwickelte in Erneuerung des Atomismus Demokrits ein System der Korpuskularphysik. Descartes . Die von ihm durch die Zweifelsmethode gewonnene Erkenntnis der Unbezweifelbarkeit des menschlichen Selbstbewusstseins ( cogito, ergo sum Arnauld , P. Nicole Bossuet und F. ; seine bedeutendsten Gegner waren B. Pascal , der der Logik der Vernunft eine Logik des Herzens entgegenstellte, und P.

85. ICOM Conference 2002: Marta C. Lourenço
The same happened in Paris, with nicole d Oresme, in 1350, and earlier with bothJohn Buridan, a professor of the Faculty of Arts, and Albert de Saxe (Leff
The 2002 Conference
The UMAC 2002 Conference was held in Sydney and Canberra in Australia from Sunday 29 September - Friday 4 October 2002. The title and theme of the conference was: Exposing and Exploiting the Distinct Character of University Museums and Collections.
A Contribution to the History of University Museums and Collections in Europe
Introduction Contrary to what is commonly thought, the current meaning and origin of the word museum - and, therefore, of the International Council of Museum's definition - does not come from the Greek museion or the Roman museum or but from the 18th century museum . Both Greek and Roman terms meant a place suitable for learned discussion and study (Whitehead 1970, Lewis 1984, Hunter 2001, Taub 2001). Fr example, the Museion of Alexandria, founded c. 290 BC, included a library, a botanical garden, a menagerie, and a collection of paintings and sculpture casts to be copied by young artists (Whitehead 1970, Lewis 1984, Boylan 1999). The Museion was a small integrated academia in itself, where learning through direct observation and perhaps some forms of experiments took place. Clearly, the Museion has little to do with what we call a museum today (Lewis 1984). However, it has a lot to do with what university museums stand for.

86. Sergescu: Les Mathématiques à Paris Au Moyen-Âge
L appari tion de nicole Oresme représente un apogée de la Science Il généralise certains résultats d Oresme (qu il ne connaissait pas, d ail leurs).

87. ... én Mégis Egy Könyvet írtam
Az idézetek valójában sokkal korábbiak az egyik nicole d Oresme püspöktôlszármazik 1350 táján, tehát 300 évvel koráóbi A másik Cusanustól való,
(GALILEI, KEPLER) Dialogo A Dialogo Dialogo 1610-ben megjelenik a
A kopernikuszi rendszer igazságát (Kepler szerint) mint magától értetôdô tényt kell elfogadni, nem kell sok száz oldalon nagy ravaszsággal igazolni. Érdekességként még megemlítjük, hogy egy olyan ifjú titán, mint amilyen ebben az idôben Descartes volt, járt Itáliában, de semmi jele, hogy igyekezett volna Galileit felkeresni, hogy lerója nála tiszteletét; sôt azt írja Galilei könyvérôl: "Beleolvastam, úgy látom, jól filozofál, de azt is látom, hogy nem követi mindig a legrövidebb utat, és megállapításaihoz nem kell valami nagy geométernek lenni." Nem is olvasta végig Descartes a könyvet, mert unta. a b a b b mozog, viszont ha a b a b mozog. Itt a Föld mozgása melletti érvek hangzanak el, és a vájt fülûek azt is észreveszik, hogy az érvelés a késôbbi Galilei-féle relativitás elvét használja, tehát az idôpont 1600 körüli év, a szerzô minden bizonnyal maga Galilei. Az idézetek valójában sokkal korábbiak: az egyik Nicole d'Oresme püspöktôl származik 1350 táján, tehát 300 évvel koráóbi... A másik Cusanustól való, a "bíboros és eretnek"-tôl, ahogy Vas István egyik versében nevezi, úgy 200 évvel Galilei elôtt vélekedett így.

88. Analyticka Geometrie
Za predchudce bývá považován nicole d Oresme (1323 1382), který vyjádril vpojednání z rok De latitudinibus formarum geometricky rychlost v závislosti na
Co je to analytická geometrie
Geometrii je mo¾no budovat dvìmi metodami: syntetickou a analytickou. Pøi syntetické metodì se pracuje pøímo s geometrickými objekty a mluví se o tzv. syntetické geometrii. Tímto zpùsobem pìstovali geometrii ji¾ Øekové ve starovìku, prvním pokusem o dùsledné axiomatické vybudování syntetické geometrie jsou Eukleidovy základy. Pøi analytické metodì jsou nejdøíve geometrické objekty charakterizovány èíselnými údaji a na základì práce s tìmito èíselnými údaji jsou pak vyvozovány geometrické vlastnosti daných objektù. Aèkoliv první pøedzvìst analytické metody lze najít také ji¾ ve starovìkém Øecku, v¹eobecnì kladou historikové matematiky zrod vlastní analytické geometrie teprve do 17. století. Tento zrod byl podmínìn dvìma dùle¾itými aspekty: zavedením jednoduché matematické symboliky a rozvojem algebry. Zjednodu¹enì by se dalo øíci, ¾e analytická geometrie je aplikací algebry na geometrii. Tuto aplikaci provedl v 1. pol. 17. stol. René Descartes a polo¾il tím základ k systematickém budování této disciplíny. Pøièem¾ na poèátku se úvahy analytické geometrie odehrávaly výhradnì na pùdì lineární algebry. 17. století je poèátkem dal¹í matematické disciplíny. V této dobì Newton a Leibnitz nezávisle na sobì objevili pojmy integrál a derivace. Vznikl tak diferenciální a integrální poèet, postupnì diferenciální a integrální rovnice, funkcionální analýza atd. tj. rozsáhlá matematická disciplína, kterou dnes nazýváme matematická analýza.

89. Oresme Portrait
Portrait of Nicholas Oresme, Nicholas Oresme,. JOC/EFR September 2003.The URL of this page is, © Copyright information
Nicholas Oresme,
JOC/EFR September 2003 The URL of this page is:

90. Bibliographie Moyen-Age
d Oresme,
Nicole Oresme :
primaires et secondaires
juin 1998
Tractatus de origine et natura, jure et mutationibus monetarum Fau Jacqueline et Viel Jeanne-Marie, Nicolas Oresme [1355], Traité Monétaire - Treatise on Money Johnson Charles, The " De Moneta " of Nicholas Oresme and English Mint Documents , London, Nelson, 1956. [Texte latin et traduction anglaise] Schefold Bertram, Nicolaus Oresmius: Wolowski Louis, de Nicole Oresme et Wolowski Louis, de Nicole Oresme et Le Livre de Ethiques d'Aristote Menut Albert D., Maître Nicole Oresme : Le Livre de Ethique d'Aristote , with a Critical Introduction and Notes, New-York, Stechert, 1940. Le Livre de Politiques d'Aristote Menut Albert D., Maître Nicole Oresme : Le Livre des Politiques d'Aristote , with a Critical Introduction and Notes, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society Le Livre de Yconomiques d'Aristote Menut Albert D., Maître Nicole Oresme : Le Livre de Yconomiques d'Aristote , with a Critical Introduction and Notes, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society Actes du Colloque Oresme , Paris/Beltrame, Belles Lettres/Uno piu Uno, 1987.

91. Nicolas Oresme Biography .ms
set forth a law for the motion of falling bodies and thus anticipated Galileo.He developed fractional exponents . frNicolas d Oresme slNicole Oresme
Nicolas Oresme
Related Links Nicolas Oresme (c. July 11 ) was French medieval philosopher whose ideas presaged the Renaissance period. Oresme was born in Allemagne (the former name of the current commune of Fleury-sur-Orne in Calvados Normandy France ). He lived during the Hundred Years War , and Normandy was often occupied by England . Of modest birth, his desire to learn pushed him to enter the orders. He was noticed by the entourage of the king of France, and he began his theology studies in Paris in . He became the preceptor of Charles V who offered him the Lisieux diocese in . It was in this city that he died in His writings were partly in Latin and partly in French , and they cover two types of subject. In works such as De l'origine, nature et mutation des monnaies, he worked in economics. In works such as De coelo et muno, Treatise of the Heavens and of the World ), he shows himself a precursor of Nicolas Copernicus . He picked up John Buridan's idea of the movement of the earth and countered objections to the theory. He also demonstrated, in that work

Oresme parce qu elle est basée dans le livre Vd Euclide.

93. Oriens-Occidens
Un aspect de l ontologie d Oresme l équivocité de l étant et ses
Roshdi Rashed

Pascal Crozet

Cahiers Cahiers
  • Roshdi RASHED Roshdi RASHED Le commentaire d'al-Kindi de la Mesure du cercle , p. 1-40 Bernard VITRAC, Mesure du cercle , p. 41-81 , p. 83-103 Contacts, p. 105-122 Henri HUGONNARD-ROCHE , p. 123-135 Pierre-Sylvain FILLIOZAT, , p. 137-152 Roshdi RASHED Pierre PELLEGRIN Approches de la Physique d'Aristote , p. 1-37 Hermina HAEFLIGER, Physique d'Aristote : le temps. Livre IV, 10-14, p. 39-76 Catherine DALIMIER, La saisie des principes physiques chez Aristote. Simplicius contre Alexandre d'Aphrodise , p. 77-94 Roshdi RASHED Al-Quhi contre Aristote : sur le mouvement , p. 95-117 Ahmad HASNAWI , p. 119-122 Jean-Louis GARDIES, , p. 125-140 Ioannis M. VANDOULAKIS, Was Euclid's Approach to Arithmetic axiomatic ? , p. 141-181
Roshdi RASHED Aristote : preuves et signes La Physique de Nicole Oresme

94. Thèse : Logique Et Théorie De La Connaissance Selon Nicolas D’Autrécourt, Je
Translate this page Le cas le plus intéressant est sans doute celui d’Oresme qui, à bien De fait, NicoleOresme semble souvent montrer une moindre confiance que Buridan dans

95. Giordano Bruno «martire Della Scienza»?
Oresme (1323-1382), fatto di grande aiuto per Copernico e per i suoiprimi seguaci. Un altro grande contributo dei medioevali alla scienza
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Epoca Antica

- Vangeli e storicità (sec. I)
Pietro a Roma

- Origini cristiane (sec. II-IV)
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"dalla Terra alle Genti"

Epoca "Medioevale"
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- Monachesimo - Inquisizione - Crociate e Islam Crociate Templari "Reconquista" Lepanto 1571 ... Vienna 1683 Epoca Moderna - Isabella di Castiglia - Scoperta dell'America - Riforma luterana - Giordano Bruno ... - "Illuminismo" Epoca Contemporanea - Rivoluzione francese Aspetti generali Vandea Rep. partenopea Insorgenze ... - I Guerra Mondiale - Totalitarismi ed ideologia Aspetti generali Messico 1926-1929 - Comunismo Aspetti generali Rivoluzione russa Urss-stalinismo Guerra di Spagna ... - Sessantotto - "Movimento Cattolico" Aspetti generali 18 Aprile 1948 Dossettismo Dossier "Tredici anni" Storiografia Il revisionismo storico Insegnare storia document.writeln(url); Stanley L. JAKI tratto da Cristianità , 28 (2000) maggio-giugno, n. 299, p. 13s. D. Padre Jaki, quest'anno ricorre il quarto centenario del rogo di Giordano Bruno, il filosofo e frate domenicano nato nel 1548 a Nola, nel Napoletano, e morto eretico impenitente a Roma, in Campo dei Fiori, il 17 febbraio 1600. Com'era prevedibile, i mass media hanno fatto un gran clamore, accusando la Chiesa di oscurantismo ed esaltando la figura del pensatore nolano, definito di volta in volta "martire della scienza", "apostolo della modernità", "precursore dell'illuminismo" e così via. Lei che, trent'anni fa, ha tradotto in inglese di questo autore

96. Cardano's Kosmos
Fundamenteler was de kritiek van de 14deeeuwse Franse bisschop en wetenschapperNicole d Oresme, die stelde dat het astrologisch systeem zó gecompliceerd
Auteur: Marcel Hulspas
Bron: Skepter 14(2), juni 2001
Cardano's Kosmos
Renaissance betekent wedergeboorte, en voor Gerolamo Cardano betekende dat de wedergeboorte van de astrologie. Een laatste poging om deze oeroude kennis te redden van de ondergang.

Er waren wel eerder horoscopen van Jezus Christus getrokken. Vaak wordt gedacht dat Cardano's horoscoop een unieke uitdaging aan de theologie was, maar handgeschreven exemplaren circuleerden ruim voordien van astroloog naar astroloog. Het was wél een gevaarlijke uitdaging want als het leven van Christus reeds bij zijn geboorte in de sterren besloten lag, hoe zat het dan met zijn komst, zijn wonderbaarlijke geboorte en zijn verrijzenis uit de doden: waren die onontkoombaar, waren dat dan geen door God gegeven ingrepen in de kosmische orde? Dat Cardano's horoscoop van Christus toch een enorme publiciteit kreeg (en hem nóg beroemder maakte) was om twee redenen. Ten eerste omdat hij haar niet rondstuurde maar daadwerkelijk publiceerde, en wel in het hart van zijn omvangrijke en veel geprezen commentaar op hét klassieke astrologische standaardwerk, de Tetrabiblos van Ptolemeus. Ten tweede omdat hij grotendeels voorbij ging aan de reeds circulerende horoscopen en daarmee onder collega's veel verontwaardiging oogstte. Zelf was hij zeer tevreden over het resultaat. Als geboortetijd nam hij simpelweg middernacht van 25 december van het jaar voorafgaand aan 1, en hij trof op dat moment niet minder dan tien astrologische voortekenen van komende grootheid aan, waaronder een komeet (een laat-antieke toevoeging aan het geboorteverhaal) en uiteraard de ster van Bethlehem, volgens Cardano geen komeet, maar een waar teken te midden van de sterrenbeelden.

97. Fiche Détaillée
d Oresme.

98. Berühmte Mathematik: Länder > Frankreich
Oresme (1323 bis 1382) FrancoisViete (1540 bis 1603) Marin Mersenne (1588 bis 1648)
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und laden Sie das Dokument neu ('reload')! Nicole d' Oresme
(1323 bis 1382)
Francois Viete (1540 bis 1603)
Marin Mersenne (1588 bis 1648)
Gerard Desargues (1593 bis 1662)
Rene Descartes
(1596 bis 1650)
Pierre de Fermat
(1608 bis 1665)
Blaise Pascal
(1623 bis 1662)
Guillaume Francois Antoine de l'Hospital (1661 bis 1704)
Jean Baptiste Le Rond D'Alembert (1717 bis 1783)
Joseph Lagrange
(1736 bis 1813) Gaspard Monge (1746 bis 1818) Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Delambre (1749 bis 1822) Pierre Laplace (1749 bis 1827) Adrien-Marie Legendre (1752 bis 1833) Joseph Fourier (1768 bis 1830) Jean-Victor Poncelet (1788 bis 1867) Augustin Louis Cauchy (1789 bis 1857) Joseph Liouville (1809 bis 1882) Evariste Galois (1811 bis 1832) Henri Poincare (1854 bis 1912) Emile Borel (1871 bis 1956) Ecole Polytechnique

99. Human Indexes Of My Books On Mathematics; Eo In Japanese
Translate this page The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
w”—‰ðÍ‚̃pƒCƒIƒjƒA‚½‚¿x w”Šw–¼ŠˆÄ“àx ... w“V‘‚̏ؖ¾x
l–¼õˆø‘–ÚŽŸ ƒGƒ”ƒ@ƒ“ƒX ƒGƒEƒNƒŒƒCƒfƒX ƒGƒ‰ƒgƒXƒeƒlƒX ...

ƒGƒ”ƒ@ƒ“ƒX (Trevor Evans) ƒAƒƒŠƒJCƒAƒgƒ‰ƒ“ƒ^CƒGƒ‚ƒŠ[‘åŠw”ŠwEŒvŽZ‹@Šw‰È‹³ŽöD‘g‡‚¹˜_D@@ ƒgƒbƒv
ƒGƒEƒNƒŒƒCƒfƒX AƒAƒŒƒLƒTƒ“ƒhƒŠƒA‚Ì ===>@ ƒ†[ƒNƒŠƒbƒh
AƒNƒjƒhƒX‚Ì (Eudoxus of CnidusA‹IŒ³‘O 408 -355 .)
@ƒAƒ‹ƒLƒ…ƒ^ƒX‚ɐ”Šw‚ðŠw‚сC ƒvƒ‰ƒgƒ“ ‚̃AƒJƒfƒ~ƒA‚Å—Y•Ùp‚Æ“NŠw‚ðŠw‚ԁD”ŠwŽÒC“V•¶ŠwŽÒCˆãŽÒC’n—ŠwŽÒC—Y•Ù‰ÆDƒGƒWƒvƒg‚É1”N‚Ì—·‚ð‚µ‚½ŒãCƒNƒjƒhƒX‚ŃAƒJƒfƒ~ƒA‚Æ‹£‚¤ŠwZ‚ðì‚éD
wŒ´˜_x‚Ì5,6,12‚͔ނ̐à‚𐮗‚µ‚½‚à‚Ì‚ÆŒ¾‚¤jDŽæ‚ès‚­‚µ–@‚ðŠ®¬‚µC‚»‚ê‚ð—p‚¢‚ÄŠp‚Ì‘ÌÏ‚ðŒˆ’èD @ ƒgƒbƒv
ƒGƒ‰ƒgƒXƒeƒlƒX CƒLƒ…ƒŒƒl‚Ì (Eratosthenes of Cyrene, ‹IŒ³‘O276-‹IŒ³‘O196 .)
@–kƒAƒtƒŠƒJCƒLƒ…ƒŒƒliŒ»ÝƒŠƒrƒACƒVƒƒƒnƒbƒgj‚ɐ¶‚Ü‚êCƒGƒWƒvƒgCƒAƒŒƒLƒTƒ“ƒhƒŠƒA‚ÉŽ€‚·D•ƒ‚̓AƒOƒ‰ƒIƒXD @ƒLƒ…ƒŒƒlCƒAƒeƒl‚ÅŠw‚ԁD ƒAƒ‹ƒLƒƒfƒX Platonicus i ƒvƒ‰ƒgƒ“ “NŠw‚ÌŠî‘b‚É‚ ‚鐔Šw‚ð˜_‚¶‚½‚à‚́j‚Ɓw’n—Šwx Geographike D”N‘ãŠwC“V•¶ŠwC•¶Œ£ŠwC“NŠwC‰¹ŠyC”ŠwC”—’n—ŠwD ƒgƒbƒv ƒGƒŠƒS[ƒ“ AƒsƒG[ƒ‹ (Pierre Herigone, 1580-1643).

100. MISCELLANEA - Mancini Famosi
Oresme, matematica. Pablo Picasso. Pieter Paul Rubens. Principe Carlod Inghilterra. Principe William d Inghilterra. Raffaello. Ramses II
scegli un'altra lista o torna alla home page Miscellanea Alan Funt , produttore televisivo Albert Einstein , fisico (probabilmente un mancino corretto) Alessandro Magno Aristotele August Piccard , inventore della stratosfera, batosfera Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Netanyahu , premier israeliano Bill Gates , proprio quello della Microsoft corp.! Bill Mauldin , cartonista Billy the Kid , (William Bonney) fuorilegge Boston Strangler , (Albert Henry DeSalvo) serial killer Caio Giulio Cesare Caroline Kennedy Cathy Guisevite , cartonista Cecil Beaton , photographer/costume designer Carlomagno , imperatore del sacro romano impero David Rockefeller , banchiere

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