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41. Harmonic Series -- From MathWorld Divergence of the harmonic series was first demonstrated by nicole d Oresme (ca.13231382), but was mislaid for several centuries (Havil 2003, p. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/HarmonicSeries.html | |
42. Search MathWorld The divergence, however, is very slow. Divergence of the harmonic series wasfirst demonstrated by nicole d Oresme (ca. 13231382), but was mislaid for sev http://mathworld.wolfram.com/search/index.cgi?num=10&q=gardner -Korteweg&start=6 |
43. életrajzok: O ORESME, nicole (Oresmicus) (1320?1382. július 11.) francia matematikus.A középkori matematika utolsó nagy alakja. A franciaországi Caen mellett született http://members.iif.hu/visontay/ponticulus/eletrajzok/o.html | |
44. Famous Left-Handers nicole d Oresme, mathematician Henry Ford, automobile manufacturer David Rockefeller,banker Dwight F. Davis, founder of the Davis Cup in tennis http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/left.html | |
45. B12 Occam's Razor For example, nicole d Oresme, a 14thcentury French physicist, and Galileo later,defended the Copernican heliocentric hypothesis (first impiously suggested http://geowords.com/histbooknetscape/b12.htm | |
46. Nicolas D'Oresme - Wikipédia Oresme fut un savant en avance sur son temps, Vois la bibliographie étendue de nicole Oresme www.nicole-oresme.com http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_d'Oresme | |
47. Wiskundigen - Oresme nicole d Oresme (1323 11 juli 1382) was een Frans theoloog. nicole d Oresmewerd omstreeks 1325 geboren in Allemagne bij Caen. http://www.wiskundeweb.nl/Wiskundegeschiedenis/Wiskundigen/Oresme.html | |
48. Cool Quiz! Trivia, Quizzes, Puzzles, Jokes, Useless Knowledge, FUN! Holy Roman emperor. nicole d Oresme Mathematician. H. Norman Schwartzkopf Military.Euell Gibbons Naturalist. Dr. Albert Schweitzer Physician / Missionary http://www.coolquiz.com/trivia/didyouknow/lefthand.asp | |
49. Canhotos Famosos nicole d Oresme, mathematician Pat Oliphand, political cartoonist Ronald Searle,cartoonist Pat Robertson, evangelist/politician Paul Prudhomme, chef http://members.tripod.com/~geniusbr/Avesso/famosos.html | |
50. Safety Razors And Shaving Collectibles nicole d Oresme, a 14thcentury French physicist, invoked the law of economy, asdid Galileo later, in defending the simplest hypothesis of the heavens. http://www.geocities.com/safetyrazors/occam.htm | |
51. ⊙ AntiQuark: Harmonic Series And Bricks This was proven by nicole d Oresme back in the Medieval times. (Believe it ornot, people were concerned about this stuff back then. http://www.antiquark.com/2005/04/harmonic-series-and-bricks.html | |
52. Math Forum Electronic Newsletter Hipparchus Ptolemy s Geography Ancient Greek Geometry Apollonius and theConics Plane Loci - The Middle Ages nicole d Oresme and the Latitude of Forms http://mathforum.org/electronic.newsletter/mf.intnews8.37.html | |
53. Math Forum Discussions nicole d Oresme and the Latitude of Forms Analytic Geometry Rene Descartes andLa Geometrie Pierre de Fermat - New Words, New Notation http://mathforum.org/kb/thread.jspa?threadID=486260&tstart=90 |
54. Famous Lefthanders List From Anything Left Handed d Oresme, nicole, Mathematician. Einstein, Albert, German, Professor of Physics,14Mar-1879. Pauling, Linus, Scientist. Pawlow, Iwan, Scientist http://www.anythingleft-handed.co.uk/fam_proff.html | |
55. Eisenstein's Monster: Addition Symbol nicole d Oresme (13231382) may have used a figure which looks like a plussymbol ( ) as an abbreviation for the Latin et (meaning and ) in Algorismus http://babel.391.org/fz2020/eisensteinsmonster/addition.htm | |
56. New Page 1 tend to remember William of Ockham and nicole d Oresme from the period. In the fourteenth century nicole Oresme wrote a quite cogent argument that http://www.cerritos.edu/ladkins/a106/middle_ages/middle_ages.htm | |
57. DOMAINES d Oresme et d Antoine de la Sale le Lexique des oeuvresde nicole Oresme, 530 pages; la publication sera assurée par les soins du http://www.univ-nancy2.fr/MOYENAGE/URFA/Domaines.html | |
58. Occam's Razor/Ockham's Razor Likewise, in science, nicole d Oresme, a 14thcentury French physicist, invokedthe law of economy, as did Galileo later, in defending the simplest http://occam.martinsewell.com/ | |
59. Prime Obsession It was produced in the late Middle Ages by a French scholar, nicole d Oresme (ca.13231382). D Oresme pointed out that 1/3+1/4 is greater than 1/2 ; so is http://www.math.wustl.edu/~freiwald/Math132/harmonic.htm | |
60. O nicole d Oresme (ca. 1320 1382). Born in France. He introduced a mathematicalmethodology which eventually developed into analytical geometry. http://www.innvista.com/science/math/mathians/o.htm | |
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