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         Clausius Rudolf:     more books (55)
  1. Beiträge Zur Meteorologischen Optik Und Zu Verwandten Wissenschaften (German Edition) by Rudolf Clausius, Johann August Grunert, 2010-03-22
  2. Mechanische Behandlung Der Electricität (German Edition) by Max Planck, Rudolf Clausius, et all 2010-04-01
  3. Die Lichterscheinungen der Atmosphäre (German Edition) by Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius, 2001-10-02
  4. Entropy (order and disorder): Entropy, Chaos, Rudolf Clausius, Thermodynamic process, Thermodynamic system, Ludwig Boltzmann, Entropy (energy dispersal), Encarta, History of entropy
  5. Rudolf Clausius
  6. University of Würzburg Faculty: Wilhelm Röntgen, Karl Ferdinand Braun, Rudolf Virchow, Franz Brentano, Wilhelm Wien, Rudolf Clausius
  7. Ideal Gas Law: Equation of state, Ideal gas, Gas, Boyle's law, Charles's law, Kinetic theory, Rudolf Clausius, State function, Pressure, Volume, Amount of substance, Mole (unit), Gas constant, Kelvin
  8. People From Koszalin: Rudolf Clausius, Maciej Stachowiak, Sebastian Mila, Kasia Cerekwicka, Peter Von Heydebreck, Miroslaw Okonski
  9. Die mechanische Wärmetheorie: Band III: Die kinetische Theorie der Gase. Entwicklung der besonderen Vorstellungen von der Natur der Wärme als einer Art der Bewegung (German Edition) by Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius, 2001-04-10
  10. Die mechanische Wärmetheorie: Band II: Die mechanische Behandlung der Elektrizität. Anwendung der mechanischen Wärmetheorie zu Grunde liegenden Prinzipien auf die Elektrizität (German Edition) by Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius, 2001-04-10
  11. Die mechanische Wärmetheorie: Band I: Entwicklung der Theorie, soweit sie sich aus den beiden Hauptsätzen ableiten lässt, nebst Anwendungen (German Edition) by Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius, 2001-04-09
  12. Die Potentialfunction und das Potential: Ein Beitrag zur mathematischen Physik (German Edition) by Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius, 2001-04-10
  13. Die Potentialfunction Und Das Potential: Ein Beitrag Zur Mathematischen Physik (German Edition) by Rudolf Clausius, 2010-01-01
  14. Die Mechanische Behandlung Der Electricitat (1879) (German Edition) by Rudolf Clausius, 2010-09-10

21. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Clausius Rudolf Emanuel
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22. Clausius
Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius (1822 1888) R. Clausius was professor inZürich, Würzburg, Bonn and was one of the founders of statistical mechanics.
Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius
born: died: August 24, 1988 in Bonn He formulated the second law of thermodynamics and introduced the entropy as equation of state. Carnot's law such, that the work produced by heat is not only proportional to the heat transferred from the warmer to the colder body, but is also proportional to the temperature difference of the two bodies.
Most recent update: 12-01-99

23. Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius
Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius. Zpet. 2.1.1822 24.8.1888. Clausius byl jednotkouentropie. Zakladatel termodynamiky. Zavedl pojem entropie.
Prevody OnLine Fyzici Vzkazy ... Autor Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius Zpet
Clausius byl jednotkou entropie. Zakladatel termodynamiky. Zavedl pojem entropie.
Presun webu
Cely web conVERTER jsem v srpnu 2002 presunul. Dokument, ktery mate prave zobrazen, neni aktualizovan. Podivejte se na aktualizovanou stranku Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius Omlouvam se za pripadne potize. Jiri Bures Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius se narodil 2. ledna 1822 v Koslinu (Prusko, nyni Koszalin v Polsku). Pochazel z 18 deti ucitelske rodiny. Sam byl predevsim ucitelem. Ve sve dobe patril k nejlepsich nemeckym fyzikum. Je povazovan za zakladatele termodynamiky. Roku 1865 zavedl pojem entropie. Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius zemrel 24. srpna 1888 v Bonnu. Novinky Popis Download FAQ ... Jiri Bures Datum posledni upravy

24. Store Product Details
, middle age;threequarter view; beard; bowtie. Credit, AIP Emilio Segre Visual......Item ID, clausius rudolf A2. Title, Rudolf Clausius.

25. MSN Encarta - Résultats De La Recherche - Clausius Rudolf Emanuel
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26. Rudolf Clausius - Wikipédia
Rudolf Clausius. Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius,1822 - 1888, physicien allemand. Découvrant au hasard de ses recherches
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Rudolf Clausius
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Rudolf Clausius Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius physicien allemand D©couvrant au hasard de ses recherches l'ouvrage oubli© R©flexions sur la puissance motrice du feu de Nicolas L©onard Sadi Carnot , il en comprit imm©diatement la port©e et en assura la promotion aupr¨s des physiciens de son ©poque. Il participa ensuite   l'©laboration de la deuxi¨me loi de la thermodynamique ), et inventa le concept d' entropie en
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RUDOLF CLAUSIUS. 2. 1. 1822 24. 8. 1888. nemecký fyzik a matematik. Profesor natechnice v Curychu, na univerzite ve Würzburgu av Bonnu.
Slavní matematici, fyzici a vynálezci
nìmecký fyzik a matematik Profesor na technice v Curychu, na univerzitì ve Würzburgu a v Bonnu. Spoluautor rovnice vyjadøující závislost tlaku par kapalin na teplotì (rovnice Clausiova-Clapeyronova). Zabýval se termodynamikou, formuloval první a druhý termodynamický zákon, zavedl pojem entropie. Je považován za zakladatele kinetické teorie plynù a zabýval se též elektrolýzou.
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28. Rudolf Clausius - Wikipedia
Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius. Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius. Rudolf JuliusEmmanuel Clausius (2 januari 1822 – 24 augustus 1888) Pruisisch
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Meer dan $140.000 (bijna €115.000) is reeds ontvangen sinds 19 augustus. Zeer bedankt voor uw steun!
Rudolf Clausius
Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius 2 januari 24 augustus Pruisisch natuurkundige Clausius werd geboren in K¶slin, in het toenmalige Pruisen (nu in Polen ). Hij studeerde in Berlijn en in Halle , waar hij in zijn doctoraat behaalde. Hij is ©©n van de grondleggers van de thermodynamica en van de kinetische gas theorie. Hij onderwierp de Carnot cyclus aan een grondige analyse. In de jaren legde hij de grondslag voor een sleutelbegrip van de thermodynamica, de entropie en formuleerde hij de Tweede Hoofdwet . Hij is bekend van de Clausius-Clapeyron-vergelijking die het verband tussen dampdruk en temperatuur beschrijft. Van zijn hand is ook de Ongelijkheid van Clausius die stelt dat de kringintegraal over q/T alleen dan nul is als het pad waarlangs de kringloop plaatsvindt volledig reversibel is. Anders is de integraal altijd kleiner. In de kinetische gas theorie voerde hij het begrip vrije weglengte in. Na 1875 werkte hij voornamelijk aan de elektriciteitsleer , zij het zonder veel succes.

29. Rudolf Clausius
Rudolf Clausius. Rudolf Clausius. Rudolf Clausius (ur. 2 stycznia 1822, zm.24 sierpnia 1888) fizyk niemiecki. pogodzil teorie Joule a i Carnota
Nauka i Edukacja w Science Servis - Polski Serwis Naukowy Astronomia Biologia Chemia Fizyka ... Encyklopedia
Rudolf Clausius Rudolf Clausius (ur. 2 stycznia , zm. 24 sierpnia ) - fizyk niemiecki. pogodził teorie Joule'a i Carnota , formalnie stwierdził r³wnoważność ciepła i pracy, rozwinął pojęcie entropii (1865) w celu wyjaśnienia kierunkowości proces³w chemicznych; wsp³Å‚pracował z Maxwellem nad kinetyczną teorią gaz³w. Zobacz też:
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30. Rudolf Clausius -
Rudolf Clausius Sök; Länkar; Forum; Register; Kontakt. All information du kantänka dig om Rudolf Clausius. Rudolf Clausius. Information från Wikipedia
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Rudolf Clausius:
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Det här är ett utdrag från Wikipedia , besök dom för mer information Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius 2 januari 24 augusti ), tysk fysiker och matematiker. Clausius var en av de fysiker som lade grunden för termodynamiken
Denna biografiska artikel är bara påbörjad . Hjälp Wikipedia genom att fylla i mer
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Rudolf Elander - URL: Rudolf Eucken - URL: Johan Rudolf Sundström - URL: Nobelpriset - , USA Litteratur John Steinbeck Fred Linus Pauling, USA År 1961 Fysik [Rudolf Mössbauer]?, Tyskland [Robert Hofstadter]?, USA Kemi [Melvin URL: Göteborgs stad - Linden]?, kommunal Rosendalsskolan?, kommunal [Rudolf Steinerskolan]?, fristående [Ryaskolan 0-9]?, kommunal [Räveberget skola]?, kommunal URL:

31. Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius - Wikipedia
Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius. Clausius je postavil matematicni zapis kineticneteorije plinov. Zapisal je 2. zakon termodinamike.
Wikimedija potrebuje vašo pomoč pri zbiranju 200.000 dolarjev . Za podrobnosti glejte stran o zbiranju prispevkov Zbrali smo že preko 140.000$. Hvala za vašo velikodušnost!
Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius
Iz Wikipedije, proste enciklopedije.
Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius nemÅ¡ki matematik in fizik 2. januar Koslin (K¶slin), Prusija (zdaj Koszalin Poljska 24. avgust Bonn ... Nemčija
Rudolf Julius Emmanuel Clausius Clausius je postavil matematični zapis kinetične teorije plinov . Zapisal je 2. zakon termodinamike . Odkril je, da v vsakem zaprtem sestavu razmerje toplote in absolutne temperature samo narašča, ne more pa se zmanjšati. To razmerje je imenoval entropija . Čim večja je entropija sestava, tem manj energije lahko uporabimo za mehansko delo spremeni
Kratek življenjepis
Clausius je leta diplomiral na univerzi v Berlinu , doktoriral pa leta na univerzi v Halleju , Nemčija. Poučeval je v Berlinu Z¼richu W¼rzburgu in Bonnu V letu je Clausius organiziral sanitetne enote v francosko-pruski vojni . V bitki je bil ranjen, kar mu je pustilo trajne posledice. Za svoje zasluge je bil odlikovan z železnim križcem Žena Adelheid Rimpham je leta umrla ob porodu sedmega otroka. Po tem je nadaljeval s poučevanjem, ob skrbi za Å¡est otrok pa mu ostalo manj časa za aktivno znanstveno raziskovanje.

32. Clausius, Rudolf (1822-1888) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biogra
clausius, rudolf (18221888) clausius resolved this paradox of Buys-Ballotby explaining the motion of particles in terms of a random walk resulting
Branch of Science Physicists Nationality German
Clausius, Rudolf (1822-1888)

German physicist who reconciled the results of Joule with the theories of Sadi Carnot by abandoning the idea that heat was conserved. He stated formally the equivalence of heat and work First Law of Thermodynamics ) and developed the concept of entropy (which he named in 1865) to explain the directionality of physical processes. He discovered the fact that entropy can never decrease in a physical process and can only remain constant in a reversible process, a result which became known as the Second Law of Thermodynamics With Maxwell , he developed the kinetic theory of gases. In "Über die Art der Bewegung welche wir Wärme nennen" ("On the Kind of Motion which we Call Heat" (1857), he provided a full account of the kinetic theory of molecular motions. This was the first systematic treatment of the kinetic theory. It used probabilistic arguments, introduced the concept of mean free path, and correlated temperature and velocity Clausius resolved this paradox of Buys-Ballot by explaining the motion of particles in terms of a random walk resulting from many collisions. Clausius also coined the word "virial" used in the virial equations.

33. Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel
clausius, rudolf Julius Emanuel (18221888) According to clausius, there aretwo types of entropy the conversion of heat into work, and the transfer of
Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel
German physicist, one of the founders of the science of thermodynamics. In 1850 he enunciated its second law: heat cannot pass from a colder to a hotter body.
According to Clausius, there are two types of entropy: the conversion of heat into work, and the transfer of heat from high to low temperature. He concluded that entropy must inevitably increase in the universe.
Clausius also improved the mathematical treatment of the first law of thermodynamics, and studied the relationship between thermodynamics and kinetic theory. From 1857 onwards, he did important work on the kinetic theory of gases as well as on the theory of electrolysis.

34. MSN Encarta - Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel
clausius, rudolf Julius Emanuel (182288), German mathematical physicist, whowas one of the founders of the science of thermodynamics. He was born in
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35. Rudolf Clausius [Pictures And Photos Of]
rudolf clausius pictures, photos, photographs, images, physics history.
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For more information visit our home page Rudolf Clausius Description old age ; three-quarter view ; suit Item ID Clausius A1 Rudolf Clausius Description middle age ; three-quarter view ; suit Item ID Clausius A3 Rudolf Clausius Description middle age; three-quarter view; beard; bowtie Item ID Clausius Rudolf A2

36. Emilio Segrè Visual Archives
clausius, rudolf Clayton, Donald Delbert Cleveland, Bruce Coburn, John Cockcroft,John CohenTannoudji, Claude Colbeck, Samuel Collins, Curtis
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37. Clausius_Note
rudolf clausius. German physicist commonly known as one of the founders ofthermodynamics. The notion of entropy is usually attributed to him,
Rudolf Clausius German physicist commonly known as one of the founders of thermodynamics. The notion of entropy is usually attributed to him, but many of his papers are often obscure or confusing. According to Edward Daub and others, Clausius derived some of the essential ideas from Reech and Rankine. And the concept of entropy was not established until 1865. Clausius is also responsible for some of the basic ideas for the kinetic theory of gases. BACK TO CLAUSIUS PICTURE BACK TO GALLERY INDEX Last modified March 27, 1999. (c) Soshichi Uchii

38. Rudolf Julius Emanuel Clausius
clausius, rudolf Julius Emanuel, rOO dôlf yOO lyoos amä nOOel klou zeoos clausius, rudolf Julius Emanuel , 1822–88, German mathematical physicist.

39. Clausius, Rudolf --  Encyclopædia Britannica
clausius, rudolf German mathematical physicist who formulated the second law ofthermodynamics and is credited with making thermodynamics a science.

40. Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emanuel. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-
clausius, rudolf Julius Emanuel. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105.
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