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41. Names Of Big Numbers Nine years later, in 1484, a French mathematician, nicolas chuquet (1445 1488),completed a treatise entitled Le Triparty en la science des nombres. http://www.sizes.com/numbers/big_numName.htm | |
42. Arithm10 A century later nicolas chuquet independently developed a system of exponentialnotation. Because at the time almost all work was with a single variable, http://www.pballew.net/arithm10.html | |
43. Church - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Church chuquet, nicolas Chuquicamata chuquet, nicolas Chuquiago Chuquicamata Chuquicamata Chuquicamata Chuquicamata, Chile Chuquicamata, Chile http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/church | |
44. Large Numbers At MROB in writing by nicolas chuquet, a French mathematician living in Lyons As you can see, chuquet intended the names to represent powers of 1000000. http://home.earthlink.net/~mrob/pub/math/largenum.html | |
45. Nicolas Chuquet Biografisk register Translate this page chuquet, nicolas (1445-88) Cohen, Paul J. (1934-) Cole, Frank Nelson (1861-1926)Comandino, Federigo (1506-1575) Cook, Stephen (1939-) http://www.algebra.com/algebra/about/history/Nicolas-Chuquet.wikipedia | |
46. Éditions Ellipses Translate this page La mesure du cercle selon nicolas chuquet - nicolas chuquet, Géométrie - 6.- Approximations - 7. - La tangente à la parabole - APOLLONIUS de Perge, http://www.editions-ellipses.fr/fiche_detaille.asp?identite=1999 |
47. Untitled nicolas chuquet, (c. 1445 c. 1500) French physician. tex2html_wrap_inline374chuquet wrote Triparty en la science des nombres (1484), a work on algebra and http://www.math.tamu.edu/~don.allen/history/renaissc/renassc.html | |
48. WebQuest: Algebra Adventures In The Middle Ages LEONARD OF PISA (FIBONACCI) nicolas chuquet. JORDANUS NEMORARIUS SCIPIONE DEL FERRO.NICOLE OF ORESME NICCOLO TARTAGLIA. REGIOMONTANUS GIROLAMO CARDANO http://michelle_sinclair.tripod.com/mes.htm | |
49. WebQuest: Resources http//wwwgap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Viete.html. nicolas chuquet.http//www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/chuquet.html http://michelle_sinclair.tripod.com/resources.htm | |
50. Renaissance And 17th Century Mathematics nicolas chuquet (end of 15th century) writes book with new notation negativenumbers were introduced and used regularly, but book remains in manuscript http://www-personal.umich.edu/~pberman/renmath.html | |
51. 1997-98. VERSENYFELADATOK nicolas chuquet le dice a Margot Multiplique usted or por dos el Pour devineren quelle main est le nombre pair de piece, nicolas chuquet dit á http://berzsenyi.tvnet.hu/~kulcsar/97-98ver.html | |
52. Philosophical Themes From CSL: Two works were particularly important in this regard nicolas chuquets (c.1440c.1488)Triparty (1484) and Luca Paciolis (c.1445-1517) Summa (1494). http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/cslphilos/algebra.htm | |
53. Maths In Europe 1445c. 1514); nicolas chuquet (c. 1445-c. 1500); Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519);Johann Widman (bc 1460); Scipione del Ferro (c. 1465-1526); Johannes Werner http://library.thinkquest.org/C006364/ENGLISH/history/historyeurope.htm | |
54. Correspondance Louis-Claude De Saint-Martin Et Nicolas-Antoine Kirchberger Translate this page Pendant la Révolution française, un baron suisse, nicolas-Antoine Malgré tout,lédition de Louis Schauer et Alphonse chuquet reste un document http://www.philosophe-inconnu.com/Etudes/correspondance_Kirchberger_pres.htm | |
55. Biographie De Nicolas-Antoine Kirchberger Par J.-B.-M. Gence chuquet, Paris, Dentu, 1862, 330 p. http://www.philosophe-inconnu.com/Amis_disciples/kircheberger_1.htm | |
56. TIMELINE 15th CENTURY Page Of ULTIMATE SCIENCE FICTION WEB GUIDE or 1475 1484 Triparty en la Sciences des Nombres, by nicolas chuquet, ispublished. yet nicolas chuquet considers this merely a useful convention, http://www.magicdragon.com/UltimateSF/timeline15.html | |
57. Le Nom Des Nombres - Commentaire Translate this page nicolas chuquet, qui inventa ces mots en 1484, va un peu plus loin mais nouslaisse aussi sur notre faim million, byllion, tryllion, quadrillion, http://www.graner.net/nicolas/nombres/nom-exp.php | |
58. À§´ëÇѼöÇÐÀÚ ¸ñ·Ï chuquet, nicolas chuquet Born 1445 in Paris, France Died1488 in Lyon, France; Church, Alonzo Church Born 14 June 1903 in Washington, http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=C |
59. AME - Bibliothèque De Projets Translate this page Appendice au Triparty en la science des nombres, de nicolas chuquet, parisien.Travail de diplôme février 2002. STS, nicolas chuquet, Histoire http://ame.epfl.ch/biblio.php?categorie=8&projet=38 |
60. 2 Algebraic Notation His book strongly influenced the French nicolas chuquet (14451488), who in 1484composed a treatise entitled ``Triparty en les science de nombres . http://www.hf.uio.no/filosofi/njpl/vol2no1/history/node2.html | |
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