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Chisholm Young Grace: more detail | |||||
21. Triangle Journals grace chisholm young gender and mathematics around 1900 grace chisholm youngwas one of several mathematicians who together represent a peak of female http://www.triangle.co.uk/whr/content/pdfs/9/issue9_4.asp | |
22. Grace Chisholm YOUNG Larry RIDDLE grace chisholm young, 1868 1944, Biographies of Women Mathematicians Sylvia M. WIEGAND grace chisholm young, Association for Women in http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/natacha.portier/fem/biblio/biblio-1-9.html | |
23. Grace Chisholm Young Translate this page grace chisholm young (1868-1944) grace consiguió doctorarse, la podemosconsiderar como la primera mujer que consiguió doctorarse en matemáticas de una http://centros5.pntic.mec.es/~barriope/matematicas/web_taller_0203/mujeres/sandr |
24. Espacio Translate this page grace chisholm young. Del espacio al plano. LA SALAMANDRA Y LA MOSCA vamos aseguir una de las técnicas que usaba grace young en su libro de geometría. http://centros5.pntic.mec.es/~barriope/matematicas/web_taller_0203/mujeres/sandr | |
25. Gael Ramsey grace chisholm young .. in 1895 she was the FIRST woman to receive a doctoraldegree in mathematics from the University of Gottingen. * Gracie Fields http://web.ukonline.co.uk/m.gratton/Ladies 1st - G.htm | |
26. Laurence Chisholm Young of British mathematicians, William Henry young and grace chisholm young. Laurence chisholm young Links. LC young photo site grace chisholmyoung http://www.geocities.com/kittycats53711/LCYoung.html | |
27. Laurence Chisholm Young Laurence chisholm young was born in Gottingen, Germany. He was the son of Britishmathematicians, William Henry young and grace chisholm young. http://www.geocities.com/kittycats53711/LCY.html | |
28. Archive Record Papers of Professor WH young and of his wife grace chisholm young William Henryyoung and grace chisholm young , Annals of Science , 29 1972; http://www.genesis.ac.uk/archive.jsp?typeofsearch=i&term=notimpl&highlight=1&pk= |
29. Archive Record young grace chisholm 18691944 Mathematician young William Henry 1864-1942 Mathematician and educationalist http://www.genesis.ac.uk/archive.jsp?typeofsearch=i&term=notimpl&highlight=1&pk= |
30. Young, Grace Chisholm young, grace chisholm. Nobel Prize in Mathematics Nominations! Specific projectinformation can be found in the math folder found in the Hauser Hard Drive. http://www.district96.org/hauser/math/csp/pages/5857.11.12.03.nclk | |
31. Return To Main Page Professor Emeritus Laurence chisholm young died at home in Madison on the sonof British mathematicians, William Henry young and grace chisholm young. http://www.math.wisc.edu/news/2001/young.htm | |
32. MathFest In Madison, Rudins Honored heritage of grace chisholm young (18681944) and William Henry young (1863-1942).grace young was the first woman to receive a PhD in Germany and one of http://www.math.wisc.edu/news/2002/conference.html | |
33. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Grace Young (geb. Chisholm) Translate this page grace young (geb. chisholm) Biography. Ph.D. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen1895. Germany. Dissertation Algebraisch-gruppentheoretische Untersuchungen http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=18555 |
34. Young Discussions with Klein seems to inspire young. grace chisholm young later wrotethat after Klein s visit William proposed, and I eagerly agreed, http://homepages.compuserve.de/thweidenfeller/mathematiker/Young.htm | |
35. Expanding Your Horizons - Girl's Area grace chisholm young 18681944. The young grace loved to follow her important father around, helping him with his carpentry and visiting the British http://www.expandingyourhorizons.org/Pathways/young.html | |
36. Literatur Zur Vorlesung Frauen In Der Geschichte Der Mathematik Translate this page C. Jones grace chisholm young gender and mathematics around 1900. Die Mathematikerin grace chisholm young (1868-1944) als Kinderbuchautorin. http://www.math.uni-hamburg.de/home/blunck/Lit04 |
37. Dr. Cordula Tollmien Historikerin Chisholm Translate this page grace Emily chisholm young studierte erst am Girton College, einem Frauencollegein Cambridge, dann in Göttingen, wo sie 1895 bei Felix Klein promovierte. http://www.physikerinnen.de/chisholm.html | |
38. Grace Chisholm Young Université Montpellier II Translate this page grace chisholm young (1868-1944). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglaisrésident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=968 |
39. Biography-center - Letter Y young, grace chisholm www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/young.htm; young, LaiSangwww.agnesscott.edu /lriddle/women/lsyoung.htm; young, Thomas http://www.biography-center.com/y.html | |
40. Graduate - UNL - Department Of Mathematics grace chisholm young and William Henry young Award. In 1996, Roger and SylviaWiegand established a fellowship for the support of graduate student research http://www.math.unl.edu/pi/graduate/GradAwards | |
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