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81. The Wavelet Digest :: View Topic - Contents: The Journal Of Fourier Analysis And sunyung alice chang, U. of California at Los Angeles Albert Cohen, Universite de Paris Dauphine, France Marie Farge, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, http://www.wavelet.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=2765 |
82. Oct 2003 - New Books And Journals - Whitehead Library : The Mathematical Institu chang, sunyung A., 1948- , Non-linear elliptic equations in conformal geometry /sun-yung alice chang. (Zurich European Mathematical Society, 2004.) http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/library/accessions/02May2005.shtml | |
83. }Ú×îñ Translate this page Non-linear elliptic equations in conformal geometry / sun-yung alice chang.(Zurich lectures in advanced mathematics) http://opac.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/opac/books-query?mode=1&code=21962921 |
84. New Titles Cataloged. Brown University Library C43x 2004, chang, sunyung A., 1948-, Non-linear elliptic equations in conformalgeometry / sun-yung alice chang, Zürich European Mathematical Society, http://dl.lib.brown.edu/newtitles/math.php | |
85. Math ArXiv: Search Results sunyung alice chang, Paul C. Yang. ICM-2002. Proceedings of the ICM, Beijing2002, vol. 1, 189207. DG. 8. Abs PS PDF math. http://front.math.ucdavis.edu/author/Sun-Y* | |
86. New Book List March 28, 2005 NONLINEAR ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS IN CONFORMAL GEOMETRY / sun-yung alice chang.chang, sun-yung A., 1948- Z{232}urich European Mathematical Society, c2004. http://libweb.uoregon.edu/scilib/mathlib/mathnewbooks/032805.htm | |
87. Search Results Contact, sunyung alice chang, Managing Editor. Email, pacific@math.ucla.edu.Address, Pacific Journal of Mathematics PO Box 4163 Berkeley, CA 94704-0163 http://ejournal.coalliance.org/fullrec.cfm?EJID=4719 |
88. Editors Geometric Analysis, sunyung alice chang. Department of Mathematics PrincetonUniversity Princeton, NJ 08544 USA, chang@math.princeton.edu http://www.math.nthu.edu.tw/~tjm/myweb/editors.htm | |
89. Matematyka sunyung alice chang studiowala na Uniwersytecie Miedzynarodowym w Tajwanie.Prace magisterska obronila w roku 1970, a nastepnie wyjechala do USA, http://banach.matfiz.polsl.gliwice.pl/serwis/Matematycy/Sun_Yung.html | |
90. Akademika NonLinear Elliptic Equations in Conformal Geometry, 2004. chang, sun-yung alice.Kr. 330,- 7-28 dager Pocket. Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability http://www.akademika.no/kategori.php?kategori=PBMP |
91. Differential Geometry And Global Analysis -- Links To Mathematicians Translate this page sun-yung alice chang, http//www.math.princeton.edu/~chang/. Bryan Clair,http//euler.slu.edu/Dept/Faculty/clair http://www.math.uni-hamburg.de/home/ammann/personen/verzeichnis.html | |
92. Princeton - Graduate School Announcement 2002-03 - Department Of Mathematics sunyung alice chang John H. Conway Ingrid Daubechies Weinan E Bjorn Engquist,also Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics Charles L. Fefferman http://www.princeton.edu/pr/catalog/gsa/02/306.htm | |
93. Quotes By Women She Told Me That She Was Very Sorry That The Visit Sun Yung alice chang (1946) Professor of Mathematics, Berkley. You can findbiographical sketches of 32 important women mathematicians throughout history as http://facultystaff.vwc.edu/~trfanney/WOMATH.htm | |
94. The Daily Princetonian - Perelman Explains Proof To Famous Math Mystery I do not think the million dollars is the motivation, said mathematics professorSunYung alice chang. The Poincaré Conjecture is in the same scale as http://www.dailyprincetonian.com/archives/2003/04/17/news/7979.shtml | |
95. The Emil Grosswald Lectures Temple University Department of Mathematics. The Emil Grosswald Lectures SunYungAlice chang. Princeton University. will speak on http://www.math.temple.edu/events/grosswald/chang.html | |
96. Wonders Of Numbers 124130 Chaitin s constant, 90, 104 Champernowne s number, 105 chang, Sun-YungAlice, 73 Cheerios, 201 Chemistry, xii Chinchillas, 257 Clarke, Arthur, http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickover/noodlead.html | |
97. Untitled Document Sheila Scott Macintyre Sofia Kovalevskaya Sof ja Janovskaja Sophie Germain SunYungAlice chang Susan Solomon Vera Pless Vivienne Malone-Mayes http://science.kennesaw.edu/~mmyers/1101fa03/bio_misc.html | |
98. V
}FI Infinite dimensional groups and manifolds, I@I432. 2005.3.4, sun-yung AliceChang, Non-linear elliptic equations in conformal geometry, I@C456 http://www.math.keio.ac.jp/library/newtitles/new_i.htm | |
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