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81. Lewis Carroll Biografie und Werke des Schriftstellers, Mathematikers und Fotografen. http://www.carroll-jabberwocky.de/ | |
82. Browse By Author: C - Project Gutenberg carroll, lewis (18321898). Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge; Wikipedia Alice s Adventures The Life and Letters of lewis carroll (Rev. CL Dodgson) (English) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/c | |
83. Liber Liber: Biblioteca | Autori D | Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (alias Lewis Carr Offre una biografia dell'autore e due testi integrali Alice nel paese delle meraviglie e Attraverso lo specchio. http://www.liberliber.it/biblioteca/d/dodgson/index.htm | |
84. A History Of Photography, By Robert Leggat: CARROLL, Lewis carroll, lewis. b. 27 January 1832; d. 14 January 1898. lewis carroll was the pseudonym of the Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, an English writer and http://www.rleggat.com/photohistory/history/carroll.htm | |
85. JV: Jabervokado Jabberwocky de lewis carroll. Traduko de William F. Orr . http://www76.pair.com/keithlim/jabberwocky/translations/esperanto4.html | |
86. Lewis Carroll El placer de leer a lewis carroll, un escritor lúdico hablan en su Weekend A stylish fantasy Weekend; lewis carroll s Alice in Wonderland is every http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0810600.html | |
87. Alice Au Pays Du Net Alice au pays des merveilles et De l'autre c´t© du miroir , de lewis carroll pr©sentation d©taill©e, biographie et bibliographie de l'auteur, pr©sentation de ses autres centres d'int©rªts. http://aliceaupaysdunet.free.fr/ | |
88. Daerons Books - Lewis Carroll AA04 carroll, lewis, Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass AA10 carroll, lewis, The Illustrated lewis carroll, New Orchard Editions, http://www.daerons.co.uk/carroll.html | |
89. Carroll, Lewis carroll, lewis English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, who wrote under the pseudonym lewis carroll, aged 66, shortly before he died in 1898. http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0009245.html | |
90. Alice's Adventures At The Pantomime A new adventure for lewis carroll's Alice. http://www.shiny.ndo.co.uk/alice | |
91. You Are Being Redirected, Please Update Your Bookmarks An Agony in Eight Fits by lewis carroll, with illustrations by Henry Holiday. Text and illustrations from University of Virginia Library. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/cgibin/browse-mixed?id=CarSnar&tag=public& |
92. Lewis Carroll Books And Articles - Research Lewis Carroll At lewis carroll Scholarly books and articles on lewis carroll at Questia, world s largest online library and research service. Subscribe now and do better http://www.questia.com/library/literature/literature-of-specific-countries/briti |
93. INDICE Transcripci³n electr³nica de la obra del escritor nacido en Inglaterra, lewis carroll. Incluye ilustraciones cl¡sicas de John Tenniel. http://www.guiascostarica.com/alicia/a1/indice.htm | |
94. Lewis Carroll carroll, lewis, pseud. of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson,183298, English writer 1968); E. Wakeling, lewis carroll, Photographer (2002); biography by MN Cohen http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0810600.html | |
95. Personal Best: Alice In Wonderland The author reflects on lewis carroll's Alice books in an essay. http://www.salon.com/weekly/carroll960930.html | |
96. Carroll, Lewis Not to be confused with the official lewis carroll Home Page. lewis carroll A brief page on carroll that includes the complete text of Jabberwocky and http://www.reference.com/Dir/Arts/Literature/Authors/C/Carroll,_Lewis/ | |
97. Lewis Carroll An article looking at carroll's work and his influence on modern writing. http://www.tabula-rasa.info/DarkAges/LewisCarroll.html | |
98. Carroll, Lewis -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography Search Site. Alphabetical Index. About this site. About this site C v. carroll, lewis. Dodgson. © Eric W. Weisstein. header. mathematica calculationcenter. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Carroll.html | |
99. Lewis Carroll Offers three of carroll's fictional works. http://www.classicreader.com/children/Lewis-Carroll/index.htm | |
100. Lewis Carroll An internet bibliography for lewis carroll, author of Alice s Advantures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. http://www.literaryhistory.com/19thC/DODGSON.htm | |
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