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41. Major General William Tecumseh Sherman - Union General A biographical sketch of Major General william Tecumseh Sherman and his participation Sherman was sent to relieve the pressure on burnside on Knoxville. http://www.swcivilwar.com/sherman.html | |
42. PHILLIPS B93 vI 1960, burnside, william Snow Panton, Arthur william B93 1959, burnside, william, Dover Publications Inc. Theory of Relativity, QC 6 P28rE 1958 http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/Education/Phillips_Library/q-z.html | |
43. Earl Gregg Swem Library Special Collections MA Thesis, College of william and Mary, 1980. Archives LD 6051 W5m Hist 1980 George Meade, OO Howard, Ambrose burnside, william T. Sherman and George B. http://www.swem.wm.edu/spcoll/exhibits/findingAids/civilwar/archives.cfm | |
44. Glencoe Bed And Breakfast Accommodation Near Fort William Selfcatering accomodation is close to Fort william (10 miles) and 70 miles from Inverness. burnside Bed Breakfast tariff £20 per person, per night. http://www.glencoeselfcatering.co.uk/bb-tariff.asp | |
45. William Buel Franklin - History Celebrities william B. Franklin was born in York, Pennsylvania on February 27, 1823. In truth, Franklin followed the orders of burnside exactly. http://www.aboutfamouspeople.com/article1202.html | |
46. Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: Photo Powell s Books Theory of Equations 7TH Edition Vols1 2 Combined Theory of Equations 7TH Edition Vols1 2 Combined. by william Sn burnside. ISBN 0486441407 (More details ) Available at Technical http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/p/e/a/William-S-Pearce/PHOTO/0064phot | |
47. In Memoriam burnside, william, 2nd, 19451947. Butler, John J . WW11 . . . Cain, Victor, T, 1951-1955. Cappell, John, S, 1944-1945. Cariddo, James, L/7th, 1951-1954 http://www.usswisconsin.org/In Memoriam/In Memoriam.htm | |
48. Burnside, Ambrose Everett - Columbia Encyclopedia® Article About Burnside, Ambr Information about burnside, Ambrose Everett in the Columbia Encyclopedia®. burnside, WI burnside, william burnside, Wisconsin burnsides http://columbia.thefreedictionary.com/Burnside, Ambrose Everett | |
49. Scran - Copy Letter To William Fairlie, Bengal Concerning News Of William Hunter william Hunter (son of Charles Hunter, 8th Laird of burnside); Where England, London (author location) India, Bengal (recipient location) http://www.scran.ac.uk/000-000-581-627-C | |
50. Scran - Quest For Fame And Fortune william Hunter, second son of Charles Hunter 8th Laird of burnside, Letter from william Nairne (Dunsinnan) to Charles Hunter of burnside concerning Mr http://www.scran.ac.uk/database/record.php?usi=000-000-001-609-L |
51. Cornell Univeristy Mathematics Library Vorlesungen Uber die Elemente der Differentialund Integralrechnung ,1907, 272. burnside, william Snow, Introduction to Determinants ,1899, 98 http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/reformatabc.php | |
52. USP/SIBi - DEDALUS william burnside by Andrew Russell Forsyth p. xi-xxx http://dedalus.usp.br:4500/ALEPH/POR/USP/USP/MONO/FULL/0164684 |
53. William McGonagall - Library Catalogue J DR burnside, no date, 64 pages, paperback, poor condition. william McGONAGALL COLLECTED POEMS poetic gems selected from the works of william http://www.taynet.co.uk/users/mcgon/bglink4.htm | |
54. Civil War - Personalities - Burnside Reinforced by william Marvel s sympathetic biography of burnside, Ford has attempted to set the record straight about his hero. http://www.fredericksburg.com/CivilWar/Personalities/burnside.html | |
55. Cleveland.com: Everything Cleveland Stephen F., 26; Burke, Daniel Floyd, 36; Burkhard, David, 33; burnside, william S., 59; Butchart, Jack S., 57; Cain, Kevin F., 38; Cameron, william A., http://www.cleveland.com/concealed/index.ssf?/concealed/more/109110422682620.htm |
56. WebGED: Mollohan Family Tree Data Page father burnside, william (~1850 ) mother Peyton, Victoria (~1855 - ) spouse Mollohan, Annis Baxter burnside, william (~1850 - ) - male b. ABT 1850 http://heiseonline.com/mollohan/wgm6.html | |
57. Basic Library List-Algebra burnside, william Snow and Panton, Arthur william. The Theory of Equations with an Introduction to the Theory of Binary Algebraic Forms, Mineola, NY Dover, http://www.maa.org/BLL/algebra.htm | |
58. The Science Bookstore - Chronology burnside, william Born 1/2/1852 Died 8/21/1927, 1852 AD. Lindemann, Ferdinand Born 4/12/1852, 1852 AD. 1852 AD, First international underwater telegraph http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=19 |
59. Mississippi Marriage Index - 1926 Moses Burns, william Mailer, Fannie 03/16/1903 Holmes 6 186 burnside, Lula 12/15/1916 Yazoo D 139 Sanders, JC MG burnside, william Henderson, http://www.afrigeneas.com/library/ms-marr-1926.html | |
60. Battery D The short stories are excellent! Biographical. burnside william Marvel. A biography on Ambrose E. burnside, reviewed by Daryl Larson. http://www.batteryd.com/Library.html | |
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