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21. Alibris: William Burnside Used, new outof-print books by author william burnside. Offering over 50 million titles from thousands of booksellers worldwide. http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/Burnside, William | |
22. Family Tree Maker's Genealogy Site: User Home Pages: Pearce, Rodgers, Burnside, Pearce, Katie 18851948; burnside, william 1829-1909 (15 KB) burnside, william 1829-1909; Pearce, Les and Herman (25 KB) Pearce, Les and Herman http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/p/e/a/William-S-Pearce/ | |
23. Www.allmath.com/biosearch.php?QMeth=ID ID=5329 burnside, william H.william H. burnside, one of the most substantial farmers in Schuyler county, resided on section 29, Buena Vista township. He was born in Bainbridge township http://www.allmath.com/biosearch.php?QMeth=ID&ID=5329 |
24. Logan County, Nebraska History Book Edwin Horace 1915 1983 141 1 burnside, May 1884 1956 36 4 burnside, S. 108 1 burnside, william S. 1886 1963 36 4 burnside, william Richard 1916 1972 36 http://www.rootsweb.com/~nelogan/hist051.html | |
25. AIP Niels Bohr Library burnside, william Snow, 1839ca. 1921. by title. The theory of equati to the theory of binary algebraic forms / by william Snow burnside and . http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/17048.html | |
26. New Book List January 10, 2005 THE COLLECTED PAPERS OF william burnside / EDITED BY PETER M. NEUMANN, AJS MANN AND JULIA C. TOMPSON. burnside, william, 18521927. http://libweb.uoregon.edu/scilib/mathlib/mathnewbooks/011005.htm | |
27. A - D 1829 Census Of Laurens County, SC burnside, william 2 Blackwell, william 1 burnside, Hannah 2 Brown, Benjamin 7 Brooks, Thos. 4 burnside, John 6 Brown, Willis 11 Butler, william 6 http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/2932/ad1829.html | |
28. Powell CLAYTON burnside, william H. The Honorable Powell Clayton . Conway, AR UCA Press, 1991. _. Powell Clayton Ambassador to Mexico, 18971905. http://www.infoplease.com/biography/us/congress/clayton-powell.html | |
29. William B. Franklin - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Army of the Potomac commander Ambrose E. burnside blamed Franklin personally Snell, Mark A., From first to last the life of Major General william B. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_B._Franklin | |
30. William Burnside - The National Curve Bank: A MATH Archive Yesterday was william burnside s Birthday! william burnside Born July 2, 1852 in Paddington, London Died August 21, 1927 in West Wickham, England http://curvebank.calstatela.edu/birthdayindex/jul/jul3burnside/jul2burnside.htm | |
31. William Jacob SHUMAN, B: 1863 - Bryan Cty., Ga. Mary burnside Born 6 Feb 1825 Marr 1845 - Abell LEE,Jr. Died - 6. william burnside Born 14 Jun 1829 - Marr 1857 - Elizabeth PARRISH Died - 7. http://www.allcensus.com/jsm/gp95.htm | |
32. Florence A. BRADSHAW, B: 1887 - MICHIGAN, Louisianna ( 13 Jan 1848 27 Oct 1920) burnside, Mary ( 6 Feb 1825 - ) burnside, Providence ( 17 Mar 1834 - 9 Jun 1916) burnside, william ( 14 Jun 1829 http://www.allcensus.com/jsm/ipb.htm | |
33. Academic Lambuth Templet william E. burnside. Instructor of Physical Education. Degrees. BA, University of Delaware. MS, Southern Illinois University http://www.lambuth.edu/academics/education/faculty/burnside.html | |
34. William Snow Burnside - Www.libreriauniversitaria.it Autori william Snow burnside, Arthur william Panton Dover Publications, February 2005 Visualizza dettagli e disponibilità, 80.04 http://www.libreriauniversitaria.it/goto/author_William Snow Burnside/shelf_BUS/ | |
35. William Burnside - Anagrams Rearranging the letters of william burnside (Mathematician) gives Find more anagrams of william burnside (or any other text)! http://www.anagramgenius.com/archive/willia33.html | |
36. SIREV Volume 38 pages 324 324; A Conditional Trace Inequality (Paul A. Roediger) R. burnside, william Waterhouse pages 324 - 326; Periodic Solutions of a Differential http://locus.siam.org/SIREV/vol_38_iss_2.html | |
37. SIREV Volume 3 Issue 2 SIREV, Volume 3 Issue 2. Theory of Probability (william burnside). E. Keeping. PDF View Full Text (pdf) View References. http://locus.siam.org/SIREV/volume-03/art_1003038.html | |
38. William Wilson Chapter DAR, Garden City, Kansas The chapter was named for the Revolutionary ancestor of the chapter s oldest member, Mrs. John H. burnside. william Wilson came to America from Scotland. http://kansasdar.org/chapters/WilliamWilson/ | |
39. Robert Burns Country: The Burns Encyclopedia: Burnside, Dr William (1751 1806 The Robert Burns works archive, with full text indexed and searchable online. http://www.robertburns.org/encyclopedia/BurnsideDrWilliam17511511806.170.shtml | |
40. Burnside Cemetery Index CD26 burnside Cemetery - This cemetery is located in Section 34, Township 57, FORQUERAN, william H. FORQUERAN, Willie J. FULLERTON, Earl. FULLERTON, GA http://www.cemphoto.com/Pages/Page 62.htm | |
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