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61. Royal Society | About The Society | Library And Archives | Archives william brouncker, 2nd Viscount brouncker (16201684). The Royal Society; ManuscriptCollections, British Library; Huntington Library, USA http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/page.asp?tip=1&id=1712 |
62. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results william brouncker Born 1620 in Castlelyons (N of Cork), Ireland Died 5 April1684 in Westminster. London, England Click the picture above to see four http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=950&term1=p |
63. Catégorie:Britannique - Wikiquote Charlotte Brontë Emily Brontë william brouncker Thomas Browne Robert williams Buchanan Frederic william Farrar Helen Fielding http://fr.wikiquote.org/wiki/Catégorie:Britannique | |
64. The History Of Science & Technology - Series One the original holograph notes of william Harvey s lectures on anatomy, and his collection of papers concerning Robert Boyle, william brouncker, http://www.adam-matthew-publications.co.uk/digital_guides/the_history_of_science | |
65. The Mediadrome - History Two years after Bacon s death in 1626, william Harvey published his treatise on the Alexander Bruce, william Viscount brouncker, Sir Robert Moray, http://www.themediadrome.com/content/articles/history_articles/royal_society.htm | |
66. East Coulston | British History Online In 1602 she presented because of the minority of william brouncker, and williamhimself presented at the next vacancy in 1626. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=16112 |
67. Alphabetical List Of Officials: A-J | British History Online brouncker, william (brouncker) 2nd Viscount Extra Commissioner 7 Dec. 1664 16 Jan.1667 (C 66/3061). Controller of Treasurer s Accounts 16 Jan. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=16855 |
68. Wortley1 Grace brouncker (dau of Sir william brouncker of Melksham). (A), Sir FrancisWortley, 2nd Bart of Wortley (b c1616, dspl 14.03.1665) http://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/british/ww/wortley1.htm | |
69. Mildmay2 Sir william brouncker. 4. Winifred Mildmay (d 10.08.1597). m. Sir williamFitzwilliam of Milton and Gaines Park (d 05.08.1618). 5. Christian Mildmay http://www.stirnet.com/HTML/genie/british/mm4fz/mildmay2.htm | |
70. Why Did Pells Equation Wrongly Named? By A Mistake Of Euler, The that The challenge was taken up in England by william, Viscount brouncker, Fermat was, naturally, not satisfied with this solution, and brouncker, http://mathforum.org/kb/servlet/JiveServlet/download/193-438185-1383214-66341/at | |
71. Thuret Plomp Oldenburg ordered a watch on behalf of Lord william brouncker, the president ofthe Royal Society in London, and Christiaan Huygens himself had a precious http://www.antique-horology.org/_Editorial/thuretplomp/thuretplomp.htm | |
72. Presented By Greg Duncan 1684 william brouncker, 2nd viscout/1st pres of Royal Society, dies 1693 Anne MLof Orl?ans, duchess of Montpensier (Grande Mademoiselle), dies http://www.vaxxine.com/mgdsite/history/0405.eht | |
73. 80.07.11: A Chronological History Of ¹ With Developmental Activities In Problem Through manipulation of Wallis product of 2/¹, william brouncker in 1658 wasled to the expression. (figure available in print form) http://www.yale.edu/ynhti/curriculum/units/1980/7/80.07.11.x.html | |
74. ALBEVILLE MSS. The correspondents in the collection include John Abell; william brouncker, 2ndviscount brouncker; Sir Richard Bulstrode; Michael Carney; Thomas Coxe; http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/lilly/mss/html/albeville.html | |
75. New Dictionary Of Scientific Biography Translate this page brouncker, william Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brozek, Jan Brunelleschi, FilippoBryson of Heraclea Budan de Boislaurent, Ferdinand François Désiré http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/math.html | |
76. Oxford Figures - About : The Mathematical Institute, University Of Oxford Younger mathematicians whose work he promoted in this way included ChristopherWren, william Neile, and william brouncker. Throughout his life Wallis was http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/about/oxford-figures/ch1-9.shtml | |
77. Article About "List Of Mathematical Topics (A-C)" In The English Wikipedia On 24 Henry BrillNoether theory - Broglie, Louis-Victor de Bromwichintegral brouncker, william Brouwer fixed-point theorem Brouwer, http://july.fixedreference.org/en/20040724/wikipedia/List_of_mathematical_topics | |
78. Moon In the frontispiece to Thomas Sprat s History of the Royal Society there Is agroup of three people william brouncker, the first president on the right, http://www.sirbacon.org/moon.html | |
79. William Brouncker (1620-1684) Fut Président De La Royal Society, Dont John Wall http://web.lyon.iufm.fr/formation/UCDmath/pi/presentation/sommaire/histoire_de_p | |
80. William Brouncker Université Montpellier II william Burnside william Clifford williamBrouncker (1620-1684). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résident sur http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=903 |
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