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41. Entries brouncker, Lord william (c 16201684), mathematician in early Royal Society.BROWNE, Peter (1664/5-1735), counter-Enlightenment Irishman. BROWNE, Thomas. http://www.thoemmes.com/dictionaries/17entries.htm | |
42. Quantrill, William C -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia - Your Gateway To All william, Viscount brouncker (c.1620 1684) School of Mathematics, Trinity College,Dublin Brief note of this 17th century English mathematician who was one http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article-9376253 | |
43. F Founder and Patron, on a pedestal on the left is the figure of the first FRS,the Irish mathematician william brouncker; on the right, that of Francis http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/1989/PSCF6-89Seeger.html | |
44. Developmental Biology Online: Anton Von Leeuwenhoek And His Perception Of Sperma Leeuwenhoek to william brouncker, November 1677, in Leeuwenhoek, AdB, II, 292295.11. Leeuwenhoek to Nehemiah Grew, 31 May 1678, ibid., pp. http://www.devbio.com/article.php?ch=7&id=65 |
45. ID Signed by Pepys, Viscount brouncker, Sir william Penn. william brouncker s relationswith Pepys fluctuated, but were at bottom good. http://www.durtnall.org.uk/DEEDS/Military 1-100.htm | |
46. Chapter3part2 So a quadrature at the time of one Viscount william brouncker, cofounder of theRoyal Society in England, and its first President in 1662, http://doe.ncia.net/~bobmead/chapter3part2.htm | |
47. Biographies Translate this page Vicomte william brouncker (1620-1684) Né en 1620 à Castle Lyons, Irlande william brouncker, deuxième Vicomte brouncker de Castle Lyons, http://fiorano.u-strasbg.fr/lexis/html/bios/biobro.html | |
48. List Of Mathematical Topics LouisVictor de Bromwich integral brouncker, william Brouwer fixed-pointtheorem Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brownian motion Brun, http://www.teachersparadise.com/ency/en/wikipedia/l/li/list_of_mathematical_topi | |
49. Science: The Scientific Revolution The former was a private institution in London and included such scientists asRobert Hooke, John Wallis, william brouncker, Thomas Sydenham, John Mayow, http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/sci/A0860977.html | |
50. BSHM: Gazetteer -- Oxford Individuals william brouncker (c16201684) came to Oxford with Charles II in 1642 and tookup mathematics. Doctor of Medicine in 1646/7. http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/bshm/zingaz/OxfordPeople.html | |
51. BSHM: Abstracts -- S During the 1650s, william brouncker (16201685) worked closely with JohnWallis (1616-1703) on some original and unusual mathematics. Although brouncker is http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/bshm/abstracts/S.html | |
52. Admiralty Examinations Relating To Ireland - A-B Surname Index, ©Jane Lyons Brotheridge, william, 203 brouncker, Sir Henry, 109 Browinge, John, 46 Browne,Christopher, 276, 299, 300 Browne, David, 315 Browne, Edmond, 155 http://www.from-ireland.net/history/admirindex/a.htm | |
53. Rene Descartes (1596-1650) Library Of Congress Citations Other authors brouncker, william brouncker, Viscount, 1620 or 211684, ed.Control No. 08030100 //r854 Author La Forge, Louis de, fl. 1661-1677. http://www.mala.bc.ca/~mcneil/cit/citlcdescart1.htm | |
54. English Historical Manuscripts To Wm. william H. Osborn. Discusses his antislavery views and his opinions brouncker, william. Autograph. autograph document, signed 1 p. http://speccoll.library.kent.edu/other/englishhist.html | |
55. Chronology Of Pure And Applied Mathematics 1668, Nicholas Mercator and william brouncker discover an infinite series forthe logarithm while attempting to calculate the area under a hyperbolic http://www.3rd1000.com/chronology/chrono23.htm | |
56. COLOUR MUSIC : MUSIC FOR MEASURE 2. When william brouncker published the work in English, he (or the stationer whotranslated it) redrew the circle, altering the way its calculations were http://home.vicnet.net.au/~colmusic/opticks3.htm | |
57. Mathematics - Primary Texts - Scientific Revolution Home Page: Research Page - S Commercium epistolicum de quaestionibus quibusdam mathematicis nuper habitum bybrouncker, william brouncker, Viscount, 1620 or 211684. http://web.clas.ufl.edu/users/rhatch/pages/03-Sci-Rev/SCI-REV-Home/sr-research/e | |
58. ThisDayThatYear.com - Deaths On April 05 1684 william brouncker, 2nd viscount/1st pres of Royal Society, dies 1939 william Cooper, cricketer (two Tests for Australia 188284), dies http://www.thisdaythatyear.com/apr/death05.htm | |
59. Williams - Definition Of Williams By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And E williams, william Carlos 18831963. American poet whose verse is marked by a lucid, william, Viscount brouncker william-Adolphe Bouguereau http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Williams | |
60. Royal Society | About The Society | History Of Science | Past Presidents Samuel Pepys 16621677 william, Viscount brouncker 1677-1680 Sir Joseph williamson1680-1682 Sir Christopher Wren 1682-1683 Sir John Hoskins, Bart http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/page.asp?id=1071 |
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