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61. Sally's Family Place Deed book K 658(475) THOMAS WARD planter of Bertie Co. to john britton, James Latham, john britton, Benja. Brittain ( These are john s too oldest sons. http://www.sallysfamilyplace.com/Neighbors/Britton.htm | |
62. Britton Of Union NC he and father buried in the britton family cemetery St. john s twsp, Thomas Jesse britton 1919 j. Gertrude britton 1921 - 12. john britton ca 1879 - http://www.sallysfamilyplace.com/Neighbors/brittonunion.htm | |
63. News Trevor Aylott, Ian britton, john Bumstead, Gary Chivers, Jason Cundy, Kerry Dixon, Steve Finnieston, Gareth Hall, Steve Kember, David Lee, Colin Pates, http://www.hastingsunitedfc.co.uk/Latestnews.htm | |
64. The Canadian Association Of Geographers -- John N. H. Britton Dr.john NH britton has served Canadian Geography for forty years as patient mentor, astute supervisor and distinguished economic geographer. http://www.cag-acg.ca/en/john_n_h_britton.html | |
65. Index britton, john 17, 18, 50, 80 britton, Judson 17 britton, Justice W. 17 britton, Lucinda 2, 17 britton, Mary 18, 41, 42, 42a, 43, 44 britton, Mary Jane 17 http://raub-and-more.com/baptown/ | |
66. NATHANIEL LORD BRITTON RECORDS In 1875 britton began his undergraduate study under john Strong Newberry, who taught geology, mineralogy, and paleobotany at Columbia. http://www.nybg.org/bsci/libr/Britwb2.htm | |
67. Books s and Illustrations of Plants of the Cactus Family Volume III and Volume IV......by Nathaniel Lord britton, john N. Rose. The Cactaceae http://www.cactuslands.com/books.htm | |
68. Whiting Cemetery britton, Carrie E. 1936, 1996, same headstone as john Harry britton britton, john Harry, 1909, 1977, Pvt US Army WWII; same headstone as Carrie E. http://home.adelphia.net/~budd/Whiting.html | |
69. John Britton's Web Server Hello there, my name is john and I am poor. If you want to give me money click on the link below, and transfer funds via your paypal account or major credit http://www.rpi.edu/~brittj/ | |
70. AllRefer.com - John Britton (British And Irish History, Biography) - Encyclopedi AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on john britton, British And Irish History, Biographies. http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/B/BrittonJ.html | |
71. Adventures In CyberSound: Arrowsmiths Patent : Diorama, Or Method Of Exhibiting john britton, john and Pugin, Augustus Charles Illustrations of the Public Buildings of London. With historical and descriptive accounts of each edifice, http://www.acmi.net.au/AIC/DIORAMA_PATENT.html | |
72. Manuscript Name And Subject Index "B" BOLTON CASTLE, SEE, britton, john. BONAPARTE, JOSEPH, SEE, NORWOOD, OLIN COLLECTION britton, john. BROADSIDES, SEE, HISTORICAL PAPERS NOT FLA http://www.fsu.edu/~speccoll/subja-z/subjb.htm | |
73. Bill Of Rights For Telecom Customers To Get Hearing - 2005-07-25 not regulators, should decide whether customers want DSL without local phone service, said john britton, a spokesman in SBC s San Francisco office. http://eastbay.bizjournals.com/eastbay/stories/2005/07/25/story8.html?jst=pn_pn_ |
74. Colorado State Penitentiary Index Introduction britton, john Calvin 29572 britton, john Calvin 40522 britton, Lessie S 40109 Brizziet, Archie 10567 Broach, john B 1402 Broad, JE 13261 http://www.colorado.gov/dpa/doit/archives/pen/Bray-Burnham.htm | |
75. Stan Nicholls. Gothique & Stardock Cover David Griffiths. Interior art Dave Baldock, David britton, john Hudson, Alan Hunter, Terry Jeeves and David Lloyd. http://www.herebedragons.co.uk/nicholls/gothique.htm | |
76. Abortionist Britton's Web Page EXABORTIONIST britton S WEB PAGE. Ex-Abortionist john Bayard britton john Bayard britton was a circuit riding abortionist who killed children all over http://www.forerunner.com/fyi/killer/britton/ | |
77. OCSBA Members By City Andrew, Donna M. Aquila, Frank britton, john E. Clayborne, Sherri D. Crisci, George DiFranco, Heather Hastings, Susan C. Holmes, Thomas C. Jaffe, Daniel A. http://www.osba-ohio.org/ocsbacity.htm | |
78. David J. Holmes Autographs: BRITTON, JOHN 6 matches found for britton, john. britton, john. Autograph Letter. britton, john. Autograph Letter. britton, john. Autograph Letter. britton, john. http://www.holmesautographs.com/cgi-bin/dha455.cgi/scan/mp=keywords/se=BRITTON, | |
79. Durham Mining Museum - Memorial Roll - Names [Br*] britton, john, 17, 12 Jan 1927, Chilton, DUR. britton, john William, 46, 04 Dec 1940, Sacriston, DUR. britton, William, 28, 15 Oct 1863, South Pontop, DUR http://www.dmm.org.uk/names/names_br.htm | |
80. Francis Marion University - Academics - Dr. Mary Louise Nagata Dr. john britton, Ph.D. Professor. (Tulane University, 1972) Dr. britton is the Suzanne Lucas and Benjamin Pratt Gasue Professor of History at FMU as http://www.fmarion.edu/academics/-1999995583/-1999978639/-1999526010.htm | |
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