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61. Portsmouth And Macclesfield Collections Letter from henry briggs to Ralph Clarke. 9597/13/5/43. (February 25 1606)Language English Author briggs, henry, 15611630 Publications Rigaud, vol. http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/portsmouth_and_macclesfield/summary.php?select=223&date |
62. Colonial Secretary Index, 1788-1825 - Brien, John To Brighton briggs, henry. Former officer in East India Company Naval Service. 1824 May 5.Memorial (Fiche 3079; 4/1836A No.99 pp.5314). Reply as John, 8 May (Reel http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/indexes/colsec/b/F06c_br-bri-11.htm | |
63. The Galileo Project DM Hallowes, henry briggs, Mathematician, Transactions of the Halifax AntequarianSociety (1962), pp. 7992. Thomas Smith, a biography of briggs published http://galileo.rice.edu/Catalog/NewFiles/briggs.html | |
64. Henry Briggs Notes. Selected Works of henry briggs henry briggs, Arithmetica Logarithmica (1624).Translation with notes by Ian Bruce available online at http://www.dgatx.com/computing/people/Henry-Briggs/hs.html | |
65. Henry Briggs Sr. Of Surry County, Virginai A. henry briggs JR married ELIZABETH LUCAS, daughter of WILLIAM LUCAS JR andGRACE (? c) henry briggs was born on 22 Aug 1730 at Surry, Virginia. http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/vafdking/briggh.htm | |
66. Malcolm Bull's Calderdale Companion : B briggs, henry 15611631 Mathematician born at Daisy Bank, Friendly, briggs, henry 1797-1868 3rd son (and 4th child) of Rawdon briggs. http://members.aol.com/calderdale/b.html | |
67. Briggs - YourDictionary.com - American Heritage Dictionary briggs Listen br gz , henry 15611630. English mathematician who devised thedecimal-based system of logarithms and invented the modern method of long http://www.yourdictionary.com/ahd/b/b0482500.html | |
68. Tate Collection: British Art And International Modern And Contemporary Art henry Perronet briggs The First Interview between the Spaniards and the henry Perronet briggs Romeo and Juliet Act II Scene 5 (`Juliet and her http://www.tate.org.uk/servlet/ArtistWorks?cgroupid=999999961&artistid=55&page=1 |
69. Rebecca, Wife Of Thomas Cornell According to Mr. Palmer, henry briggs had a country home in Co. A secondcomment is that I have read somewhere that henry briggs s son John was at least http://www.mindspring.com/~tvcornel/rebecca.html | |
70. 461 North America, Henry Briggs, 1625 Slide 461. North America, henry briggs, 1625. http://www.henry-davis.com/MAPS/Ren/Ren1/461.html | |
71. Jonathan Borwein's Quotations Page the famous anecdote about the meeting between John Napier henry briggs at it to henry briggs (1617), the Gresham Professor of Astronomy in London. http://users.cs.dal.ca/~jborwein/briggs.htm | |
72. SIGNERS OF THE FIRST PETITION Harry briggs, Jr. Thomas Lee briggs Reverdy Wells Francis Lawson Katherine Elizabriggs Susan Lawson Thomas Gamble henry Brown Thelma Brown Eva Brown http://www.illinoisbrownvboard.org/BrownDBDocsWeb/16.htm | |
73. Briggs | Henry | 1883-1935 | Hood Professor Of Mining At The University Of Edinb briggs henry 18831935 Hood Professor of Mining at the University of Edinburgh Minute Book No 9 (1897-1924); Papers of henry briggs (1907-1964) http://www.nahste.ac.uk/pers/b/GB_0237_NAHSTE_P1265/ | |
74. Heald Maps Not on OCLC. Phillips, America, p.517. 6476 $3750.00. briggs, henry The Northpart of America Conteyning Newfoundland, new England, Virginia, Florida, http://www.donaldheald.com/maps/maps_list_01.php?cat=North America&sortfield=&pg |
75. Jacqueline Briggs Martin Jacqueline briggs Martin has always loved stories and the sounds of words. And so begins the great battle between Simon henry and the wily Oscar. http://www.childrensliteraturenetwork.org/authors/martinjb.html | |
76. Digital Book Index: HISTORY OF SCIENCE, MEDICINE, TECHNOLOGY (e-Book, EBook, E-B briggs, henry, 16 Arithmetica Logarithmica tr./annotated Ian Bruce, 16?Html, n/c, MacTutorMath. briggs, henry, 16 Trigonometria Britannica tr. http://www.digitalbookindex.com/_search/search010hstsciencemedt.asp | |
77. Papers Of George Henry Briggs (1897-1987) - MS 8255 Scope and Content Note. Creator George henry briggs. Title Papers. Date range192483. Reference number MS 8255. Extent 14 cm (1 box) http://nla.gov.au/nla.ms-ms8255 | |
78. Seafarers' Names Beginning With The Letter "B": Young Men And The Sea Bengtson, Niles, Bridges, henry G. Butmann, Nehemiah Stephen, Bridges, William,Butt, henry. Bennet, Stephen, briggs, Abner, Butterfield, Jonathan http://www.mun.ca/mha/holdings/yms/seafarersb.html | |
79. CyberNet Denis: William Henry Briggs (1902) William henry briggs Irene Clement Magill. William henry briggs. Born December12, 1902 in Clinton, henry County, Missouri http://www.kcnet.com/~denis/briggs/briggs37.htm | |
80. CyberNet Denis: William Briggs William briggs. Born April 4, 1853 in Leesville, henry County, Missouri MarriedApril 9, 1874 in Leesville, William henry briggs October 22, 1876 http://www.kcnet.com/~denis/briggs/briggs02.htm | |
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