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Brianchon Charles: more detail |
81. Runeberg.org - Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon/index Bind 3 Fortsat General og Militærforfatter, (18211903) 946 brianchon, charles Julien, fr.Officer og Matematiker,(1783-1864) 946 brianchonske Sætning, se brianchon. http://runeberg.org/wiki/Salmonsens_konversationsleksikon/index_bind_3_fortsat&e | |
82. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page brianchon, charles (110) Briggs, Henry (2200) Brill, Alexander von (86*) Brillouin,Marcel (367*) Bring, Erland (213*) Brioschi, Francesco (211*) http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm&e=747 |
83. Web brianchon, charles Julien (17831864). brianchon, francia matematikus. 21 éveskorában felelevenítette a Pascal-tételt és egy ahhoz hasonló, róla elnevezett http://www.jgytf.u-szeged.hu/tanszek/matematika/speckoll/1998/geometria/web.htm& |
84. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page brianchon, charles-Julien (1760 - 1854) Briggs, Henry (Februar 1561 - 26.1.1630)von Brill, Alexander Wilhelm (1842 - 1935) Brillouin, Marcel (1854 - 1948) http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html&e=747 |
85. 453 Librairies 1 904 207 Livres D Occasion, Anciens Et Modernes Translate this page VII-145 pages - II charles NORRY, Relation of the Forwarding of Egypt, M.brianchon, Rouen 1879, 228 p., 1 eau-forte de J.Adeline et 2 planches http://www.livre-rare-book.com/Matieres/ed/59y.html&e=747 |
86. Brianchon http://serge.mehl.free.fr/chrono/Brianchon.html&e=747 |
87. Dupin de la Marine puis sénateur sous Louis-Philippe, charles Dupin fut aussi http://serge.mehl.free.fr/chrono/Dupin.html&e=747 |
88. 20th Century Among the main exponents were Maurice Asselin, JeanLouis Boussingault, MauriceBrianchon, charles Dufresne, André Dunoyer de Segonzac, Raymond-Jean http://www.nelepets.com/art/20c/terms,group/Neo-Realisme.htm&e=747 |
89. Projektiivinen Geometria ranskalaiset Girard Desargues ja Blaise Pascal 1600luvulta, samoin ranskalaisetCharles-Julien brianchon ja Jean-Victor Poncelet 1800-luvun alusta. http://matta.hut.fi/matta/isom/tskhtml/geometr4.html&e=747 |
90. Wanadoo BRIANCHONGeorges charles Jules. né le 28/10/1876 à Lamotte-Buleux somme http://perso.wanadoo.fr/foure-bouchon-histoire/memorial/long/long.htm&e=747 | |
91. Mostra Eventos Do País Selecionado charles JulienBrianchon (matemático francês) Links deste tópico http://www.ponteiro.com.br/mostrad9.php?w=4&pg=19&e=747 |
92. Mostra Eventos Da Data Selecionada charles JulienBrianchon (matemático francês) 04/03/1795 Nascimento Música Fatos http://www.ponteiro.com.br/chig04.php?formano=2000&pg=3&e=747 |
93. Stamell In Reflections Vol20, No3, Aug 95 Another interesting property is the ninepoint theorem, proved by CharlesBrianchon and Jean Poncelet in 1820. This states that the circle that passes http://www.mansw.nsw.edu.au/members/reflections/vol21no3_96stamell.htm&e=747 |
94. Pagina Principale http://encyclopedie-it.snyke.com/articles/matematici_a_c.html&e=747 | |
95. La Matematica, La Geometria, L Analisi Per Chi Voglia Ripartire Da http://spazioweb.inwind.it/corradobrogi/indiceb.htm&e=747 |
96. Geometrien Der Ebene http://rueckert-gym.de/facharbeiten/P05.html&e=747 |
97. Nine Point Circle Investigation It was first proven by French mathematicians JeanVictor Poncelet and CharlesBrianchon in 1821 and further explored by Karl Willhelm Feuerbach who http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/~demo5337/Group2/nineptcircle.html&e=747 |
98. Wanadoo http://perso.wanadoo.fr/alta.mathematica/projective.html&e=747 | |
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