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61. Brahmagupta's Theorem brahmagupta was a Hindu mathematician of the seventh century AD who discovereda neat formula for the area of a cyclic quadrilateral. Cyclic quad http://www.mth.uct.ac.za/digest/brahmagupta.html | |
62. Brahmagupta Copyright © 19902001 by KCP Technologies, Inc. Licensed only for non-commercialuse. Sorry, this page requires a Java-compatible web browser. brahmagupta. http://mtl.math.uiuc.edu/modules/module15/Java stuff/Brahmagupta_Formula.html | |
63. Brahmagupta's Formula brahmagupta s Formula Click here for the Math Help Home page. brahmagupta s formulaprovides the area A of a cyclic quadrilateral (ie, http://mcraefamily.com/MathHelp/GeometryCyclicQuadrilateralBrahmagupta.htm | |
64. Brahmagupta: Biography And Much More From Answers.com www.answers.com/topic/brahmaguptas-formula Brahmagupabrahmagupta was born in 598 AD and lived in the northwest of India until he brahmagupta has developed a method of solving indeterminate equations of the http://www.answers.com/topic/brahmagupta | |
65. Brahmagupta -- Page VINET Translate this page Dans le Brahma Sphuta Siddhanta, brahmagupta traite également des nombres irrationnels On doit aussi à brahmagupta un second ouvrage de mathématiques et http://www.col-camus-soufflenheim.ac-strasbourg.fr/Page.php?IDP=496&IDD=0 |
66. Encyclopedia: Brahmagupta The major divergence is that brahmagupta attempted to define division by zero,which is left MacTutor History of Mathematics article on brahmagupta http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Brahmagupta | |
67. Brahmagupta - Linix Encyclopedia The major divergence is that brahmagupta attempted to define division by zero, Retrieved from http//web.linix.ca/pedia/index.php/brahmagupta http://web.linix.ca/pedia/index.php/Brahmagupta | |
68. Brahmagupta Translate this page brahmagupta est sans doute le premier, dans des calculs commerciaux, Dans sonlivre, Victor J. Katz cite un cas traité par brahmagupta n 10 137 et n http://serge.mehl.free.fr/chrono/Brahmagupta.html | |
69. Wiskundigen - Brahmagupta brahmagupta schreef een tweede boek over wiskunde en astronomie getiteld brahmagupta hoorde bij de wiskundigen in Ujjain en hij beschreef voor het eerst http://www.wiskundeweb.nl/Wiskundegeschiedenis/Wiskundigen/Brahmagupta.html | |
70. Math Lessons - Brahmagupta Math Lessons brahmagupta. The major divergence is that brahmagupta attemptedto define division by zero, which is left undefined in modern mathematics http://www.mathdaily.com/lessons/Brahmagupta | |
71. Math Lessons - Brahmagupta's Identity Math Lessons brahmagupta s identity. In mathematics, brahmagupta s identitysays that the product of two numbers, each of which is a sum of two http://www.mathdaily.com/lessons/Brahmagupta's_identity | |
72. Biographies Info Science : Brahmagupta brahmagupta s attaque également à la détermination du volume d un prisme et http://www.infoscience.fr/histoire/biograph/biograph.php3?Ref=180 |
73. Brahmagupta - Wikipedia Krown Spellman Booksellers Khanda Khadyakam. by brahmagupta.AUTHOR brahmagupta. TITLE Khanda Khadyakam. PUBLICATION 1925. CalcuttaUniversity of Calcutta, SIZE 8vo. PAGINATION Numbered in indian type. Approx. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahmagupta | |
74. Astronomy *Brahmagupta Brahmagupta (c. 588 Or C. 598 AD - C. 600 brahmagupta (c. 588 or c. 598 AD c. 600 or 665 AD; India). brahmagupta was amathematician but he is also noted as being the last and most accomplished of http://www.upei.ca/~xliu/multi-culture/brah.htm | |
75. Science, Civilization And Society brahmagupta. Indian astronomer, bc 598, dc 665. brahmagupta was the last greatastronomer of the early Indian tradition, which culminated in his work. http://www.es.flinders.edu.au/~mattom/science society/lectures/illustrations/lec |
76. Think Again! - Comments brahmagupta wants to know. image. What is a mathematician? brahmagupta suggesteda practial test to decide if someone is a mathematican or not. http://simpler-solutions.net/pmachinefree/thinkagain/comments.php?id=283_0_3_0_C |
77. Hindu Algebra From The Sanskrit Works Of Brahmagupta And Bhaskar, Hindu Algebra From The Sanskrit Works Of brahmagupta And Bhaskar (Colebrooke)520 COL. Hindu castes and sects (Bhattacharya, Jogendranath) 294.55 BHA http://www.cscsarchive.org:8081/MediaArchive/Library.nsf/0/12D625794940D89065256 |
78. October 26,1996 brahmagupta Polynomials in two parametersUniversity of Hong Kong Conference onSpecial Properties of the brahmagupta Matrix, Int. Journal ofMath. http://www.math.uri.edu/~sury/ | |
79. » Brahmagupta Great Personalities Biography : Incredible People : Famous People brahmaguptas major contribution is the rules of operation for zero. brahmaguptas Karanakhandakhadyaka is a handbook on astronomical calculations. http://profiles.incredible-people.com/brahmagupta/ | |
80. MSN Encarta Winkler Prins - Brahmagupta brahmagupta (geboren 598 nC), Indisch wiskundige en astronoom, werkte inUjjain (CentraalIndia). Zoeken in Encarta Winkler Prins naar brahmagupta http://nl.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_100043964/Brahmagupta.html | |
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