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41. Savitri And he fervently worshipped brahmadeva s Queen, the goddess Savitry, and becamean anchorite that he might win her favour. For eighteen years he worshipped http://www.hssworld.org/homepage/html/boudhik/ekatmata_stotra/savitri.html | |
42. Tuong Ung - Tap 1 - Chuong 06 Translate this page 2) Lúc b?y gi? con m?t n? Bà-la-môn, tên là brahmadeva dã xu?t gia, 5) Lúcb?y gi?, n? Bà-la-môn, m? Tôn gi? brahmadeva, thu?ng làm l? cúng du?ng Ph?m http://zencomp.com/greatwisdom/uni/u-kinh-tuongungbo/tu1-06.htm | |
43. Jainism Potpourri: A Survey Of Jain Monuments Of Karnataka The Tyagada brahmadeva Pillar (980 AD) has intricate carvings. In 1437 AD abrahmadeva Stambha was set up in front of Gommata. http://www.kamat.com/kalranga/jain/monu.htm | |
44. Kamat Research Database - Memorials Are Illustrated History But when one closely scrutinizes Tyagada brahmadeva pillar on Indragiri Hill ofSravanabelgola, one comes across a beautiful panel depicting a scene from http://www.kamat.com/database/articles/illustrated_memorials.htm | |
45. The First Precept And Its Environmental Significance The phrase nikkhittadando tasathavaresu is found in the brahmadeva sutta of the Surely, brahmadeva did not become an Arahant by renouncing force only http://www.purifymind.com/EnvironmentalSignifi.htm | |
46. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results brahmadeva Born about 1060 in (possibly) Mathura, India Died about 1130 inIndia Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=525&term1=b |
47. Description Of Your First Name Of Brahmadeva of Your First Name of brahmadeva...... Mountain, 10 am to 4 pm. Central, 11 am to 5 pm. Eastern, noon to 6 pm. Internationalcustomers please use 604263-9551. http://www.kabalarians.com/Male/brahmadeva.htm | |
48. SRCM - Featured Articles Every time brahmadeva comes, he is in his lotus, you know. Then Narada comes. What Narada, why have you come? So people who don t need to meditate are http://www.srcm.org/literature/lectures/021221_Vizag.html | |
49. WELCOME : Www.jainsamaj.org of several manastambhas and bastis but the record does not mention the wordspecifically nisidi, so we can safely conclude that the kuge-brahmadeva pillar ( http://jainsamaj.org/literature/jaina-210704.htm | |
50. WELCOME: WWW.JAINSAMAJ.ORG brahmadeva says that when the self of consciousness makes an effort in the formof avalokana or glimpse for the acquisition of knowledge of an object as http://jainsamaj.org/literature/darsana-040402.htm | |
51. Brahmadeva - Dangeruss-Industries.com Buddhalineage mental aspiration in the presence of a Sammasambuddha, brahmadeva Buddha. mental aspiration before a living Sammasambuddha named brahmadeva Buddha. http://www.dangeruss-industries.com/Brahmadeva.html | |
52. Hoasen 3) R°i Tôn giä brahmadeva s¯ng mµt mình, vin ly, không phóng d§t, 5) Lúcb¤y gi¶, næ Bàla-môn m© Tôn giä brahmadeva, th߶ng làm l cúng d߶ng PhÕm http://www.saigon.com/~hoasen/1-06.htm | |
53. Painting brahmadeva and Virupaska Murals in the Chosadang Hall of Pusoksa Temple The brahmadeva is a slender beautiful aristocratic woman figure while the http://www.indiana.edu/~easc/resources/korea_slides/painting/slides/IMG0036.htm | |
54. Painting (Slide Program 2) brahmadeva and Virupaska Murals in the Chosadang Hall of Pusoksa Temple.IMG0037.htm (51388 bytes). 207. Dream Journey to the Peach Blossom Land (details of http://www.indiana.edu/~easc/resources/korea_slides/painting/slide2.htm | |
55. Swadhisthan Chakra: "The Second Centre Is The Centre Of Swadhisthan. It Has Six The presiding deity for the Swadhisthan Chakra is Shri brahmadeva. He representsthe Creator, OM TWAMEVA SHAKSHAT SHRI brahmadeva SARASWATI SHAKSHAT http://www.adishakti.org/subtle_system/swadhisthan_chakra.htm | |
56. Brahman (God Almighty): The Personal Aspect Of The Ultimate Reality Is Known As Buddha, Guru Nanak, Shri Radha Krishna, Shiva Parvati, Lakshmi Vishnu,Saraswati brahmadeva, Sita Rama, Ganesha, Hanuman and others. http://www.adishakti.org/meeting_his_messengers.htm | |
57. Swadisthan Chakra (contd) You can say Shri brahmadeva s mantra six times OM TWAMEVA SHAKSHAT SHRI brahmadevaSARASWATI SHAKSHAT SHRI ADI SHAKTI MATAJI SHRI NIRMALA DEVI NAMOH NAMAH http://sahajayog.tripod.com/chakras/swa/swa2.htm | |
58. With A Grain Of Salt!: 08/01/2003 - 08/31/2003 even though sorely tempted, I had to drop him), Sripati, brahmadeva et. al . and astronomy; brahmadeva on trigonometry and mathematical astronomy. http://piquancy.blogspot.com/2003_08_01_piquancy_archive.html | |
59. Journal Of Academic Indology | Bibliographic Encyclopedia | Authors | Brahmadeva Free Super Saver Shipping Indian books, video, videogames, DVD, DVDs, disks, VHS,magazines in brahmadeva, Books, cheap, big discount, rebate, free, Super Saver http://www.indology.net/biblio-5424.html | |
60. Quang Duc Homepage - Vietnamese - English Buddhist Library Translate this page 2) Lúc b?y gi? con m?t n? Bà-la-môn, tên là brahmadeva dã xu?t gia,t? b? gia dình, s?ng không gia dình v?i Th? Tôn. http://www.quangduc.com/kinhdien/tuongung/tuongung01-6.html | |
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