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         Brahmadeva:     more detail
  1. Decisive battles of Sersah by Brahmadeva Prasad Ambashthya, 1977
  2. Adivasi svasasana (Hindi Edition) by Brahmadeva Sarma, 1994
  3. The Brahmadeva Pillars: An Inquiry into the origin and nature of the Brahmadeva worship among the Digambara Jains - Reprinted from Artibus Asiae Vol. XXXIII,1/2 by S. Settar, 1971-01-01
  4. Constitutional restrictions: (incorporating the relevant portions of the Constitutions of America, Australia & Canada) by Brahmadeva Narain, 1953
  5. Decisive battles of Ser Sah by Brahmadeva Prasad Ambashthya, 1977
  6. The communal system of Yugoslavia by Brahmadeva Mukherji, 1960
  7. Non-Persian sources on Indian medieval history (IAD oriental) by Brahmadeva Prasad Ambashthya, 1984
  8. Community development in India by Brahmadeva Mukherji, 1967

1. Brahmadeva
Biography of brahmadeva (10601130) brahmadeva was the son of Candrabudha.The family came from the Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh in northern India.
Born: about 1060 in (possibly) Mathura, India
Died: about 1130 in India
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Brahmadeva was the son of Candrabudha. The family came from the Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh in northern India. He was born into the Brahman caste which meant he was from the highest ranking caste of Hindu priests. The Brahman caste had a strong tradition of education so Brahmadeva would have received one of the best educations of men of his time. We have only one work by Brahmadeva and this is Karanaprakasa which is a commentary on the Aryabhatiya by Aryabhata I . Brahmadeva's work is in nine chapters and it follows the contents of the original Aryabhatiya. Topics covered include the longitudes of the planets, problems relating to the daily rotation of the heavens, eclipses of the sun and the moon, risings and settings, the lunar crescent, and conjunctions of the planets. The work contains some contributions to trigonometry, motivated by its application to mathematical astronomy. It is this aspect of the work which is mentioned by Gupta in [2]. Different commentaries on the Aryabhatiya achieved popularity in different parts of India. Brahmadeva's commentary seems to have been particularly popular in Madras, Mysore and Maharastra. The more important commentaries on the

2. Expressions Of Spirit Gallery "Sri Brahmadeva"
Expressions of Spirit "Sri brahmadeva" Gallery Lobby / Yoga Page / Home Page / Order

3. References For Brahmadeva
References for the biography of brahmadeva. MacTutor History ofMathematics http//
References for Brahmadeva
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Articles:
  • R C Gupta, Indian values of the sinus totus, Indian J. Hist. Sci. November 2000 MacTutor History of Mathematics
  • 4. References For Brahmadeva
    References for the biography of brahmadeva

    5. Brahmadeva
    brahmadeva. One of the two chief disciples of Revata Buddha.; Ji35. 2.brahmadeva. A khattiya of Hamsavatí to whom Tissa Buddha preached his first
    • Brahmadeva
    1. Brahmadeva. One of the two chief disciples of Revata Buddha.; J.i.35. 2. Brahmadeva. A khattiya of Hamsavatí to whom Tissa Buddha preached his first sermon (BuA.189). He later became the Buddha's chief disciple. Bu.xviii.21. 3. Brahmadeva Thera. The son of a brahmin woman. Having joined the Order, he dwelt in solitude and became an arahant. One day he went to Sávatthi for alms, and, in due course, arrived at his mother's house. She was in the habit of making an oblation to Brahmá, but, on that day, Sahampatí appeared before her and told her to bestow her gifts on her son. S.i.140f. 4. Brahmadeva. Aggasávaka of Metteyya Buddha. Anágatavamsa, vs. 97.

    6. Brahmadeva
    Biography of brahmadeva (10601130)

    7. Samyutta Nikaya 6.01-04
    Translate this page Zu jener Zeit aber war der Sohn einer Brahmanin, mit Namen brahmadeva aus dem Da nun war der ehrwürdige brahmadeva, der allein und einsam, unermüdlich,
    Samyutta Nikaya
    6. Brahma-Samyutta - Vom Brahman
    Pathama vagga - Erster Abschnitt (1-4)
    S.6.1. Die Bitte
    S.6.2. Verehrung

    S.6.3. Brahmadeva

    S.6.4. Baka der Brahman
    S.6.1. Die Bitte 1. Also habe ich vernommen. Einstmals weilte der Erhabene in Uruvela, am Ufer des Flusses Nerañjará, am Fuße des Feigenbaumes des Ziegenhirten, eben erst zur vollkommenen Erleuchtung gelangts (*1). 2. Da nun entstand dem Erhabenen, der ganz in der Stille einsamer Meditation sich hingab, der folgende erwägende Gedanke: 3. "Eingedrungen bin ich in diese Wahrheit (*2), die tief ist, schwer zu schauen, schwer auszudenken, friedlich, erhaben (*3), durch Grübelei nicht zu erfassen, fein, nur von Weisen zu begreifen. Aber dieses Volk verharrt bei seinen Neigungen, ergötzt sich an seinen Neigungen, findet seine Freude in seinen Neigungen. Für ein Volk aber, das bei seinen Neigungen beharrt, an seinen Neigungen sich ergötzt, in seinen Neigungen seine Freude findet, ist dieser Gegenstand schwer zu schauen, nämlich diese ursächliche Aufeinanderfolge, das Gesetz der Ursächlichen Entstehung (*4). Es ist ja auch dieser Gegenstand schwer zu schauen: die Stillegung aller Gestaltungen, die Aufgabe aller Daseinssubstrate, die Vernichtung des Durstes, die Gleichgültigkeit, die Aufhebung, das Nirvana (*5). Und wenn ich selbst die Wahrheit predigte und die anderen verstünden mich nicht, so wäre mir das eine Pein, wäre das für mich verletzend (*6). 4. Und da leuchteten auch dem Erhabenen die folgenden wunderbaren, früher nicht vernommenen Strophen auf:

    8. Brahmadeva
    brahmadeva 1. brahmadeva. One of the two chief disciples of Revata Buddha.; J.i.35. 2. brahmadeva.

    9. Brahmadeva - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    Retrieved from http// . Categories 1060 births 1130 deaths Indian mathematicians 11th century mathematicians 12th
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    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
    Brahmadeva ) was an Indian mathematician . He was the author of Karanaprakasa , which is a commentary on the Aryabhatiya by Aryabhata Indian biographical article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it This biographical article about a mathematician is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it Retrieved from " Categories 1060 births 1130 deaths ... Mathematician stubs Views Personal tools Navigation Search Toolbox

    10. Cars - Brahmadeva
    Cars brahmadeva

    11. Expressions Of Spirit Gallery: "Sri Brahmadeva"
    Expressions of Spirit. Sri brahmadeva . Gallery Lobby / Yoga Page / Home Page /Order. Brahma, supreme force of creation, radiates within us.
    Expressions of Spirit " Sri Brahmadeva " Gallery Lobby Yoga Page Home Page Order
    Brahma, supreme force of creation, radiates within us. Artist's Commen t:
    Tuning into the radiant force of creation, through whatever cultural or religious symbolism you may choose, reinforces the truth that WE are the Creator. We are integrally locked into the powers that create our reality and guide our universe's expansion. As we foster awareness our individualized experiences become more clearly linked as being unified with the sole source of all things - the Divine. Click the icon above to order or
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    40"x32" - original (matted & framed): $495.00 + S/H $19.00 14"x18" - matted print $29.00 + S/H $3.00 11"x14" - matted print $19.00 + S/H $3.00 Home Page Return to Gallery Lobby Mail

    12. The Ultimate Brahmadeva - American History Information Guide And
    The Ultimate brahmadeva American History Online Reference Guide

    13. References For Brahmadeva
    References for brahmadeva. Version for printing The URL of this page ishttp//
    References for Brahmadeva
    Version for printing
  • Biography in Dictionary of Scientific Biography (New York 1970-1990). Articles:
  • R C Gupta, Indian values of the sinus totus, Indian J. Hist. Sci. Main index Birthplace Maps Biographies Index
    History Topics
    ... Anniversaries for the year
    JOC/EFR November 2000 School of Mathematics and Statistics
    University of St Andrews, Scotland
    The URL of this page is:
  • 14. NodeWorks - Encyclopedia Brahmadeva
    brahmadeva (10601130), was the author of Karanaprakasa which is a commentary on the Aryabhatiya by Aryabhata. NodeWorks boosts web surfing!

    15. Articles - Brahmadeva
    available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License Source Originaltext from the article in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia brahmadeva.
    Brahmadeva ) was an Indian mathematician . He was the author of Karanaprakasa , which is a commentary on the Aryabhatiya by Aryabhata
    All text is available under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License
    Source: Original text from the article in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Brahmadeva

    Calphalon One
    Forclosures Serwery Mobile Phone Directory ... Web Promotion

    16. Brahmadeva - Art History Online Reference And Guide
    brahmadeva Art History Online Reference and Guide

    17. Brahmadeva: Information From
    brahmadevabrahmadeva. Born about 1060 in (possibly) Mathura, India Died about 1130 in India.Show birthplace location. brahmadeva was the son of Candrabudha.
    showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Brahmadeva Wikipedia @import url(; @import url(; Brahmadeva Brahmadeva ) was an Indian mathematician . He was the author of Karanaprakasa , which is a commentary on the Aryabhatiya by Aryabhata
    This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see Mentioned In Brahmadeva is mentioned in the following topics: List of Indian mathematicians Wikipedia information about Brahmadeva This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License . It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Brahmadeva" More from Wikipedia Your Ad Here Jump to: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Send this page Print this page Link to this page Tell me about: Home About Tell a Friend Buzz ... Site Map

    18. Meaning Of Brahmadeva - Definition Of Brahmadeva - Dictionary Of
    Everything about brahmadeva and much more at The Dictionary of Meaning, any topic, topical.

    19. References For Brahmadeva
    References for brahmadeva. Biography in Dictionary of http//

    20. Brahmadeva Information From
    Wikipedia. brahmadeva brahmadeva (10601130), was the author of Karanaprakasa which is a commentary on the Aryabhatiya by Aryabhata.

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