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81. Prebendaries: Caddington Minor | British History Online Occ. in catalogue (WD 2 f. 110b/117b) between Ralph de Ivingho and thomas bradwardine . M. thomas bradwardine B.Th. ?1349. Occ. in catalogue (WD 2 f. http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=32390 |
82. Furr, Nominalism In The Nun S Priest S Tale A Preliminary Study In this same speech the NP also mentions by name Bishop thomas bradwardine, Archbishop thomas bradwardine A Fourteenth Century Augustinian (Utrecht, http://www.chss.montclair.edu/english/furr/npt.html |
83. Biografisk Register Translate this page bradwardine, thomas (1290-1349) Brahe, Tyco (1546-1601) Brahmagupta (598-670)Branges, Louis de Brianchon, Chares Kulien (1783-1864) http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/3736/biografi.htm | |
84. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results thomas bradwardine Born about 1295 in Chichester, England Died 26 Aug 1349 inLambeth, London, England Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=525&term1=b |
85. Famous Oxonians: About Oxford University - University Of Oxford Central Web Page Roger Bacon, scholar; William of Ockham, philosopher and theologian; Duns Scotus,philosopher and theologian; thomas bradwardine, Archbishop of Canterbury http://www.ox.ac.uk/aboutoxford/famous.shtml | |
86. CIM Bulletin #9 Of these, the most important were thomas bradwardine, De proportionibusvelocitatum (1328), William Heytesbury, Regulae solvendi sophismata (1335), http://at.yorku.ca/i/a/a/h/11.htm | |
87. GENUKI: Archbishops And Bishops Of Great Britain. thomas bradwardine, 1349, William la Zouche, 1340, Ralph Stratford, 1340,Richard Bury, 1333, David O Hiraghty, 1334. Simon Islip, 1349, John Thoresby, 1353 http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/History/Archbishops.html | |
88. Thomas Bradwardine BSHM The Turner Collection, Keele doc 1 century editions, and two sixteenthcentury printings of the great mediaevalmathematician thomas bradwardine, who died of the black death in 1349. http://www.algebra.com/algebra/about/history/Thomas-Bradwardine.wikipedia | |
89. Science And Technology Rare Books, Dittrick Medical History Center This manuscript on geometry was the work of thomas bradwardine, the Archbishopof Canterbury and mathematician. It is an exceedingly rare manuscript in http://www.cwru.edu/artsci/dittrick/site2/books/science.htm | |
90. Il Giardino Di Archimede bradwardine, thomas - Geometria speculativa. bradwardine, thomas - Arithmetica et Geometria . Valenza, Iofre, 1503. http://www2.math.unifi.it/~archimede/archimede/CD_rom/elenco_CD.html | |
91. Aug 26 - Author Anniversaries 1349 thomas bradwardine 1744 William BYRD 1777 Francis FAWKES 1813 BenjaminWEST 1826 William Clark TYLER (ps Royall TYLER) 1851 Nathaniel Beverley http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/aa/aug26.htm | |
92. New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia Of Religious Knowledge, Vol. II: Basilica - Chamb Britannia Biographies Boniface of Savoy, Archbishop of CanterburyThomas was born in Sussex and studied at the College which Walter de Merton About 1335, bradwardine was summoned to London to assist Richard de Bury, http://www.ccel.org/php/disp.php?authorID=schaff&bookID=encyc02&page=246&view=pn |
93. Britannia Resources: Archbishops Of Canterbury thomas Cobham Walter Reynolds Simon Mepeham John Stratford John Offord thomasBradwardine Simon Islip Simon Langham William Whittlesey Simon Sudbury http://www.britannia.com/history/resource/archbish.html | |
94. BREPOLiS - International Encyclopaedia For The Middle Ages - Online Information Petrus Martinez De Osma, Stephanus De Prettin, Stephanus Gaudet, thomasBradwardine, thomas De Strampino, thomas Good De Docking, Wendelinus Steinbach. http://www.brepolis.net/info_iema_en.html | |
95. ALFEGE | 29th Archbishop Of Canterbury thomas Becket Richard of Dover Baldwin Hubert Walter Stephen Langton thomas Arundel Roger Walden thomas Arundel (Restored) Henry Chichele John Stafford http://www.st-alfege.org/cantuar.htm | |
96. Succession List Of The Archbishops Of Canterbury Charles thomas Longley The separate series of Archbishops Papers begins at thisdate. 1868. Archibald Campbell Tait. 1883 Randall thomas Davidson. 1928 http://www.lambethpalacelibrary.org/holdings/successionlist.html | |
97. Disputatio De Memoria Artificiali Time and Memory in the Thought of ThomasBradwardine (197204). JD Alsop `Thirty Days Hath September Oral Renditionof Time in http://www.uni-tuebingen.de/uni/nes/disput.html | |
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