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         Boyle Robert:     more books (100)
  1. The Sceptical Chymist: Or: Chymico-Physical Doubts & Paradoxes, Touching the Spagyrist's Principles Commonly call'd Hypostatical by Robert Boyle, 2008-02-02
  2. The Aspiring Adept: Robert Boyle and his Alchemical Quest by Lawrence Principe, Lawrence M. Principe, 2000-11-15
  3. Boyle: Between God and Science by Prof. Michael Hunter, 2010-10-12
  4. Robert Boyle: A Free Enquiry into the Vulgarly Received Notion of Nature (Cambridge Texts in the History of Philosophy) by Robert Boyle, 1996-11-13
  5. Selected Philosophical Papers of Robert Boyle by Robert Boyle, 1991-11
  6. Robert Kipniss: Paintings 1950 - 2005 by Richard Boyle, 2007-07-25
  7. Robert Boyle and Seventeenth Century Chemistry by Marie Boas, 1958
  8. Skeptical Chemist: The Story of Robert Boyle (Profiles in Science) by Roberta Baxter, 2006-11-30
  9. Dapping: The Exciting Way Of Fishing Flies That Fly, Quiver, And Jump by Robert H. Boyle, 2006-12-30
  10. The Sceptical Chymist by Robert Boyle, 2010-09-10
  11. Robert Boyle (Giants of Science (Blackbirch)) by John Allen, 2005-09-02
  12. Robert Boyle and the Limits of Reason by Jan W. Wojcik, 2002-07-18
  13. The Works of Robert Boyle (Pickering Masters) by Robert Boyle, Michael Cyril William Hunter, et all 2000-11
  14. Robert Boyle Reconsidered

1. Welcome To The Homepage Of The Robert Boyle Project
Resource at Birkbeck College, University of London, devoted to the life and work of Robert Boyle (16271691). Includes online articles and informational links on the subject.
Welcome to the Homepage of the Robert Boyle Project based at Birkbeck College, University of London Director: Professor Michael Hunter William Faithorne's engraved portrait of Boyle, with his air-pump in the background, 1664 (Sutherland Collection, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford) Michael Hunter

2. Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle at sixtythree. Robert Boyle (1627-1691) was born at Lismore Castle, Munster, Ireland, the fourteenth child of the Earl of Cork.

3. Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle. Boyle was one of a leading intellectual figures of the seventeenth century.

4. Welcome To The Homepage Of The Robert Boyle Project
Robert Boyle website Birkbeck College, University of London.

5. The Life And Thought Of Robert Boyle
The Life and Thought of Robert Boyle

6. Boyle's Law
Boyle's Law. Boyle's Law states that under conditions of constant temperature and quantity, there is an inverse relationship between the volume and

7. Hilary Rosen Laments Apple's DRM Strategy Corante Copyfight
John Perry Barlow Benlog beSpacific bIPlog Blogaritaville Blogbook IP BoingBoing David Bollier James boyle robert Boynton Brad Ideas Ren

8. Scientist Profiles/Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle (1627 1691) Robert Boyle is thought by many to be one of the fathers of modern chemistry.

9. Robert Hooke
or corresponded with scientists as diverse as Christian Huygens, Antony van Leeuwenhoek, Christopher Wren, Robert Boyle, and Isaac Newton.

10. Robert Boyle: Biography And Much More From
Boyle, Robert Robert Boyle Library of Congress b. Lismore Castle, Ireland,January 25, 1627, d. London, December 30, 1691 Boyle s name is most.
showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Scientist Dictionary Encyclopedia Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Robert Boyle Scientist Boyle, Robert Robert Boyle Library of Congress [b. Lismore Castle, Ireland, January 25, 1627, d. London, December 30, 1691] Boyle's name is most closely associated with his contribution to the gas laws, but his greatest influence was on chemistry. He was the first to develop modern concepts of element and compound; to distinguish between acids, bases, and neutral substances; and to conduct and publish experiments along the lines now called the scientific method. In his work with a vacuum he demonstrated that all masses fall toward Earth with the same acceleration and that the vacuum does not conduct sound but does conduct the electric force. Dictionary Boyle Robert
Irish-born British physicist and chemist whose precise definitions of chemical elements and reactions began the separation of chemistry from alchemy. In 1662 he formulated Boyle's law. Encyclopedia Boyle, Robert

11. Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle Born Jan. 25, 1627, Lismore, County Waterford, Ire. d. Dec. 30, 1691, London, Eng.

12. Robert Boyle's Account Of A Degredation Of Gold
Electronic version of Robert Boyle's alchemical work of 1678.

13. MSN Encarta - Multimedia - Robert Boyle
Robert boyle robert Boyle. Robert Boyle Quick Facts Robert Boyle Quick Facts.Robert Boyle. Robert Boyle. Considered a founder of the scientific method,
Web Search: Encarta Home ... Upgrade your Encarta Experience Search Encarta Multimedia from Encarta Go to article View all multimedia Appears in
Robert Boyle
Considered a founder of the scientific method, 17th-century English scientist Robert Boyle believed in the importance of objective observation and controlled experimentation. He separated chemistry from alchemy and was the first to isolate and study a gas. He also discovered a law of physics, now called Boyle’s law, that describes the relationship between the pressure and volume of a gas. Library of Congress Appears in these articles: Gas; Boyle, Robert; Boyle’s Law Exclusively for MSN Encarta Premium Subscribers. ... Join Now

14. Biographies Info Science : Boyle Robert

15. BOYLE  Robert - ENGLISH
boyle robert ENGLISH. Last updated 05.08.2001 063356. Robert Boyle was bornin Lismore, Ireland. He was regarded as one of the foremost experimental
Last updated: 05.08.2001 06:33:56
Robert Boyle was born in Lismore, Ireland. He was regarded as one of the foremost experimental scientists of his time. It is thought that he was the first to collect gases by displacing water in an inverted flask. He discovered the relationship between the pressure and the volume of a gas in 1660. The relationship, pxV = constant, is known as Boyle´s law and was one of the first attempts to express a scientific principle in a mathematical form. Boyle separated chemistry from the realm of alchemy and estabilished it as a science. On the basis of experiment he defined an element as something that cannot be broken up into smaller substances. Robert Boyle devoted his life to experimental science, taking careful notes of each experiment, enabling other scientists to learn from his work. He is regarded as the father of experimental science.
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16. Boyle Robert From FOLDOC
Recommended Reading Selected Philosophical Papers of Robert Boyle (Hackett,1991); Robert Boyle on Natural Philosophy, ed. by Marie Boas Hall (Greenwood, Robert

17. BOYLE  Robert - ENGLISH
boyle robert ENGLISH. Last updated 21.10.2004 090158. Robert Boyle was bornin Lismore, Ireland. He was regarded as one of the foremost experimental
Last updated: 21.10.2004 09:01:58
Robert Boyle was born in Lismore, Ireland. He was regarded as one of the foremost experimental scientists of his time. It is thought that he was the first to collect gases by displacing water in an inverted flask. He discovered the relationship between the pressure and the volume of a gas in 1660. The relationship, pxV = constant, is known as Boyle´s law and was one of the first attempts to express a scientific principle in a mathematical form. Boyle separated chemistry from the realm of alchemy and estabilished it as a science. On the basis of experiment he defined an element as something that cannot be broken up into smaller substances. Robert Boyle devoted his life to experimental science, taking careful notes of each experiment, enabling other scientists to learn from his work. He is regarded as the father of experimental science.
Optimální rozlišení - 1024x768, minimálnì 800x600. © Michal Bachman, 200 Veškeré ohlasy prosím sem

18. BOYLE Robert
boyle robert. Last updated 21.10.2004 090158 Robert Boyle byl anglickýprírodovedec, žijící v letech 1627 1691. Mel vynikající schopnosti teoretika
Last updated: 21.10.2004 09:01:58
Obrazová galerie
BOYLE Robert - ENGLISH Robert Boyle byl anglický pøírodovìdec, žijící v letech 1627 - 1691. Mìl vynikající schopnosti teoretika, experimentátora i filozofa a s jeho jménem bývá spojováno utváøení vìdeckých základù chemie.
K nejvýznamnìjším Boylovým dílùm patøí spis z roku 1661 The Sceptical Chymist, v nìmž kromì zpochybnìní aristotelovského a alchymistického chápání elementu vyložil i svou korpuskulární teorii. Dílo bylo pøeloženo do mnoha jazykù a pøispìlo tak nejen k oživení atomistických pøedstav o hmotì, ale i k postupnému vyhraòování pojmu prvek.
Boylova experimentální èinnost byla velmi rozmanitá. Pøi žíhání a spalování látek zjistil vážením pøírùstek hmotnosti, ale vysvìtlil to tím, že korpuskule plamene pøešly do žíhané látky. Tato pøedstava pak napovídala budoucím tvùrcùm flogistonové teorie. Zkoumal slouèeniny fosforu, objevil kyselinu fosforeènou a vyrobil z ní první zápalky. Zabýval se minerálními vodami (používal rostlinná barviva jako indikátory - šávu z dubìnek, lakmusové papírky) a bioluminiscencí. Kvantitativní pokusy s plyny ho pøivedly v roce 1662 k objevu vztahu mezi tlakem a objemem plynù. Vznikl tak Boylùv - Mariottùv zákon (Edme Mariotte byl francouzský fyzik, žijící v letech 1620 - 1684). V roce 1680 se Boyle stal prezidentem královské spoleènosti v Londýnì (Royal Society).

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19. Canadian Mining Hall Of Fame - Robert William Boyle
Robert William boyle robert Boyle grew up in southwestern Ontario, where hedeveloped his fascination with and love for science and the natural world.
Robert William Boyle
Robert Boyle grew up in southwestern Ontario, where he developed his fascination with and love for science and the natural world. He went on to make many contributions to the mining industry; however the most important was his pioneering work in geochemistry. He helped develop geochemical methods specifically suited to the Canadian environment and, through experience gained in the field, made them truly practical tools in mineral exploration.
After graduating from secondary school, Boyle worked for a prospecting syndicate until 1939, when war broke out in Europe. While overseas serving his country, he took geology courses at London's Imperial College, as well as correspondence courses from Queen's University in Kingston. After returning to Canada, he resumed his studies and obtained a B.A.Sc. In mining geology from the University of Toronto in 1949. He spent summers mapping and working at mine sites, including the Yellowknife gold camp, which aroused in him a deep interest in the genesis and chemistry of gold deposits. He gained his M.A.Sc. In 1950 and his Ph.D. in 1953.
In 1952, Boyle joined the Geological Survey of Canada and continued his Yellowknife work. There, he developed his lateral secretionist theories which have played an important role in understanding the formation and interpretation of endogenic haloes around some types of mineral deposits.

20. Robert Boyle - Wikipedia
Translate this page Robert Boyle wurde am 25. Januar 1627 auf Schloss Lismore im County Waterford im Robert Boyle war ein Bruder des englischen Staatsmannes Roger Boyle.
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Robert Boyle
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Robert Boyle 25. Januar auf Schloss Lismore, Irland 30. Dezember in London ) war ein englischer Naturforscher. Er war Mitbegr¼nder des modernen Elementbegriffs, der modernen Physik und Chemie , sowie der auf detailliert ver¶ffentlichten Experimenten beruhenden Naturwissenschaften allgemein. Er entdeckte den nach ihm benannten Zusammenhang zwischen Druck und Volumen eines Gases
Robert Boyle wurde am 25. Januar 1627 auf Schloss Lismore im County Waterford im S¼den Irlands geboren. Mit acht Jahren wurde er zur Schule in das Eton College geschickt. Als Zw¶lfj¤hriger ging er nach Genf , sp¤ter nach Florenz . Dort studierte er Werke Galileo Galileis , der bei Florenz gestorben war. Nach dem Tod seines Vaters lebte er nach

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