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Bowen Rufus: more detail | ||||||
21. Durham County NC Cemeteries 21 May 2001); 028 bowen, rufus (b. 31 Aug 1839 d. 4 Feb 1910); 028 bowen, rufus (b. 2 May 1918 - d. 17 Jan 2002); 058 bowen, Ruth Bowling (b. 1918 - d. http://apdew.com/cemetery/durh/index06.htm | |
22. Durham County NC Cemeteries bowen, rufus (b. 31 Aug 1839 d. 4 Feb 1910). Tall obelisk. bowen, rufus (b. 2 May 1918 - d. 17 Jan 2002). Spouse - Nellie Humphries bowen. http://apdew.com/cemetery/durh/cem028.htm | |
23. Index Des Publications Mathématiques bowen, rufus, Hausdorff dimension of quasicircles, 50 (1979), 11-25. bowen, rufus, and SERIES, Caroline, Markov maps associated with Fuschian groups, http://www.ihes.fr/IHES/Publications/pub-index.html | |
24. Publications Mathématique Index Of The Volumes (1979), 50, bowen, rufus, Hausdorff dimension of quasi-circles. - bowen, rufus, and SERIES, Caroline, Markov maps associated with Fuschian groups. http://www.ihes.fr/IHES-A/Publication/indexvolumeA.html | |
25. Online Bowens Around The World! Links to people, places, etc., with the family name of bowen. Robin Huw bowen, USA (Welsh triple harp player); rufus bowen, USA (mathematician, http://www.jpbowen.com/bowens/ | |
26. The Bowen Lectures - UC Berkeley Mathematics rufus bowen. rufus bowen. Born in 1947 in Vallejo, California, Robert Edward (rufus) bowen was awarded the AB with prizes for scholarship by the University http://math.berkeley.edu/events_series_bowen.html | |
27. The Rufus Bowen Lectures colleagues as a memorial to rufus bowen after his untimely death at age 31 in 1978.Born in 1947 in Vallejo, California, Robert Edward (rufus) bowen was http://math.berkeley.edu/publications/newsletter/1997/bowen.html | |
28. Publications Mathématiques De L'IHÉS Volume 50 (1979) bowen, rufus Hausdorff dimension of quasicircles p. 11-25 bowen, rufus; Series, Caroline Markov maps associated with Fuschian groups p. 153-170 http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/browse?id=PMIHES_1979__50_ |
29. Bowen: Hausdorff Dimension Of Quasi-circles HAUSDORFF DIMENSION OF QUASICIRCLES by rufus bowen (1) Let G be the group of all 265 i8 rufus bowen 00 The map TCp Sy- S1 is one-to-one except on the http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/item?id=PMIHES_1979__50__11_0 |
30. Bowen (disambiguation) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia bowen is also surname, originating from Welsh language, ap Owen ( son of Owen ). rufus bowen, (19471978) the American mathematician; Roger bowen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowen | |
31. William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedi rufus bowen (UC Berkeley), 1964. Vern Sheridan Poythress (Caltech), 1964. Andreas R. Blass (University of Detroit), 1965. Barry Simon (Harvard), 1965 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putnam_Fellow | |
32. DBLP: Rufus Bowen 3, rufus bowen Some Systems with Unique Equilibrium States. Mathematical Systems Theory 8(3) 1, rufus bowen Maximizing Entropy for a Hyperbolic Flow. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/b/Bowen:Rufus.html | |
33. Mathematical Systems Theory, Volume 8 rufus bowen Some Systems with Unique Equilibrium States. rufus bowen Bernoulli Equilibrium States for Axiom A Diffeomorphisms. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/journals/mst/mst8.html | |
34. 1840s Rufus Abbott Manor - Nauvoo, Illinois - BBOnline.com / History the descendants of rufus and Anna Abbott Anderson · Bagley · Bassett · Benadom · Biddlecome · Bliss · bowen · Davis http://www.bbonline.com/il/rufusabbott/history.html | |
35. Diabetes 123 - Rufus Visits The Morgan Family so Mom is going to look for a new box for him, and get him on his way to Virginia. Take care, rufus! From Jenna bowen, and her mom, Nancy Morgan http://www.diabetes123.com/rufus/rufus1_Morgan.htm | |
36. Bowen bowen is a noun thesis ; Mathematician rufus bowen; Novelist Elizabeth bowen bowen Townsville Australia; bowen Therapy bowen Research Centre bowen, http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~bowen/bowen.html | |
37. PENN: Undergraduate Class Of 1974 Anne Catharine bowen, rufus Deloach. *Janet G. Bradford, Donald F. Denny, Jr. Neil S. Braun ^, Robert L. Denton. Robin Brewer Brennan, Kenneth A. Derbigny http://www.alumni.upenn.edu/class/1974/draft.html | |
38. Communications In Mathematical Physics, Volume 69, No. 1 Invariant measures for Markov maps of the interval. rufus bowen; 117 view abstract. The principle of symmetric criticality. Richard S. Palais; 19-30 http://projecteuclid.org/Dienst/UI/1.0/Journal?authority=euclid.cmp&issue=110390 |
39. Optical Experiments By Rufus Butler Seder optical experiments by rufus butler seder. through howard bowen, I learned how to sandblast photographic images into the backs of my tiles and, http://www.designboom.com/portrait/rufus_exp.html | |
40. Portraits De Personnages Celebres : BOW bowen (John Stevens)(18301863). Photo 1/2 (+). bowen (rufus). Photo 1. bowen (William G.) Photo 1. BOWER (Robert)(1936-) http://www.onlipix.com/personnages/bow.htm | |
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