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41. Maritime List 147 Items 1-25 Item Number To Order, Email Tenpound bouguer, pierre. TRAITE DU NAVIRE, DE SA CONSTRUCTION, ET DE SES MOUVEMENS. Paris.1746. b/w folding plates. engraved chapter head. to. xl, 682, http://www.tenpound.com/147/1.html | |
42. AMS Glossary Middleton, WEK, 1961 pierre bouguer s Optical Treatise on the Gradation of Light,Translation Pfeiffer, HG, and HA Liebhafsky, 1951 J. Chem. http://amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/search?id=bouguer-s-law1 |
43. AMS Glossary First stated by pierre bouguer in his Essay on the Gradation of Light (1729) Middleton, WEK, 1961 pierre bouguer s Optical Treatise on the Gradation of http://amsglossary.allenpress.com/glossary/browse?s=b&p=37 |
44. Biografia De Bouguer, Pierre Translate this page bouguer, pierre. (Le Croisic, 1698-París, 1758) Astrónomo francés. Fue miembrode la Academia francesa. Participó junto con La Condamine en la expedición al http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/b/bouguer.htm | |
45. Oilfield Glossary: Term 'Bouguer Anomaly' This anomaly is named for pierre bouguer, a French mathematician (1698 to 1758)who demonstrated that gravitational attraction decreases with altitude. http://www.glossary.oilfield.slb.com/Display.cfm?Term=Bouguer anomaly |
46. Bibliography Of Atmospheric Refraction, Mirages, And Green Flashes Translation of pierre Perrault s De l origine des fontaines (1674) He alsonotes that bouguer found a smaller horizontal refraction at http://mintaka.sdsu.edu/GF/bibliog/bibliog.html | |
47. C O L O R I A . N E T bouguer, pierre Traité d optique sur la gradation de la lumière (1758); Englantilainen käännös pierre bouguer s optical treatise on the gradation of http://www.coloria.net/lahteet/biblio1700.htm | |
48. August 15 - Today In Science History pierre bouguer. (source), Died 15 Aug 1758 (born 16 Feb 1698) pierre bouguer soptical treatise on the gradation of light, by pierre bouguer. http://www.todayinsci.com/8/8_15.htm | |
49. February 16 - Today In Science History pierre bouguer s optical treatise on the gradation of light, by pierre bouguer.Georg Joachim Rheticus. (source), Born 16 Feb 1514; died 5 Dec 1576. http://www.todayinsci.com/2/2_16.htm | |
50. The Royal Institution Of Naval Architects pierre bouguer the French astronomer and naval architect of the 1750s That iswhy pierre bouguer is uncontestedly the Naval architect of the Millennium. http://www.rina.org.uk/showarticle.pl?id=5750&n=220 |
51. The Royal Institution Of Naval Architects pierre bouguer. Naval architecture was born in the mountains of Peru, pierre bouguer has rightly been called the father of naval architecture. http://www.rina.org.uk/showarticle.pl?n=220&id=5750&p=1 |
52. Martayan Lan Rare Books bouguer, pierre. Essai doptique sur la gradation de la lumière. Paris, ClaudeJombert, 1729. 8vo., (1) f. blank, (11) ff., 164 pp., (2) ff., http://www.martayanlan.com/cgi-bin/display.cgi/Books/4/28/23/1271 | |
53. Martayan Lan Rare Books bouguer, pierre. Essai d Optique sur la gradation de la lumiere. Paris, ClaudeJombert, 1729. 8vo., (11) ff., 164 pp., (2) ff., with 3 folding copperplate http://www.martayanlan.com/cgi-bin/display.cgi/Books/5/28/23/879 |
54. The Science Bookstore - Chronology bouguer, pierre Died 8/15/1758, 1758 AD. 1758 AD, Dollond, John. Dollond producesachromatic lens. 1758 AD, Linnaeus, C. Carolus Linnaeus develops taxonomy http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=8 |
55. 150 Treasures An Exhibit In Honor Of The University S bouguer, pierre; Traité doptique sur la gradation de la lumiere Paris, 1760First edition. bouguer (16981758), a French mathematician and professor of http://www.lib.rochester.edu/rbk/150treasures1_5.htm |
56. Integrated Geophysics Corporation - Gravity/Magnetic Glossary The bouguer (named after pierre bouguer, a French geodesist) gravity field isoften noted as simple bouguer for the gravity field before applying terrain http://www.igcworld.com/gm_glos.html | |
57. Historical Sources On Naval Sciences bouguer, pierre, Traité du navire de sa construction, et de ses mouvemens, 1746.Placed in the Public Domain by Max Planck Institute for the History of http://echo.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/content/shipbuilding/ship | |
58. List 89 bouguer, pierre. Traité du navire, de sa construction, et de ses mouvemens.Paris Jombert, 1746. $2700. First edition of the first treatise on naval http://www.rulon.com/Catpages/list 89/list_89_1.htm | |
59. Bath Royal Literary And Scientific Institution Proceedings Vol. 7 the Academy of Sciences sent pierre bouguer and CharlesMarie de La Condamine to As calculations were based on the bouguer spheroid, the 1821-23 http://www.brlsi.org/proceedvol7/Astronomy200301.htm | |
60. Fredrik Henrik Af Chapman (1721-1808) bouguer, pierre De la manoeuvre des vaisseaux, ou Traité de méchanique et bouguer, pierre Traité du navire, de sa construction, et de ses mouvements. http://www.bruzelius.info/Nautica/Biography/Chapman,_FH.html | |
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