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         Bolzano Bernhard:     more detail
  1. Paradoxin des Unendlichen by Bernhard Bolzanos, 2006-11-30
  2. PRECURSORS OF MODERN LOGIC: BOLZANO: An entry from Gale's <i>Encyclopedia of Philosophy</i> by Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, 2006
  3. BOLZANO, BERNARD(17811848): An entry from Gale's <i>Encyclopedia of Philosophy</i> by Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, 2006
  4. Journal of the History of Philosophy: Vol. 45, No. 4, October 2007.(PHILOSOPHICAL ABSTRACTS): An article from: The Review of Metaphysics by Gale Reference Team, 2007-09-01

81. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] Bolzano And Cont
bernhard bolzano. Rein analytischer Beweis des Lehrsatzes, dass zwischen je zweyWerthen, die ein entgegengesetzes Resultat gew?hren, wenigstens eine
[HM] Bolzano and continuity 1 (of 5)
Subject: [HM] Bolzano and continuity 1 (of 5)
From: Walter Felscher (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 15:58:59 EST The purpose of this article, mailed out in five parts, is to serve as
reference to an upcoming article "Bolzano, Cauchy, epsilon and delta".
The content of this article is a reproduction and commented translation
into English of the major parts of
Bernhard Bolzano
Rein analytischer Beweis des Lehrsatzes, dass zwischen je zwey
Werthen, die ein entgegengesetzes Resultat gew„hren, wenigstens eine
reelle Wurzel der Gleichung liege.
Purely analytical proof of the theorem saying that between any two arguments giving opposite results there is at least one real root of the equation.

82. Liceo S.S. N. Rodolico
Translate this page bernhard (Placidus Johann Nepomuk) bolzano nacque il 5 ottobre 1781, a Praga evi morì il 18 dicembre 1848. Filosofo, matematico e teologo,
Bernhard Bolzano Bernhard (Placidus Johann Nepomuk) Bolzano nacque il 5 ottobre 1781, a Praga e vi morì il 18 dicembre 1848. Filosofo, matematico e teologo, diede un contributo significativo alla matematica e alla teoria del sapere. Der Binomische Lehrsatz e nel 1817 Ein Analytischer Bewais . Egli si pose un problema profondo: la necessità di perfezionare e arricchire il concetto di numero. Bolzano pubblicò Wissenschaftslehre , sulla teoria del sapere. Il suo lavoro sui paradossi Paradoxien des Unendlichen corrispondenza biunivoca tra elementi di un insieme infinito e gli elementi di un suo sottoinsieme proprio

83. Una Página Dedicada Al Fascinante Universo De Las Matemáticas
Translate this page bolzano, bernhard. MP3. RAM. MP3. RAM. MP3. RAM. MP3. RAM. Boole, George. Borel,Emile. Boyle, Robert. Brauer, Alfred

84. Una Página Dedicada Al Fascinante Universo De Las Matemáticas
Translate this page Bolyai, Janos. Matemático húngaro (1802-1860). bolzano, bernhard. Filósofo ymatemático de la antigua Checoslovaquia (1781-1848).

85. Hohenzollern
bolzano 9 Aug 1954 bernhard Frhr von Hohenbühel gt bolzano 17 Oct 1958. 4f) Heinrich Paul Dietrich bernhard Geminian Maria Frhr
HERMANN Fst von Hohenzollern-Hechingen 9 Apr 1798 (Lockenhaus 6 Nov 1748-Hechingen 2 Nov 1810); m.1st Maastricht 18 Nov 1773 Luise Gfn von Merode (Merode 28 Sep 1747-Maastricht 14 Nov 1774); m.2d Brussels 15 Feb 1775 Maximiliane Pss de Gavre (30 Mar 1753-Brussels 6 Aug 1778); m.3d Dagstuhl 26 Jul 1779 Antonie Gfn von Waldburg-Zeil-Wurzach (Wurzach 6 Jun 1753-Vienna 25 Oct 1814)
1a) Luise Juliane Konstantine (Maastricht 1 Nov 1774-Glogau 7 May 1846); m.1806 Ludwig Frhr Heer von der Burg (16 Dec 1776-13 Oct 1833)
1c) Friederike Wilhelmine Elisabeth 1861-12 Nov 1943); m.3d Berlin 14 May 1892 Katharina Billig (Dresden 18 Jul 1869- Liegnitz 21 Jan 1934)
1d) Friedrich-Wilhelm Leopold Constantin (Schlesisch-Nettkow 29 Mar 1886-Charleville 23 Jul 1916) 2d) Albrecht Joachim Paul (Schlesisch-Nettkow 19 Sep 1887-Wiesbaden 18 Jun 1903) Note: I have received the following communication from a correspondent: "My uncle Ferdinand Paphazy was born in 1898.His brother Josef (my father) in 1900. Their father Ivan P and mother Margit. Around 1922-23 Ferdinands wallet was stolen together with other articles.It was not until 1932 that a certain Ursula presented at the family home,claiming to be Ferdinand's widow.She was very disturbed and destitute.The real story emerged and the thief had impersonated my uncle.I understand that Ursula died in a mental institution.Ferdinand was a lawyer ,married with no offspring and he died in1952 in Budapest. I hope this helps so that an inaccuracy may not be perpetuated. John Paphazy, Melbourne, Australia." A subsequent communication from John Paphazy explained that his mother remembered that it was Ferdinand's passport which had been stolen.

86. Bernard Bolzano
Fels, H. bernhard bolzano, sein Leben und sein Werk Leipzig, 1929. 4. Sebestik,J. Logique et mathématique chez Bernard bolzano. Paris, 1992.
Bernard Bolzano
Narozen: 5. øíjna 1781 v Praze
Zemøel: 18. prosince 1848 v Praze
Bernard Bolzano vystudoval piaristické gymnázim v Praze, které ukonèil s výborným prospìchem roku 1796. Poté se vìnoval studiu matematiky a logiky v tøíleté filozofické pøípravce, kde pøedná¹el S. Vydra . ©kolní rok 1799-1800 soukromì studoval zejméne matematiku a filozofii a souèasnì nav¹tìvoval pøedná¹ky prvního a druhého roèníku na Filozofické fakultì Karlo-Ferdinandovy univerzity, a to zejména pøedná¹ky matematika F. J. Gerstnera . Pøes obrovský zájem o matematiku a filozofii se po uplynutí tohoto roku rozhodl pro studium teologie. Na podzim roku 1804 se Bernard Bolzano ucházel o místo profesora matematiky na pra¾ské univerzitì, které se uvolnilo odchodem S. Vydry do penze. Pøesto¾e pøi konkurzní zkou¹ce, která byla na místo vypsána, obstál velmi dobøe, byl tento post udìlen star¹ímu uchazeèi, L. Janderovi . Bernard Bolzano se stal knìzem a na univerzitu nastoupil o rok pozdìji, v roce 1805, kdy pøijal místo univerzitního uèitele nábo¾enství. V tém¾e roce získal i titul doktora filozofie. V roce 1819 mu bylo znemo¾nìno uèit a rok poté byl z uèitelského úøadu z rozhodnutí císaøe pro své reformátorské názory nakonec suspendován. Od roku 1820 tedy ¾il Bolzano spí¹e v ústraní a vìnoval se, za podpory svých pøátel, pøedev¹ím své vìdecké práci. Období 1830 - 1841 strávil mimo Prahu, v Tìchobuzi na Pacovsku, kde mimo jiné napsal i svou autobiografii vìnovanou Annì Hoffmannové, která se o nìj od roku 1823 starala. Ani Bolzanùv odchod z univerzity v¹ak neznamenal konec jeho stíhání pro názory, které mìly odezvu hlavnì v øadách studentù. Proces, který proti Bolzanovy vedla církevní vy¹etøovací komise, se vlekl a¾ do roku 1828. V letech 1841 -1848 se Bernard Bolzano jako sekretáø podílel na práci pro Královskou èeskou spoleènost nauk, kde hojnì pøispíval svými pøedná¹kami. A v tomto období vznikla i øada jeho matematických pojednání.

87. Information
bolzano, bernhard 1781–1848 Böhmisk filosof, logiker, matematiker ochreligionsforskare. Bonaventura (Giovanni di Fidanza) ca 1217–1274

A B C ... Z
B Baader, Franz von 1765–1841
Tysk filosof och teolog. Bachelard, Gaston 1884–1962
Fransk filosof. Bacon, Francis 1561–1626
Engelsk filosof, essäist och statsman. Betraktas ofta som grundaren av den engelska empirismen. Bacon, Roger ca 1215/20–1292/5
Engelsk filosof, utbildad och aktiv som lärare i Paris och Oxford, från ca 1255 franciskan. Skolastiker. Bakunin, Michail 1814–1876
Bar-Hillel, Yehoshua 1915–1975
Israelisk filosof och lingvist. Barth, Karl 1886–1968
Tysk-schweizisk teolog. Barthes, Roland 1915–1980 Fransk litteraturvetare och essäist. Bataille, Georges 1897–1962 Fransk filosof och författare, bibliotekarie vid Bibliothèque nationale i Paris. Bauer, Bruno 1809–1882

88. Il Teorema Di Bolzano
Translate this page bernhard bolzano (1781-1848) ne diede peraltro una dimostrazione rigorosa mapiuttosto complessa che qui tralasciamo.
ScriviLogo("../") ScriviBarra("../") Il teorema di Bolzano Una funzione f(x) continua in un intervallo [a, b] all'interno del quale assume valori negativi per almeno un e positivi per almeno un altro , deve annullarsi per almeno un in [a, b]. Il teorema di Bolzano appartiene a quella famiglia di teoremi che possono apparire tanto ovvi da non richiedere dimostrazione. Bernhard Bolzano (1781-1848) ne diede peraltro una dimostrazione rigorosa ma piuttosto complessa che qui tralasciamo. ricerca degli zeri di una funzione ScriviCoda('../')

89. ALBERTO COTO Calculista Record Guinness
bernhard bolzano. bolzano fue un matemático yfilósofo checo, de padre italiano. En 1.800 inició estudios teológicos poco
ALBERTO COTO Calculista Record Guinness La Calculadora Humana INICIO GRANDES MATEMÁTICOS BERNHARD BOLZANO Bolzano fue un matemático y filósofo checo, de padre italiano. En 1.800 inició estudios teológicos poco después se ordena sacerdote católico, y actúa desde 1.805 en la Univ. de Praga como profesor de Filosofía de la religión, cátedra de la que es depuesto en 1.819 por su tendencia de librepensador. En su preocupación científica podemos distinguir dos aspectos: uno ético-religioso, por el que fue principalmente conocido en su tiempo; y otro lógico-matemático, aunque en este último sus escritos pasaron inadvertidos y sólo más tarde se reconoció que con sus ideas se había adelantado a grandes matemáticos analistas de su siglo, como A. L. Cauchy , al que se anticipó en sus conceptos sobre las funciones continuas y la demostración de la existencia de funciones continuas sin derivadas y G. F. Cantor , al que se adelantó en conceptos que aparecen en su obra póstuma sobre las Paradojas del infinito Bolzano concibió la matemática como una doctrina formal a priori de los objetos, quedó conectada estrechamente la lógica a la matemática.

90. Ünlü Matematikçiler...
bernhard bolzano, Çekoslovakya nin Prag kentinde 5 Ekim 1781 günü dogdu. Babasi birItalyan göçmeni ve küçük bir esnafti. Annesi de, Prag da madeni esya



Baire (1874 - 1932) Rene Baire, 1874 yýlýnda Paris'te doðdu. Ecole Normal Superieure'de öðrenimini tamamladý. Daha sonra Dijon Fen Fakültesinin matematik analiz derslerini okuttu. Kendisi gibi Fransýz matematikçileri olan Henri Poincare, Emil Borel ve Henri Lebesgue ile beraber gerçel deðiþkenli fonksiyonlar üzerinde yeni çýðýrlar açtý. Gerçel analiz üzerinde çok deðerli kitaplar yazdý. Baire sýnýflarý oldukça Ünlüdür. 1932 yýlýnda Chaber'de öldü.
Bernoulli'ler "Bu adamlar þüphesiz birçok þeyler baþarmýþlar ve seçtikleri hedefe en iyi bir biçimde varmýþlardýr" diyen Jean Bernoulli, Bernoulli ailesinin neler yaptýklarýný belirtmek istemektedir.
Üstün zekalý soylarýnýn geçmiþleri uzun uzun genetikçiler tarafýndan incelenmiþtir. Son olarak, Mendel kanunlarýyla kalýtsal özelliklerin sonuçlarý matematiksel ifadelere baðlanmýþtýr. Yine bu incelemelere göre, üstün zekalý kimseler istenerek veya bilinmeyen terslikler yüzünden yardým görmezse onlarýn da yok olup gitmeleri çok kolaydýr. Buna en iyi örnekler matematik tarihinde görülür. Bunlar da Bernoulli ailesidir. Üç veya dört nesilde sekiz on tane üstün zekalý matematikçi veren Bernoulli ailesi incelemeye deðer. Yalnýz bir noktayý daha belirtmede yarar vardýr. Evde piyano yoksa, bu evden Chopen veya Motzart'ýn çýkmasý beklenemez. Bu nedenle, dahi kimselerin ortam bulup filizlerini sürmesi koþulu ilk planda gelir. Yoksa yeþeremez. Matematik dýþýnda belki de bambaþka bir insan olurlar.

91. Köpfe - Bernhard Bolzano
bolzano-Prozesses , der6 Jahre dauern wird. 1820 bis 1830

92. Universalia@línea
Translate this page cuando el sacerdote y matemático bernhard bolzano (1781 – 1848), influenciadopor los trabajos de Eudoxio y Galileo, vislumbró nuevas luces sobre la
Luis Eduardo Zamudio S
Jorge Luis Borges, El Aleph. E
infinito actual
infinito potencial
infinito potencia infinito actual
But concerning your proof, I protest above all against the use of an infinite quantity [ ] as a completed one, which in mathematics is never allowed. The infinite is only a , in which one properly speaks of limits. (2)
correspondencia uno-a-uno
funciones biyectivas
Nuevos ensayos sobre el entendimiento
[infinito potencial], pero no el infinito absoluto discretos Paradojas del Infinito . Por lo tanto, la cardinalidad del continuum el continuum cardinal transfinito , digamos , superior a Cantor not only found encouragement and support from his faith in God, but he also believed that he was destined to put that knowledge into service for the greater understanding of God and nature. (11) Big Bang Big Bang describen la realidad, entre otras razones porque son creadas

93. Bolzano
Biography from MacTutor History of Mathematics Archive.
Bernard Placidus Johann Nepomuk Bolzano
Born: 5 Oct 1781 in Prague, Bohemia, Austrian Habsburg domain (now Czech Republic)
Died: 18 Dec 1848 in Prague, Bohemia (now Czech Republic)
Click the picture above
to see three larger pictures Show birthplace location Previous (Chronologically) Next Biographies Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Main index
Version for printing
Bernard Bolzano was a Czech philosopher, mathematician, and theologian who made significant contributions to both mathematics and the theory of knowledge. Bolzano entered the Philosophy Faculty of the University of Prague in 1796, studying philosophy and mathematics. Bolzano wrote My special pleasure in mathematics rested therefore particularly on its purely speculative parts, in other words I prized only that part of mathematics which was at the same time philosophy. In the autumn of 1800 he began 3 years of theological study. While pursuing his theological studies he prepared a doctoral thesis on geometry. He received his doctorate in 1804 writing a thesis giving his view of mathematics, and what constitutes a correct mathematical proof. In the preface he wrote:- I could not be satisfied with a completely strict proof if it were not derived from concepts which the thesis to be proved contained, but rather made use of some fortuitous, alien, intermediate concept, which is always an erroneous transition to another kind.

94. Bolzano Portraits
Portraits of Bernard bolzano. The URL of this page is, © Copyright information.http//
Bernard Bolzano
A bigger picture JOC/EFR August 2005 The URL of this page is:

95. Monuments On Mathematicians / Commemorative Plaque For Bernard Bolzano
Translate this page Gedenktafel für Bernard bolzano in Prag (Tschechien) / Here lived and diedBernhard bolzano, outstanding mathematician and philosopher

Commemorative plaque for Bernard Bolzano in Prague (Czechia)
Die oben wiedergegebene Gedenktafel ist Bernard Placidus Johann Nepomuk Bolzano diesem Verweis zu finden. Hier lebte und verstarb Bernard Bolzano, hervorragender Mathematiker und Philosoph Das Foto wurde im Mai 2002 von meinem Kollegen Andreas Saremba aufgenommen. The plaque, which is shown by the picture at the top of this page, is devoted to Bernard Placidus Johann Nepomuk Bolzano link , but the information is provided in German and Czech only. The contents of the text (without the dates of birth and death) may be translated as follows: Here lived and died Bernhard Bolzano, outstanding mathematician and philosopher The photograph has been taken in May 2002 by my colleague Andreas Saremba Back to the main page Created by W. Volk in June 2002
Last formal changes on August 13 th

96. Genealogy Of The Royal Family Of Belgium
bernhard Geminian Maria Freiherr von

97. Biographie Bernard Bolzano - Biographien Grosser Philosophen Im
Es ist ein Gesetz im Leben: Wenn sich eine Tür schließt, öffnet sich dafür eine andere.
(Andre Gide) 13 user online, im Chat, 1298 heute, 1475 gestern
Kurzbiographien grosser Philosophen Hier werden kurze Biographien grosser und bekannter Philosophen vorgestellt. Natürlich kann eine solche Liste von Philosophen niemals vollständig sein. Wenn eine bekannte Persönlichkeit der Philosophie fehlt bitten wir um eine kurze Mail - wir werden unsere Datenbank dann gerne erweitern.
Detaillierte Suche Sortiert nach: Nachname Geburtsjahr Philosoph: Abaelard Adorno Anaxagoras Aquin Arendt Aristoteles Augustinus Averroes Avicenna Bacon Benjamin Bentham Bergson Berkeley Bloch Boethius Bolzano Brentano Bruno Buber Camus Carnap Cassirer Chomsky Cicero Clairvaux Comte Condillac Condorcet Dante Deleuze Demokrit Derrida Descartes Dewey Diderot Dilthey Diogenes von Sinope Epikur Erasmus Feuerbach Feyerabend Fichte Ficino Foucault Frege Freud Gadamer Gassendi Gehlen Grotius Habermas Hartmann Hegel Heidegger Heraklit Herder Hobbes Horkheimer Hume Husserl Jacobi James Jaspers Jung Kant Kierkegaard Konfuzius Kues Lacan Leibniz Levi-Strauss Lichtenberg Locke Machiavelli Maimonides Marc Aurel Marcuse Marcuse Marx Mauthner Meister Eckhart Mendelssohn Merleau-Ponty Mill Montaigne Montesquieu Morus Nietzsche Ortega y Gasset Parmenides Pascal Peirce Platon Popper Protagoras Proudhon Pythagoras Quine Reichenbach Rickert Rorty Rosenzweig Rousseau Russell Sartre Scheler Schelling Schleiermacher Schopenhauer Seneca Smith Sokrates Spencer Spengler Spinoza Stein Thales Thomasius Voltaire Weber Weil Wittgenstein Zarathustra
Name: Bernard Bolzano

98. The Bernard Bolzano Pages
The Bernard bolzano Pages at the FAE. Homepage of the FAE bolzano Pages – Home Bernard bolzano Society bolzanoWinter Archive
The Bernard Bolzano Pages at the FAE Homepage of the FAE Bernard Bolzano Society Bolzano-Winter Archive Bolzano's Collected Works Bolzano Publication Series Projects and Conferences Links Address University of Salzburg , Franziskanergasse 1, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria Tel.: ++43/662/8044-4050
Fax: ++43/662/8044-629 E-Mail:
Bolzano's life International Bernard Bolzano Society
Bolzano-Winter Archive
Bolzano Web Pages
Links last updated: 12 July 2000
Responsible for the contents: Alexander Hieke
Page created by: Alexander Hieke/Annemarie Siegetsleitner
Last modified: 12 July 2000

99. 1801-1850 -
1849. Bei Wiohelm Braumüller.; 32 Seiten.
Faksimile-CDs (ALTES ANGEBOT) von Kant, Immanuel Lexika Vermischtes Sonderangebote ... Impressum > Kategorie: Arndt, E. M.
Grundgesetz der Natur von Diderot nebst einer Zugabe.

Leipzig, Weidmann´sche Buchhandlung. 1846.; [nicht von Diderot sondern von Morelly]; XII/404 Seiten.
Menge: Ast, Friedrich
Hauptmomente der Geschichte der Philosophie
München 1829. Bei Anton Weber.; IV/76 Seiten.
Menge: Bayrhoffer, Karl Theodor
Die Grundprobleme der Metaphysik
als Versuch ihrer Lösung dargestellt und mit einem erkenntnißtheoretisch-metaphysischen Bruchstücke herausgegeben., Marburg, bei Christian Garthe. 1835.; XVI/62/II/100 Seiten.
Menge: Beneke, F. E.
Grundlegung zur Physik der Sitten ein Gegenstück zu Kants Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten mit einem Anhange über das Wesen und die Erkenntnißgränzen der Vernunft.; Berlin und Posen. in Commission bei E. S. Mittler. 1822.; XVI/356 Seiten. Menge: Bihler, Magnus Antonius Ueber die Verwandtschaft der Poesie und Philosophie und deren Verschiedenheit.

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