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Bolzano Bernhard: more detail | |||||
61. Bolzano One of the first to attack this problem was bernhard bolzano, a Czech priest ofItalian descent who was Professor in the Philosophy of Religion at the http://www.maths.uwa.edu.au/~schultz/3M3/L26Bolzano.html | |
62. Infinite Ink bolzano, bernhard. Paradoxes of the Infinite. Translated from German by Fr.Prihonsky and furnished with a historical introduction by Donald A. Steele. http://www.ii.com/math/infinity/references/ | |
63. 1817: Information From Answers.com Rein analytischer Beweis ( pure analytical proof ) by bernhard bolzano b.Prague, (Czech Republic), October 5, 1781, d. Prague, December 18, 1848 contains http://www.answers.com/topic/1817 | |
64. The Science Bookstore - Chronology bolzano, bernhard Born 10/5/1781 Died 12/18/1848, 1781 AD. 1781 AD, Herschel, W.Binary stars William Herschel. von Bicla, Wilhelm Born 3/19/1782 http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=10 |
65. About Us - Contact Us bolzano, bernhard (17811848). Academic American Encyclopedia. 1st ed. 1980. Cousin, Victor (1792-1867). Academic American Encyclopedia. 1st ed. 1980. http://www.phil.unt.edu/faculty/vpayg.html | |
66. Matematicos FABRICATORS CompanyBorn in bolzano,Italy, bernhard Lösch has over 20 years of experience, worked inseveral architectural studios in Italy, England and Austria. http://fermat.usach.cl/histmat/html/bolz.html | |
67. Bernhard Bolzano Translate this page bernhard bolzano nasceu e morreu em Praga, Tchecoslováquia, e embora fosse padretinha idéias contrárias às da Igreja. Suas descobertas matemáticas foram http://paginas.terra.com.br/educacao/calculu/Historia/bolzano.htm | |
68. B bernhard queen juliana (the bolzano bolzano (trentino-alto adige, italy) bolzano province http://www.flag.de/FOTW/flags/keywordb.html | |
69. LUGBZ - Linux User Group Bolzano-Bozen-Bulsan Translate this page Willkommen bei LUGBZ - Linux User Group bolzano-Bozen-Bulsan die letzten 10Kommentare von bernhard.Kroess. die letzten 10 Beiträge von bernhard. http://www.lugbz.org/user.php?op=userinfo&uname=Bernhard.Kroess |
70. EpistemeLinks.com: Website Results For Philosopher Bernard Bolzano Source PhilosophyPages.com Author Garth Kemerling. Bernard bolzano. SourceMacTutor History of Mathematics. bernhard bolzano. Source Biography.com http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/Philosophers.aspx?PhilCode=Bolz |
71. Provincia Autonoma Di Bolzano - Alto Adige | Sanità | Comitato Etico Provincial Translate this page bernhard Karner, Nato a Hohenems (Austria) il 3/12/1950. Incarico di insegnamentopresso la Libera Università di bolzano per la disciplina Sociologia http://www.provincia.bz.it/sanita/bioetica/membri12_i.htm | |
72. Matemáticas En Mi Tarea 3 Translate this page bolzano, bernhard. Cantor, Georg. Cauchy, Augustin Louis. Cayley, Arthur.Dedekind, Richard. Einstein, Albert. Euclides. Euler, Leonhard. Fourier, Joseph. http://www.mitareanet.com/mates3.htm | |
73. Peter Möller - Bedeutende Personen Translate this page bolzano, bernhard (1781 - 1848). Bömischer katholischer Theologe, Philosoph undMathematiker. Ein Gegner Kants. Die Logik sei unabhängig von der Psychologie http://www.philolex.de/personen.htm | |
74. Logic And Formal Ontology In The Work Of Edmund Husserl For Husserl, as for bolzano, logic is a theory of science. for the nearlyforgotten bernhard bolzano, one of the greatest logicians of all times. http://www.formalontology.it/husserle.htm | |
75. Fvb:Bolzano, B. bolzano, b. bolzano, bernhard (17811848). - rakúsky filozof a matematik, zakladatelmatematickej logiky, reprezentant rakúskej filozofickej tradície. http://dent.ii.fmph.uniba.sk/~filit/fvb/bolzano_b.html | |
76. Greg Restall * Great Moments In Logic... bernhard bolzano (17811848). Image of bolzano bolzano was a philosopher,mathematician and logician who had important things to contribute in each of http://consequently.org/archive/2001/11/ | |
77. VEDA MATEMATIKOVÉ V HISTORII bernhard Placidus Johann Nepomuk bolzano Jirí Svrek bernhard bolzano byl významným ceským filozofem, matematikem a teologem, http://pes.internet.cz/veda/clanky/13833_0_0_0.html | |
78. The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia Of Religious Knowledge, Vol. II: Basilica - C bolzano, bernhard Bomberger, John Henry Augustus Bona, Giovanni Bonald,Louis Gabriel Ambroise, Vicomte de Bonar, Andrew Alexander Bonar, Horatius http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/encyc02.toc.html | |
79. Enciclopedia Católica bolzano, bernhard (Bernardo)Bombay Bommel, Cornelius Richard Anton van Bon Secours, Institutos de http://www.enciclopediacatolica.com/bl.htm | |
80. Oliver Faulhaber's Homepage Translate this page Banach Banachiewicz Berkeley Bernoulli Bessel al-Biruni Bolyai, F. Bolyai, J. bolzano Boskovic Buffon bolzano, bernhard (1781-1848) http://www.oliver-faulhaber.de/briefmarken/mathematik/marken_b.htm | |
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