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81. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page bolza, oskar (1857 - 1942) bolzano, Bernard (5.10.1781 - 18.12.1848) Bombelli,Rafael (1526 - 1573) Bond, Henri (um 1600 - 1678) http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html | |
82. Chapter 2 From Germany he attracted oskar bolza and Henrich Maschke , who received theirPh.D. s from Göttingen. All three men, Moore, bolza , and Maschke http://at.yorku.ca/i/a/a/b/21.dir/ch2.htm | |
83. Matematici Famosi Translate this page oskar bolza (1857-1942). Bernard bolzano (1781-1848). Nato a Praga, prete eprofessore di teologia. Ma nel 1819 fu destituito per le sue idee non ortodosse. http://felix.unife.it/Root/d-Mathematics/d-The-mathematician/t-Mathematicians-A- | |
84. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page bolza, oskar (459*) bolzano, Bernhard (790*) Bombelli, Rafael (2012) Bombieri,Enrico (801*) Bonferroni, Carlo (262*) Bonnet, Pierre (368) http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm | |
85. Seite Erstellt Mit AquaSoftware DiaShow (www.aquasoftware.de) Translate this page oskar bolza Carl Borchardt. Victor Böhmert ? Alexander Brill FrancescoBrioschi. Georg Cantor. Elie Cartan. Felice Casorati ? Michel Chasles http://www.math.uni-hamburg.de/home/grothkopf/fotos/math-ges/ | |
86. The Emergence Of Princeton As A World Center For Mathematical Research, 1896-193 period include JJ Sylvester at Johns Hopkins, R. Perrault at Johns Hopkinsand Clark, and oskar bolza and Heinrich Maschke at Clark and Chicago. http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/finding_aids/mathoral/pmcxa | |
87. A Guide To The William T. Reid Papers, 1925-1977 oskar bolza. Sufficient conditions by expansion methods for the problem of bolzain the calculus of variations. Tauberian theorem for power series, http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/utcah/00231/cah-00231.html | |
88. May 12 - Author Anniversaries George Edward WOODBERRY ( ps Two FRIENDS (2)) 1856 Andrew James BELL 1857Oskar bolza 1857 Sir, Edward Tyas COOK 1860 Sir, John BALLINGER 1861 http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/aa/may12.htm | |
89. Famous Mathematicians With AB Budan de Boislaurent Ludwig Boltzmann Farkas Bolyai Janos Bolyai oskar BolzaBernhard Bolzano Rafael Bombelli Enrico Bombieri Carlo Bonferroni Pierre Bonnet http://www.famousmathematician.com/az/mathematician_B.htm | |
90. Here Are The Names Currently [April 1999] In The Index At Http Boltzmann, Ludwig Bolyai, Janos Bolyai, Johann Bolyai, Johann von Bolyai, WolfgangBolza, oskar Bolzano, Bernard Bolzern, Paolo Bombieri, Enrico Bondi, http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/known-math/99/photos |
91. P-96-14 Translate this page Unter diesen späteren deutschen Schülern von Weierstraß war der VariationstheoretikerOskar bolza (1857-1942) wohl auch gerade deshalb einer der http://www.mathematik.hu-berlin.de/publ/pre/1996/P-96-14.html | |
92. The G. Stanley Hall Papers: Content List 18891909 Alexis Bolgar, Docent in Economics (1910- 1911), 1910-1913 OskarBolza, 1891 B1-2-5 Hall-Sanford Correspondence with Faculty Edwin G. Boring, http://www.clarku.edu/offices/library/archives/HallList.htm | |
93. © 1998-2004 Sommerfeld-Projekt. Ausgelesen Am 07. März 2004 Johanna (1874-1955) Wissenschaft Mathematik http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~Sommerfeld/BriefDat/00686.html | |
94. Ìåæäóíàðîäíûé Èíôîðìàöèîííûé Öåíòð, ýëåêòð The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.miclibrary.ru/index-ea=1&ln=1&shp=1&ea=1&ln=1&shp=1&chp=showpage&pare | |
95. Rich Intellectual Adventures Of ‘A Cubed’ Published Dickson, along with two other faculty members whom Moore had hired earlierOskarBolza and Heinrich Maschkequickly led the department into the nations http://chronicle.uchicago.edu/050714/acubed.shtml | |
96. Buecherboerse.de http://www.buecherboerse.de/privat/index.cfm?fuseaction=showEntries&idxnr=620&ka |
97. Untitled Document http://www.prandiano.com.br/html/m_aula2.htm | |
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