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21. Blaschke Biography of wilhelm blaschke (18851962) wilhelm blaschke s father was Josefblaschke who was a methmatician. Josef was professor of descriptive http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Blaschke.html | |
22. References For Blaschke Translate this page References for the biography of wilhelm blaschke. H Reichardt, wilhelmblaschke, Jahresberichte der Deutschen Mathematiker vereinigung 69 (1) (1966), http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Printref/Blaschke.html | |
23. Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek. Ångströmbiblioteket - Nyförvärv blaschke, wilhelm. Nichteuklidische Geometrie und Mechanik I, II, III. blaschke, wilhelm. Wissenschaftspflege im Ausland Rede gehalten bei der http://www.ub.uu.se/linne/ang/dec02.htm | |
24. Wilhelm Blaschke [Pictures And Photos Of] wilhelm blaschke pictures, photos, photographs, images, physics history. http://www.aip.org/history/esva/catalog/esva/Blaschke_Wilhelm.html | |
25. Gustav Herglotz [Pictures And Photos Of] , LR, Herglotz, blaschke, Klein, Poincare......Gustav Herglotz, wilhelm blaschke, Felix Klein, Henri Poincare space, http://www.aip.org/history/esva/catalog/esva/Herglotz_Gustav.html | |
26. Coxeter Library Monograph Holdings Differential Gleichungen blaschke, wilhelm Analytische Geometry blaschke, Garrett Lattice Theory blaschke, wilhelm Differential Geometrie Bonola, http://www.math.yorku.ca/Library/Collect.html | |
27. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Wilhelm Blaschke According to our current online database, wilhelm blaschke has 6 students and653 descendants. We welcome any additional information. http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=18601 |
28. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Wilhelm Blaschke If you have Mathematics Subject Classifications to submit for an entire group ofindividuals (for instance all those that worked under a particular advisor) http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/php/submit-update.php?id=18601 |
29. Elementare Differentialgeometrie (Blaschke)-Springer Differentialgeometrie Buch Translate this page Bandwerk Grundlehren math.Wissensch. blaschke,W.Vorl.Differ.(abgeschl.)blaschke, wilhelm, Leichtweiß, Kurt 5., vollst. neubearb. Aufl., 1973, X, 388 S., http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,11855,1-10046-22-1238974-0,00. | |
30. Wilhelm Eduard Weber - Definition Of Wilhelm Eduard Weber By The Free Online Dic What does wilhelm Eduard Weber mean? wilhelm Eduard Weber synonyms, wilhelm Eduard wilhelm Bendz wilhelm Biela wilhelm Bittrich wilhelm blaschke http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Wilhelm Eduard Weber | |
31. Wilhelm Kurt - Günstige Produkte Im Preisvergleich Bei Kelkoo Elementare Differentialgeometrie - blaschke , wilhelm; Leichtweiß , Kurt http://www.kelkoo.de/b/a/ss_wilhelm_kurt.html | |
32. Aus Teubner-Büchern Translate this page blaschke, wilhelm, Wenn ein Mathematiker vor einem weiteren Zuhörerkreise zusprechen blaschke, wilhelm Kreis und Kugel. Antrittsrede, gehalten am 15. http://www.weiss-leipzig.de/aus-teubner-buechern.htm | |
33. Hall Of Fame Translate this page blaschke, wilhelm, Vorlesungen über Integralgeometrie. Bliss, G. A. Variationsrechnung.Bocher, Maxime, Einführung in die höhere Algebra. http://www.weiss-leipzig.de/teubner-hall-of-fame-1845-bis-2000.htm | |
34. Mathematics At The Brno German Technical University also tried to become professors at the German Technical University in Brnofor example, Matyas Lerch, Hans Hahn, wilhelm blaschke and Emil Artin. http://www.math.muni.cz/~sisma/English/bautzen.html | |
35. Wilhelm Blaschke Krug I Shar The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://ilib.mirror0.mccme.ru/djvu/geometry/krug&shar.htm | |
36. Lexikon Wilhelm Blaschke wilhelm blaschke aus der freien http://lexikon.freenet.de/Wilhelm_Blaschke | |
37. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge blaschke, wilhelm. Treffer pro Seite blaschke,wilhelm Hrsg. - 1937 BLA CHKB, W ilhelm . blaschke, wilhelm - 1130 http://webapp.uibk.ac.at/alo/cat/?id=5004500 |
38. Wilhelm Wirtinger: Information From Answers.com sciences mathématiques pures et appliquées, 19131916. Among his students wereWilhelm blaschke, Leopold Vietoris, Erwin Schrödinger, and Kurt Gödel. http://www.answers.com/topic/wilhelm-wirtinger | |
39. Shiing-Shen Chern - Comment - Times Online Suns subject, and studied in detail the works of wilhelm blaschke. After blaschkepaid a visit to Tsinghua in 1932, Chern won a fellowship to study http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,60-1396545,00.html | |
40. The Science Bookstore - Chronology blaschke, wilhelm Born 9/13/1885, 1885 AD. Lowell, Percival Born 3/13/1885,1885 AD. 1885 AD, Hertz discovered the photoelectric effect http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/chron.asp?pg=24 |
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