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61. Calspace - Glossary Of Terms - (18971975) Norwegian meterologist (son of vilhelm bjerknes , see above).His theory of polar fronts (in collaboration with Tor Bergeron) applied the term http://calspace.ucsd.edu/virtualmuseum/Glossary_Climate/gloss_a-f.shtml | |
62. Descendants Of Morten Anundsøn Strenge bjerknes, vilhelm Frimann Koren (19011940)C. bjerknes, vilhelm Kristian (1939- )C.bjerkneseie, Anne Kirstine Olsdatter (Abt 1801-1867)P http://home.no.net/arnehol/genealogy/Lintvedt/Names10.htm | |
63. List Of Scientists By Field Translate this page bjerknes, Jacob Aall Bonnevie. bjerknes, vilhelm Frimann Koren. bjerknes, vilhelmFrimann Koren. Bjerrum, Niels Janniksen. Bjerrum, Niels Janniksen http://www.indiana.edu/~newdsb/b.html | |
64. ESA - Living Planet Programme - Norway Acknowledges CryoSat As Essential To Help In 1904, vilhelm bjerknes (18621951) first proposed the procedure known asnumerical weather forecasting and paved the way towards modern meteorology. http://www.esa.int/esaLP/SEMYYOZ990E_index_0.html | |
65. Ansattprofil vilhelm Otto bjerknes. Telefon, 55302250, Dir. telefon, 55302256 Epost,vilhelm.bjerknes@niva.no. Seksjon, Fisk og akvakultur. Stilling, Forsker http://www.niva.no/SYMFONI\ANSATT.NSF/0/578CC7ABB66ADBFE88256D2E004BC0FA?open |
66. Vilhelm Bjerknes Biography vilhelm bjerknes biography and related resources. vilhelm Friman Korenbjerknes (March 14, 1862 April 9, 1951) was a Norwegian physicist and http://www.biographybase.com/biography/Bjerknes_Vilhelm.html | |
67. Biographies Of Computer Pioneers A-J bjerknes, vilhelm; (18621951); Blumenthal, William Michael ; (1926- ); Blumlein,Alan; invented stereo sound, surround sound; Bohr, Niels http://www.thocp.net/biographies/biographies.htm | |
68. Meteorologiens Far vilhelm bjerknes fra Norge kan sies å være den moderne meteorologiens far. vilhelm bjerknes etablerte sammen med sønnen Jacob et nettverk av http://www.forskning.no/Artikler/2004/september/1094130189.79 | |
69. SFF: Ubeskjedne Klimaforskere vilhelm bjerknes gjorde seg ved 1900tallets begynnelse til talsmann for at vilhelm bjerknes (1862-1951) arbeidet ved institusjoner i flere land. http://www.forskning.no/Artikler/2002/oktober/1035803240.02 | |
70. Einstein Archives Online - Contents Of Folder 6-3 Translate this page record from archival database, 6-106.00, 10/18/1920, bjerknes, vilhelm,Einstein, Albert 6-107.00, 10/18/1920, Einstein, Albert, bjerknes, vilhelm http://www.alberteinstein.info/db/ViewFolder.do?folder=6-3 |
71. Kristine Elisabeth Heuch Bonnevie (www.whonamedit.com) After her death, Bonnevie and bjerknes had common household and vilhelm bjerknes One was used by vilhelm bjerknes, while Kristine Bonnevie stayed at the http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/1753.html | |
72. Vilhelm Bjerknes vilhelm bjerknes. http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/~jagersaa/Werkmap/Bjerknes1.html |
73. Royal Meteorological Society - Wednesday Meeting Abstracts vilhelm bjerknes introduced an extension of Kelvin s ideas on circulation vilhelm bjerknes wrote several papers on this topic, the first being in 1898. http://www.royal-met-soc.org.uk/wedabs011121.html | |
74. Images Of Mathematicians On Postage Stamps bjerknes, vilhelm. Issued by Norway on March 14, 1962, on his 100th birthdaybjerk1.jpg, bjerk2.jpg. BOLYAI, Farkas. Issued by Hungary on Feb. http://jeff560.tripod.com/ | |
75. KNMI Buys- Ballotmedaille Door De Eeuwen Heen vilhelm bjerknes Met de toekenning van de vijfde medaille, aan vilhelm tot hij als beursstudent door vilhelm bjerknes werd opgenomen in de Noorse School http://www.knmi.nl/kenniscentrum/buys_ballotmedaille_door_de_eeuwen_heen.html | |
76. EO Library: Vilhelm Bjerknes Page 2 vilhelm bjerknes. After two years as a lecturer at the Hogskola (School of A century of refinement has enabled flowering of vilhelm bjerknes ideas http://eobglossary.gsfc.nasa.gov/Library/Giants/Bjerknes/bjerknes_2.html | |
77. ARISTOTELES Translate this page vilhelm bjerknes nació en Noruega en 1862. Luego de terminada su formaciónprofesional, colabora con su padre en algunas investigaciones, pero finalmente su http://ar.geocities.com/lapaginaderionegroyneuquen/biografias/bjerknes.htm | |
78. Vilhelm Bjerknes Université Montpellier II vilhelm bjerknes Vincenzo Riccati vilhelm bjerknes (1862-1951). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=839 |
79. Prizes And Awards In Earth Sciences - CIRS vilhelm bjerknes Medal. Milutin Milankovic Medal. Hans Oeschger Medal. JuliusBartels Medal. Hannes Alfvén Medal. RuncornFlorensky Medal http://www.cirs-tm.org/awards/earthsciences/international/EuropeanGeophysSociety | |
80. El Niño Y La Niña: Un Meteorólogo Analiza El Mar Translate this page Durante la primera Guerra Mundial trabajó con su padre, vilhelm bjerknes, vilhelm bjerknes reconoció que para realizar una previsión meteorológica se http://www7.nationalacademies.org/opus/1spanish_elnino_4.html | |
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