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41. Jacob Aall Bonnevie Bjerknes, November 2, 1897July 7, 1975 | By Arnt Eliassen Jack s father, vilhelm bjerknes, began his career as a physicist working withHeinrich In 1897, the year Jack was born, his father, vilhelm bjerknes, http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/books/biomems/jbjerknes.html | |
42. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Vilhelm Bjerknes According to our current online database, vilhelm bjerknes has 1 students and1 descendants. We welcome any additional information. http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/id.phtml?id=58343 |
43. The Mathematics Genealogy Project - Update Data For Vilhelm Bjerknes If you have Mathematics Subject Classifications to submit for an entire group ofindividuals (for instance all those that worked under a particular advisor) http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/html/php/submit-update.php?id=58343 |
44. LIM: Wir über Uns: Geschichte Der Meteorologie In Leipzig Translate this page Alfred Wegener - an den Norweger vilhelm bjerknes (1862-1951), Kriegsbedingtlegte bjerknes 1917 die Leitung des Instituts nieder und folgte einem http://www.uni-leipzig.de/~meteo/ORGA/limhist.html | |
45. Jacob Bjerknes Biography vilhelm bjerknes returned to Norway in 1918 and founded a geophysical instituteat the University of Bergen, where he organized an analysis and forecasting http://www.agu.org/inside/awards/bjerknes.html | |
46. Vilhelm Bjerknes -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article vilhelm Friman Koren bjerknes (March 14, 1862 April 9, 1951) was a (A Scandinavianlanguage that is spoken in Norway) Norwegian (A scientist trained in http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/V/Vi/Vilhelm_Bjerknes.htm | |
47. Monthly Weather Review bjerknes, vilhelm, Abstract Print Version. bjerknes, vilhelm, Abstract PrintVersion. BOWIE, EDWARD H. Abstract Print Version http://ams.allenpress.com/amsonline/?request=get-author-index&issn=1520-0493&vol |
48. The Bjerknes' Circulation Theorem: A Historical Perspective vilhelm bjerknes introduced an extension of Kelvin s ideas on circulation intogeophysics. In this essay a historical perspective will be given on what has http://ams.allenpress.com/amsonline/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1175/BAMS-84-4- |
49. Arven Etter Vilhelm Bjerknes Universitetet i Bergen har mottatt den gledelige melding at Bjerknessenteret forklimaforskning har fått status som senter for fremragende forskning. http://www.bt.no/meninger/kronikk/article92098 | |
50. Great Norwegians -- Page 2 Ivar F. Andresen Carl Anton bjerknes vilhelm bjerknes Jakob bjerknes,vilhelm Frimann Koren Entry in Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. http://www.mnc.net/norway/Page2.htm | |
51. Great Norwegians Homepage (Page Two contains links to sites providing information on Carl Anton bjerknes,vilhelm bjerknes, Jakob bjerknes, Jens Bjorneboe, Ole Bull, Camilla Collett, http://www.mnc.net/norway/3d.htm | |
52. The Oliver Press vilhelm bjerknes proposed the theory of fronts and CarlGustaf Rossby revealedthe existence of jet streams. Computer models of the atmosphere were http://www.oliverpress.com/pages/me.html | |
53. METEO FRANCE - Bjerknes (Vilhelm) Translate this page Dans les années 1907 à 1910, vilhelm bjerknes établit avec Johan Wilhelm Publiée en 1919 par vilhelm et Jacob bjerknes, puis présentée par eux à Bergen http://www.meteofrance.com/FR/glossaire/designation/150_curieux_view.jsp |
54. The Oslo Players Workshop And Activity Schedule Monday, 21, January, C107, vilhelm bjerknes hus, Blindern, Auditions for WyrdSisters. Monday, 28, January, C107, vilhelm bjerknes hus, Blindern http://www.osloplayers.no/workshops.spring2002.html |
55. The Oslo Players Workshop And Activity Schedule Monday, 20, August, C107, vilhelm bjerknes hus, Blindern, Welcome back workshop.Monday, 27, August, C107, vilhelm bjerknes hus, Blindern http://www.osloplayers.no/workshops.autumn2001.html |
56. Biografia De Bjerknes, Vilhelm Frimann Koren Translate this page bjerknes, vilhelm Frimann Koren. (1862-1951) Físico y meteorólogo noruego, n.y m. en Oslo, en cuya Universidad estudió. Su teoría de la resonancia http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/b/bjerknes_vilhelm.htm | |
57. Fysikkåret 2005 - Portrett vilhelm bjerknes var en gigant i internasjonal fysikk og geofysikk. Sammen medsine assistenter utviklet vilhelm bjerknes værvarsling fra en tilfeldig http://www.fysikk2005.no/portrett/?portrett=04 |
58. NRK.no - P2-akademiet For hundre år siden, i januar 1904, publiserte vilhelm bjerknes en kort Da vilhelm bjerknes skrev sin artikkel, fantes det ikke observasjoner for en http://www.nrk.no/programmer/radio/p2_akademiet/3464396.html | |
59. AIP Niels Bohr Library bjerknes, V. (vilhelm), 1862. Subjects. Dynamic meteorology. Oceanography.Browse Catalog. by author. bjerknes, V. (vilhelm), 1862-. by title http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/26002.html | |
60. AIP Niels Bohr Library bjerknes, V. (vilhelm), 1862. by title. Fields of force; sup deliveredDecember 1 to 23, 1905 microform / by vilhelm Friman Koren bjerknes http://www.aip.org/history/catalog/26001.html | |
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