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81. BookHq: Numerical Solution Of Elliptic Equations By Garrett D. Birkhoff ( 089871 by garrett D. birkhoff Editionn/a Pages82 Book FormatSoftcover Tex ISBN0898710014 Date Published06/1971 PublisherSociety for Industrial Applied http://www.bookhq.com/compare/0898710014.html | |
82. Birkhoff, George David -- Encyclopædia Britannica garrett birkhoff University of St.Andrews, Scotland Biographical sketch of this American mathematician. George s Page Brock University http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9015375 | |
83. Garrett, Pat -- Encyclopædia Britannica garrett birkhoff University of St.Andrews, Scotland Biographical sketch of this American mathematician. Pat Graney USbased group engaged in staging http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=9036116 |
84. Pure It was garrett birkhoff s work in the mid thirties that started the general development of the lattice theory. In a brilliant series of papers, http://www.library.tuiasi.ro/ipm/vol15no14/pure.html | |
85. Yamada Translate this page birkhoff, garrett. Lattice theory. Rev. ed. New York, American Mathematical Society, 1948. birkhoff, garrett. A survey of modern algebra, by garrett http://www.lib.hit-u.ac.jp/service/bunko/yamada.htm | |
86. SIAM: George David Birkhoff Prize The original funds for the birkhoff prize were donated by the birkhoff family. 1978 garrett birkhoff, Mark Kac, and Clifford A. Truesdell http://www.siam.org/prizes/sponsored/birkhoff.php | |
87. SULAIR: Mathematical & Computer Sciences Library: The Undergraduate Collection TITLE A survey of modern algebra by garrett birkhoff and Saunders MacLane. IMPRINT New York, Macmillan 1965 CALL NO. QA162 .B57 1965 http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/mathcs/collections/undergraduate.html | |
88. Honorary Doctor Degrees FIEE, FBCS, Dr. hc mult., Professor emeritus of Computer Technology an der Universität Cambridge, England; 1986 birkhoff, garrett *1913 +1996 Prof. http://www.mathematik.tu-muenchen.de/fak/hc/ | |
89. References 2 garrett birkhoff, Universal algebra, Canad. Math. Congress Proc., 1946. 3 garrett birkhoff, The rise of modern algebra to 1936, Graduate Studies, no.13, http://www.maths.utas.edu.au/People/dfs/Papers/GrassmannUAlgpaper/node5.html | |
90. Zoeken De Van Stockum Internetboekwinkel Met 1.500.000 Leverbare A Survey Of Modern Algebra, birkhoff, garrett/ Mac Lane, Saunders, Engels, Gebonden, 59.80. A Yellowstone Reader, Saunders, Richard L. (EDT), Engels http://www.vanstockum.nl/search.php?type=2&genre=-1&mediatype=&searched=2&auteur |
91. Birkhoff, Garrett/ Mac Lane, Saunders - A Survey Of Modern Algebra birkhoff, garrett/ Mac Lane, Saunders A Survey Of Modern Algebra. Beschrijving niet beschikbaar. Auteur, birkhoff, garrett/ Mac Lane, Saunders http://www.vanstockum.nl/product.php?id=2337242 |
92. Editions Jacques Gabay - MacLANE Et BIRKHOFF : Algèbre Translate this page Préface de Saunders MacLane et garrett birkhoff Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1972. Partie II Algèbre linéaire par D. ALLOUCH, Alain MEZARD, J.-C. VAILLANT et J. http://www.gabay.com/sources/Liste_Fiche.asp?CV=131 |
93. Bibliography birkhoff, garrett, 19111996, Selected papers on algebra and topology / edited by Gian-Garlo Rota, Joseph S. Oliveira, Boston, Birkhauser, 1987 http://www.library.cornell.edu/math/bibliography/display.cgi?start=B& |
94. Stephen Wolfram: A New Kind Of Science -- Relevant Books birkhoff, garrett A Source Book in Classical Analysis birkhoff, garrett Saunders Mac Lane A Survey of Modern Algebra AK Peters, 1977. http://www.wolframscience.com/reference/books/b.html | |
95. House Monotone Apportionment Schemes -- Birkhoff 73 (3): 684 -- Proceedings Of T garrett birkhoff. An empirical comparison is given of two schemes of Congressional apportionment Huntington s generally accepted Equal Proportion scheme, http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/73/3/684 | |
96. Multivariate Approximation By Locally Blended Univariate Interpolants -- Birkhof garrett birkhoff, James C. Cavendish, and William J. Gordon. A method is given for constructing simple new ``finite elements that seem wellsuited to http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/abstract/71/9/3423 | |
97. BISSCAT Suchergebnis birkhoff, garrett, 1968; Algebra Mac Lane, Saunders; birkhoff, garrett, 1967 http://www.biss.belwue.de/cgi-bin/wwwolix.cgi?opacdb=DB_UBS&si=2H5066 |
98. TRANSPORT BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATABASE % % This File Contains U45~ 4 } @INCOLLECTION{ birkhoff61, AUTHOR = garrett birkhoff , TITLE = Positivity and Criticality , BOOKTITLE = Nuclear Reactor Theory. http://ima.udg.es/~frederic/ResearchInterest/bib/transport.bib |
99. Birkhoff birkhoff s paper contains many partial results. For example For A of type (6,4,2), the number of isomorphism classes of pairs (A,B) tends to infinity with http://www.mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de/~ringel/puzzle/puzzle02/birkhoff.htm | |
100. Interrogation AUTEUR:2288 http://www.loria.fr/cgi-bin/DorisWeb/bibrebond?AUTEUR:2288 |
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